Miłosierdzie drogą do świętości według św. Faustyny




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie


The sanctity of mercy focuses on desire and longing existed in human depth, of which fulfilling is searched in Divine Mercy. The consequence of such searching is the receiving the mystical unity with God. The ties of merciful love in the process of human sanctification human, arising and developing as a grant from God, beams in works of mercy. Formation to merciful attitude and by mercy lets Christian reach holiness emanating merciful love to everyone. In the holiness understood in this way we can deal with the experience of Divine Mercy. Fruit of this is full spiritual life, so mercy is a way to achieving the holiness. That is why, we can come down holiness to words: merciful love. The way to holiness is the experiencing Divine Mercy, which should make the spirit of mercy in Christian. St. Faustine is an example of deep mystical life and her advice and description of personal experience of Divine Mercy is a „guide book” for those who want to achieve the holiness by practising of all ways of mercy. Saint woman in her Diary shows on her example both development of personal holiness up to reaching the spiritual nuptials in merciful love, and realising the ways of mercy springing from God’s merciful love.


Słowa kluczowe

miłosierdzie, miłość, Faustyna Kowalska, świętość, uczynki miłosierdzia, duchowość, życie duchowe, ufność, zjednoczenie z Bogiem, walka duchowa, wola, wola Boża, mercy, love, Faustina Kowalska, sanctity, works of mercy, spirituality, spiritual life, confidence, union with God, spiritual struggle, will, God’s will, doświadczenie mistyczne, mystical experience


Veritati et Caritati, 2015, T. 5, s. 101-117.


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