Godność kobiety w islamie. Troska czy zniewolenie?




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Instytut Teologiczny Diecezji Ełckiej


It is not necessary to convince anybody that in today’s Europe live many Muslims. It’s common knowledge that mutual relations between Christians and Muslims have not shaped up well up till now. History remembers conquests, crusades, wicked polemics, prejudices, misunderstandings, fears and intolerance. The Muslims will not forget so easy St. John Kapistran and the battle of Lepanto. The Christians have still in memory extending for centuries recovering of The Iberian Peninsula, the battle of Poitiers and Kahlenberg. Within last time we often listen to, read and see how difficult is for people of different culture and religion to find their place in the society. We all remember an affair of no wearing scarf by Muslim girls in France or a case of shariat (sari'ah) in Canada. Many people of each year go away from the Catholic Church and accept belief of Muhammad. Most of them are women. Justified question is born: What is a dignity of woman in Islam? Desire of becoming a Muslim that is last and the least probable temptation for somebody who is true Christian, who gave his life to Jesus, who is delighted with enjoy of belonging to The Saint Catholic Church, who knows that he has been called to participate in praiseworthy lot of Crossed and Resurrected and to make intimate contact with the Holy Trinity, who recognized that all-embracing principle of his action is evangelic law of love. The Christianity is better religion than Islam. It is non comparable religion. Non comparable that’s why that the Christianity is not only a religion, but something what refers to the whole person, and something what over idolizes this person. It is not ordinary transfer of ideas, set of rules, ritual practice. It is total transformation of human reality which gradually identify with the Christ, for in Him all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form (Col 2,9) and who is compendium of truth, justice and beauty. Islam does not arouse a fear in us. We do not feel like doing religious rivalry. A reason of our concern are those among us who unfortunately did not experience God’s Gift, and they are not accompanied by feeling of existence weakness. Islam violates a woman, does not perceive her dignity as a human person, deprives her of basic rights belonging to every human being.


Słowa kluczowe

islam, kobieta, woman, godność, dignity, godność kobiety, dignity of woman, troska, care, zniewolenie, enslavement, godność człowieka, human dignity, prawa człowieka, human rights, małżeństwo, marriage, małżeństwa mieszane, mixed marriages, mężczyzna, man, uprzywilejowanie mężczyzn, privileging of men, muzułmanki, Muslim women, Koran, Quran


Ełckie Studia Teologiczne, 2005, T. 6, s. 421-251.


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