Ocena etyczna gender

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Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej


In this article, the author attempts to assess gender ideology from the perspective of human identity. To begin with, a definition of identity is given, then the three types of identity and the development of morality in man are presented. Then, the issue of gender is raised and its relationship to biological conditions, and the answer to the question how gender shapes the human being, and then sexual norms and sexual pathologies are presented. Finally, the author assesses gender from the perspective of anthropology. The issue of the social roles of men and women, marriage and theology of the body are also discussed.



gender, etyka, moralność, ethics, morality, ocena etyczna, ethical evaluation, tożsamość, identity, tożsamość jednostkowa, individual identity, tożsamość kulturowa, cultural identity, tożsamość społeczna, social identity, człowiek, human, seksualność, sexuality, biologia, biology, rozwój, development, rozwój psychoseksualny, norma seksualna, sexual norm, patologie seksualne, sexual pathologies, zachowania patologiczne, pathological behaviour, kobieta, woman, mężczyzna, man, rola społeczna, teologia, theology, teologia ciała, ciało, body, antropologia, anthropology, katolicyzm, Catholicism, płeć, sex, małżeństwo, marriage, social role


Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2015, t. 11, s. 11-30.


Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland