Czy w homilii jest miejsce na politykę?
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
The article undertakes an attempt of answering the question whether there is a place for politics in homily? The author starts with defining terms: homily and politics. In his reasoning he refers to the teaching of the Church. Politics in its strict meaning, which embraces struggling for power and exercising authority, or opting for any political party, can not be present in homilies. In its wide sense, however, as the concern for the common good, politics is fully implementable in homily. This also results from the definition of homily, which should actualize the word of God in the current human existence. Naturally, this requires a mature approach to the matter. The author sees a problem not so much in the possible preaching of socio-political affairs, as to its manner of communication, language and tone.
Słowa kluczowe
politics, homily, liturgy, Roman Catholic Church, polityka, homilia, liturgia, Kościół rzymskokatolicki, homiletyka, homiletics, kazania, sermons
Studia Ełckie, 2012, T. 14, s. 469-484.
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