Post w tradycji biblijnej i talmudycznej
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Wydawnictwo Pallottinum
Post jest rytualnym elementem judaizmu, ale jego znaczenie było przedmiotem istotnych ewolucji i zmian. Z wyjątkiem Dnia Pojednania (Jom Kippur) post nigdy nie odgrywał kluczowej roli w żydowskiej liturgii publicznej, ale pozostał związany z indywidualnymi praktykami, często kwestionowanymi przez rabinów. Wydaj e się, że dwa powody doprowadziły judaizm do ograniczenia postu do Dnia Pojednania i do odsunięcia postu osobistego: odrzucenie postu, któremu nie towarzyszy zmiana życia na lepsze i przejście od postu błagania do postu prorockiego. Chrześcijaństwo zachowało biblijną tradycję praktykowania postu, tak powszechną we wszystkich religiach. Ale krytyka przytoczona w Nowym Testamencie, poczynając od Jezusa, odwróciła sens postu: chodzi mniej o umartwienie i błaganie, bardziej o przygotowanie do „walki duchowej” i uroczyste obchodzenie Wielkanocny. Szybko do tego aspektu wynikającego z indywidualnej pobożności dołączył wymiar dzielenia się z ubogimi.
Fasting is a ritual element of Judaism, but its meaning has been subject to significant evolution and change. With the exception of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) a fast had never played a key role in the public Jewish liturgy, but had been associated with the individual pious practice, often challenged by the rabbis. It seems that two reasons led Judaism to reduce fasting to the Day of Atonement and to relegate personal fasting: rejection of the fast which was not accompanied by a change of life for the better and a move from supplication fasting to prophetic. Christian tradition has preserved the biblical practice of fasting, so common in all religions. But the criticism quoted in the New Testament, starting with Jesus, has changed the meaning of fasting: it is less to mortify and supplicate, and more to prepare for the «spiritual warfare» and for solemn celebration of Easter. This aspect resulting from individual piety was soon accompanied by the dimension of sharing with the poor.
Fasting is a ritual element of Judaism, but its meaning has been subject to significant evolution and change. With the exception of the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) a fast had never played a key role in the public Jewish liturgy, but had been associated with the individual pious practice, often challenged by the rabbis. It seems that two reasons led Judaism to reduce fasting to the Day of Atonement and to relegate personal fasting: rejection of the fast which was not accompanied by a change of life for the better and a move from supplication fasting to prophetic. Christian tradition has preserved the biblical practice of fasting, so common in all religions. But the criticism quoted in the New Testament, starting with Jesus, has changed the meaning of fasting: it is less to mortify and supplicate, and more to prepare for the «spiritual warfare» and for solemn celebration of Easter. This aspect resulting from individual piety was soon accompanied by the dimension of sharing with the poor.
Tłumaczenie Małgorzata Osińska.
Słowa kluczowe
Biblia, judaizm, post, Talmud, Bible, Judaism, fast, Pismo Święte, tradycja, tradition, tradycja biblijna, biblical tradition, tradycja talmudyczna, talmudic tradition
Communio, 2014, R. 34, nr 4 (188), s. 15-23.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland