Święta Jadwiga Królowa w wypowiedziach i staraniach Karola kard. Wojtyły – Jana Pawła II (4 IX 1959 – 8 V 2003)




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


In the light of John Paul II's statements, St. Queen Jadwiga is a genuine example of Christian humanism. She points the values which shaped her personality and without which our country or continent cannot preserve their identity. Her example is still up-to-date. Our future depends on whether we will be able to understand fully the mystery of her greatness and replant it in our lives, whether we will follow the way of this spiritual greatness which Jadwiga showed us. She is dear to us because of her sainthood. She gave a new dimension to our history, to the history of our nation and country, the history of the Church and Christianity, the history of Christian and Polish culture, the history of man's spiritual development. This was also the reason why the Cracow Shephard and Guardian of her relics in the Wawel Cathedral was exceptionally involved in bringing St. Queen Jadwiga to the glory of the altar.


Słowa kluczowe

Jadwiga Andegaweńska, święci, Jan Paweł II, Karol Wojtyła, papieże, kardynałowie, kult, kult świętych, kanonizacja, proces kanonizacyjny, przemówienia, archiwa, źródła historyczne, kazania, saints, John Paul II, popes, cardinals, cult, cult of saints, canonisation, canonisation process, speeches, archives, historical sources, sermons, duchowieństwo, clergy, priesthood, kapłani


Polonia Sacra, 2003, R. 7 (25), Nr 13 (57), s. 40-65.


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