Argumenty za i przeciw pierwszeństwu Ewangelii Marka




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Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska


The scholars who accept priority of Mk base generally on five arguments: (1) near whole the material of Mk is found in Matt; (2) the composition of the synoptic gospels is very similar; (3) in some fragments of the synoptic gospels the order of the pericopes is the same, and where it is different, one of the synoptics accords with Mk; (4) the language and style in Mk is simple one; (5) the content of some pericopes. However against these arguments there are other arguments. Ad 1) Twenty-eight of Markan verses do not found in others synoptics. Ad 2) Similar composition of the synoptic gospels from the account of the baptism of Jesus not must point at the priority of Mk. It is probable that Mark removed two first chapters of the Matthean gospel because of account of the birth of Jesus did not fit to his conception of the gospel as the apostles' testimony about Jesus. Ad 3) The order of the pericopes in the synoptic gospels can be explained in three ways. Ad 4) There are fragments in Mk where Mark evidently corrected the Matthean text. Ad 5) There are in Mk some fragments more developed than in Matt, for example: Mk 7,24-30. Against the priority of Mk shows the fact that some redactional characteristics of Mk did not found in Matt neither in Łk but the characteristics of the language of Matt and Łk are found in Mk.


Słowa kluczowe

Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, Ewangelia, Ewangelia według św. Marka, Mk, Kościół, Tradycja, pierwszeństwo Ewangelii, pierwszeństwo Ewangelii według św. Marka, Ewangelie synoptyczne, perykopa, Bible, New Testament, Gospel, Gospel of Mark, Church, Tradition, primacy of the Gospel, primacy of Mark's Gospel, synoptic Gospels, pericope


Studia Gdańskie, 2000, T. 13, s. 37-48.


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