Problem przedewangelicznego opowiadania o Męce




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Szczecińskie Wydawnictwo Archidiecezjalne „Ottonianum"


In regard for the narratives of Jesus’ Passion in the Synoptic Gospels are similar each other and in the same time they slightly differ between them, a lot of the recent scholars argue that there was a short narrative of Jesus’ Passion before the oldest Gospel narrative of this kind, that was the source for all the Synoptics. According to them the closest one of this pre-evangelical would be the narrative in the Mark’s Gospel. After having showed the history of the hypothesis of pre-evangelical Jesus’ Passion narrative (part 1) I consider the arguments for the developing of the tradition of the Passion narratives which are based on the NT texts out of the Gospels (part 2) and then all the criterion to distinguish of pre-evangelical sources in the Passion narrative in the Mark used by scholars (part 3). I come to the conclusion that there are no evidences the Passion narrative in the Mark’s Gospel is developed from a primordial pre-evangelical narrative. Diversity in the material and composition between the Synoptic Gospels are not the sign of the developing of the narrative, they only show the diversity of the conceptions of this narrative assumed by each of the Synoptics. All the differences in the Passion narratives in the Synoptic Gospels can be pointed out as the redactional ones.


Autor streszczenia: Andrzej Kowalczyk.

Słowa kluczowe

Ewangelia, Męka Pańska, ukrzyżowanie, ukrzyżowanie Chrystusa, Jezus Chrystus, śmierć na krzyżu, droga krzyżowa, grób Chrystusa, śmierć, Pascha, zdrada, Eucharystia, Passion, gospel, Nowy Testament, Eucharist, crucifixion, death, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Bible, New Testament, Jesus Christ, tomb of Christ, Misterium Paschalne, Paschal Mystery, treachery, biblistyka, biblical studies, Stations of the Cross, crucifixion of Christ


Szczecińskie Studia Kościelne, 1994, nr 5, s. 17-27.


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