Wiara podstawowym dynamizmem moralnym osoby
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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
In a moral apprehension the faith has got a personal character. The development of person is a dynamic process. It incudes an intelectual heritage wherein it realizes itself as well as constant internal dispositions what comes from the nature of human person. The theological tradition is a retlection on a biblical understanding of the faith that apprehends it as a reply to the God's vocation. That reply is firstly realized within an observation of the Decalogue, then it has got a heteronomical character, and along the development of personality it nextly enters an internal structure of the human subject, where it receives features of the autonomical morality. It is realized within a transition from the morality of Decalogue to the morality of Beatitudes. The mature faith is an attitude of the entire person and her life, and as such it becomes a fundamental moral dynamism of the human person.
Słowa kluczowe
wiara, moralność, dynamizm, dynamizm moralny, osoba, dynamizm moralny osoby, wolność, faith, morality, dynamism, moral dynamism, person, moral dynamism of the person, freedom
Verbum Vitae, 2004, T. 5, s. 187-203.
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