Człowiek mieszkaniem Trójcy Świętej. Refleksja na podstawie doświadczenia duchowego siostry Roberty Babiak




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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


The mystery of the Holy Trinity is not only the most profound truth in the Christian faith, but also the foundation of Christian spiritual life. This life in its essence appears as participation in the life of God Himself – of the Holy Trinity. The present article is an illustration of its kind of this truth; the illustration is based on Sister Roberta Babiak’s spiritual experience. Sister Roberta Babiak is a Polish mystic who lived in the first half of the 20th century. She experienced the presence of the Holy Trinity, especially while receiving the Eucharist. Receiving the Eucharist Christ was for her entering a direct salutary relation with the Holy Trinity, as result of which she participated in a peculiar exchange of love between her and God. In Sister Roberta’s life, in her unification with God perceived as the Trinity, also theological virtues played an important role. From the possibility of the Holy Trinity taking up residence in man his supernatural dignity results; and the very presence of Triune God in him contributes to his divinization.


Summary translated by / Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Tadeusz Karłowicz.

Słowa kluczowe

Trójca Święta, zjednoczenie, zjednoczenie z Bogiem, mistyka, Eucharystia, cnoty teologalne, dusza, obraz, podobieństwo, przebóstwienie, przemienienie, człowiek, doświadczenie duchowe, Roberta Zofia Babiak, sługi Boże, zakonnice, Zgromadzenie Sióstr Służebniczek Najświętszej Maryi Panny Niepokalanie Poczętej, cnoty, żeńskie zgromadzenia zakonne, Holy Trinity, unification, unification with God, mysticism, Eucharist, theologal virtues, soul, image, likeness, divinisation, transfiguration, human, spiritual experiences, servants of God, nuns, virtues, female religious congregations, mistycyzm, teologia, theology, doświadczenie, experience, duchowość, spirituality


Roczniki Teologii Duchowości, 2010, T. 2(57), s. 133-158.


Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland