Trudny patron pojednania. W kręgu żywotów św. Wacława




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


The author seeks to investigate the fundamental and rather broad ideas of ecclesiology (especially ecumenical) in the Xth and Xlth c. Lifes (Vitae, Legendae) of St Venceslaus, the patron saint of Bohemia. Although the systematic medieval theology of the Church was bom in the XIVth c., one must remember that the historians in the middle ages belong to the “pragmatic” tendency of historiography: among their most important aims is also a catechetic one. The oldest Vitae of St Venceslaus imply at least three important lessons on the Church: 1. They show the affirmative approach to the pagan religion of ancestors (praeparatio evangelica). Here the old rite of hair clipping, included in the Christian liturgy is the best example. 2. They teach - what was in the 10th c. rather unpopular message - understanding of the diversity in the Church. The Vitae themselves were written not only in Latin, but also in an Old Slavonic language. 3. They teach also the harmony between man and nature, or rather the harmony between men through the nature (the topos of the ruler preparing himself the bread and wine for the Eucharistic celebration).


Słowa kluczowe

Wacław I Święty, hagiografia, święci, teksty hagiograficzne, żywoty świętych, miracula, vitae, źródła historyczne, źródła hagiograficzne, biografia, legendy, Kościół, Wenceslaus I, hagiography, saints, hagiographical texts, lives of saints, historical sources, hagiographical sources, biography, legends, Church


Analecta Cracoviensia, 2002, T. 34, s. 425-432.


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