Kompromis polityczny, kompromis moralny
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Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
It is not always clear, whether political concession is or is not a moral compromise in the same time. As long as finding the middle ground does not concerns sensitive matters, there seems to be no problem. When it is in connection to human life and dignity – the problem strikes with full force. Dr. P. H. Kieniewicz discusses the problem of political concession and the risk of moral compromise when sensitive matters – like in vitro fertilization – are to be legislated and moral clarity is to be expected from the people of right conscience. In his opinion such a distinction is possible, in accordance to EV 73.
Słowa kluczowe
kompromis, polityka, moralność, kompromis polityczny, kompromis moralny, przemiany społeczno-polityczne, historia, compromise, politics, morality, political compromise, political concession, moral compromise, socio-political changes, history
Roczniki Teologii Moralnej, 2009, T. 1(56), s. 203-211.
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