Sługa Boży ks. Paweł Smolikowski CR jako rektor Papieskiego Kolegium Polskiego w Rzymie




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II


Fr. Paul Smolikowski (1849-1926), a member of the Congregation of the Resurrection, was a rector of the Polish Pontifical College in Rome for circa twenty years (1892-1895, 1898-1902, 1905-1915, 1919-1921). As an outstanding personality, he influenced the humanity, culture, intellect and spirituality of his alumni. Among them we can single out the following: Rev. Edmund Dalbor (1869-1926), a future cardinal and primate of Poland, Rev. Aleksander Rakowski (1862-1938), a future archbishop of Warsaw and cardinal, as well as many others (professors of philosophy and theology at several Polish universities). One of them, Rev. Jan Balicki (1869-1948), whose confessor was Smolikowski, was beatified in 2002. His writings indicate that he belongs to the Resurrectionist school of spirituality.


Słowa kluczowe

Paweł Smolikowski, kapłani, duchowieństwo, biografia, historia, historia Kościoła, Papieskie Kolegium Polskie, Rzym, studia teologiczne, wojna, I wojna światowa, formacja, formacja kapłańska, wychowanie, edukacja, clergy, priesthood, biography, history, Church history, Rome, studies in theology, war, World War I, formation, upbringing, education


Polonia Sacra, 2010, R. 14 (32), Nr 26 (70), s. 241-255.


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