Paweł jako ojciec i Bóg jako "Abba, Ojciec"




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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


The picture of God as the Father, expressed in the thought of St. Paul, corresponds to the thought of the Old Covenant and it is also very similar to the figure of Paul, who is the father to the Christian communities. One of the fundamental features ofthe activity of the Apostle of Nations was opening the doors of the Christian community to the pagans without the necessity of yielding to the Law. Sending the Letter to the Galatians as well as the Letter to the Romans shows God as the tutor, him who cares and disciplines his children. Above all Paul depicts God as the Father of all believers. Everyone who believes and who bas the power of the Holy Spirit can call "Abba! Father!" to him.


Słowa kluczowe

Paul the Apostle, father, tutors, law, Israel, pagans, God, God the Father, image of father, culture, tradition, Old Covenant, Old Testament, tradition of the Old Covenant, culture of the Old Covenant, letters of Saint Paul, Bible, New Testament, image of father in the Old Covenant’s tradition, image of father in the Old Covenant’s culture, Paweł apostoł, ojciec, wychowawcy, prawo, Izrael, poganie, Bóg, Bóg Ojciec, obraz ojca, kultura, tradycja, Stare Przymierze, Stary Testament, tradycja Starego Przymierza, kultura Starego Przymierza, listy św. Pawła, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, obraz ojca w tradycji Starego Przymierza, obraz ojca w kulturze Starego Przymierza


Verbum Vitae, 2011, T. 20, s. 171-190.


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