Evangelium Vitae wezwaniem do nowego spojrzenia na życie ludzkie




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


Considering the encyclical “Evangelium Vitae” in the context of an appeal by the pope for universal self – examinntion in connection with the preparation for the second millennium, it can be observed that this document appeals for a new outlook on human life and outlines at the same time the way of conversion and reconciliation. For the conversion to take place it is first necessaiy to understand wherein lies the evil. Therefore, John Paul II first points to the basic trespasses against God’s law related to life. He perceives them in two essential areas: as trespassing against the interdiction: “do not commit murder” and as neglecting the command “support life” A radical conversion should take place in these two areas. Essential indications of this conversion are for John Paul II the suppression of disharmony between faith and life, listening to God rather than people (i.e. the primacy of moral law over civil law), proclaiming oneself clearly in favour of the “civilisation of life” and the conviction that it is not possible to efficiently defend natural life when man is closed to supernatural life. For the conversion to be effective an integral outlook on human life is needed, i.e. one has to defend each stage of life. Finally, commitment to support life leads to reconciliation. Thus declaring oneself in favour of protecting life and its promotion leads to reconciliation with God, one’s neighbours and oneself.


Słowa kluczowe

Evangelium vitae, encyklika, życie, człowiek, Jan Paweł II, papieże, chrześcijaństwo, nawrócenie, pokuta, pojednanie, Ewangelia, miłość, sprawiedliwość, encyclic, life, human, John Paul II, popes, Christianity, conversion, atonement, reconciliation, gospel, love, justice, dokumenty Kościoła, Karol Wojtyła, kapłani, duchowieństwo, clergy, priesthood


Polonia Sacra, 1997, R. 1 (19), Nr 1 (45), s. 169-186.


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