Strażak Teofil Firlik – pionier Szczecina
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Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej
Straż Pożarna ma w naszej ojczyźnie wysoką pozycję i jest wyjątkowa ceniona przez społeczeństwo. Ostatnie lata i miesiące dobitnie o tym świadczą. 95. rocznica urodzin Teofila Firlika, strażaka i pioniera Szczecina skłoniła autora do przygotowania niniejszego artykułu o tym bohaterskim człowieku. Dla strażaka Teofila Firlika, który przybył do Szczecina 4 maja 1945 r., miał to być początek nowego, powojennego życia. Z nim wiązał duże plany, marzenia i zapewne bardzo wierzył, że jest w stanie je zrealizować w nowej rzeczywistości. Niestety, zginął na posterunku 9 maja. Był on jednym z pierwszych, którzy oddali życie w powojennym Szczecinie. Dawni mieszkańcy Szczecina nazwali ulicę jego imienia, ufundowali mu tablicę pamiątkową i budynek, który idealnie pasuje do ulicy. Jest on dla szczecińskich strażaków symbolem walki z ogniem, a dla mieszkańców Szczecina – bohaterem.
Fire Service in our country has a high position and is particularly appreciated by society. Recent years and months have clearly demonstrated this. The 95th anniversary of the birthday of Teofil Firlik, a fireman and pioneer of Szczecin has prompted the author to prepare this article about this heroic man. For fireman Teofil Firlik who came to Szczecin on 4 May 1945, it was to be the beginning of a new, post-war life. He associated with this some big plans, dreams and very probably believed that he was able to purse them in the new reality. Unfortunately, he died when being on duty on 9 May that year. He was one of the first who gave their lives in the post-war Szczecin. Former Szczecin’s residents named a street after him, founded a commemorative plaque and a building which perfectly fits to the street. For the Szczecin’s firemen, he is a symbol of fire fighting, and a hero for the Szczecin’s residents.
Fire Service in our country has a high position and is particularly appreciated by society. Recent years and months have clearly demonstrated this. The 95th anniversary of the birthday of Teofil Firlik, a fireman and pioneer of Szczecin has prompted the author to prepare this article about this heroic man. For fireman Teofil Firlik who came to Szczecin on 4 May 1945, it was to be the beginning of a new, post-war life. He associated with this some big plans, dreams and very probably believed that he was able to purse them in the new reality. Unfortunately, he died when being on duty on 9 May that year. He was one of the first who gave their lives in the post-war Szczecin. Former Szczecin’s residents named a street after him, founded a commemorative plaque and a building which perfectly fits to the street. For the Szczecin’s firemen, he is a symbol of fire fighting, and a hero for the Szczecin’s residents.
Słowa kluczowe
Teofil Firlik, pionier, Szczecin, bohaterowie, pioneer, heroes, historia, history, straż pożarna, fire brigade, strażacy, firemen
Studia Paradyskie, 2017, t. 27, s. 237–251.
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland