Byt osobowy Gabriela Marcela i jego modus posiadania




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Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego


Issue of a personal being and its modus of possessing is very complex. Terms „to have” and „to possess” characterize themselves by specific essence and specific carrier. On the philosophical ground a problem of possessing assumes various dimensions. Philosophers consider this term as ambiguous, dark and almost impossible to explain. Gabriel Marcel, while analyzing aspects of possessing, points out in many places that one can talk about possessing at the moment when a certain quid has been related to a certain qui, which is treated to some degree as a transcendent center of inseparability and expression. To be more precise: a certain unity – subject or as well a certain qui which functions as unity – of the subject becomes a center of inherence or understanding with a reference to a certain quid, which refers to itself or which we treat in this way. The term „to have” should be used only there, where we are able to move in a certain order, and where opposing of the interior and the exterior has some sense. Thus modus „to have” has many aspects, and possessing is one of the key indications of our existence. Even in order to explain our emotions and feelings we refer to what we have. The word „to have” very rarely appears as an infinitive, and form „x has” is insignificant in principle. „To have” means in general „to have for oneself.” Any possessing has value and sense for us only when we can say „I have.” It appears that only then possessing has a nature of full value.


Słowa kluczowe

Gabriel Marcel, egzystencjalizm, byt, filozofia, protestantyzm, kalwinizm, osoba, ciało, cielesność, fenomenologia, wiara, nadzieja, miłość, cnoty teologalne, człowiek, cnoty, existentialism, philosophy, Protestantism, Calvinism, person, body, phenomenology, faith, hope, love, human, virtues, byt osobowy, personal being, theologal virtues


Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2006, nr 2, s. 65-85.


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