Duszpasterstwo wojskowe na terenie diecezji łomżyńskiej w latach 1918-1939




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The paper discusses pastoral care for the army in the Łomża diocese during the interwar period. It was organized in five military parishes, that is in Łomża, Ostrołęka, Ostrów Mazowiecka, Osowiec, and Suwałki. They were personal parishes and included not only soldiers of the army, the maritime and air force, but also their families, the youth in military schools, civilians employed in the army, pensioners and invalids, and also captives and prisoners of war. Chaplains-parish priests took direct care in the army, and were helped by auxiliary chaplains. In the years 1918-1939 in the Łomża diocese there were 38 chaplains in the army, 14 of whom were parish priests who held the duties of administrators of military parishes, and the rest of them were auxiliary chaplains. The basic pastoral duties of military chaplains included organizing religious life in particular military units. This was carried out mainly in three levels: performing strictly pastoral duties (services, organizing retreat, conducting catechesis etc.), organizing social action (e.g. running supplementary courses for soldiers) and running office matters. Military chaplains took numerous initiatives for the sake of the development of religious life in the Polish army. Such initiatives which won soldiers’ kindness and gratitude, and were highly praised by the church and state authorities. Sometimes, however, their work was hampered by conflicts between some pastors and representatives of the military authorities.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

duszpasterstwo specjalistyczne w II Rzeczypospolitej, II Rzeczpospolita, Kościół w okresie międzywojennym, aktywność duchowieństwa, diecezja łomżyńska, diecezje, Łomża, Kościół, historia, historia Kościoła, duszpasterstwo, duchowieństwo, kapłani, okres międzywojenny, duszpasterstwo wojskowe, specialistic pastoral care in the Second Polish Republic, Second Polish Republic, Church in the interwar period, clergy’s activity, Łomża diocese, dioceses, Church, history, Church history, ministry, clergy, priesthood, interwar period, military pastoral care, wojsko, army, duszpasterstwo specjalistyczne, specialistic pastoral care


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2001, T. 48, z. 4, s. 163-179.


Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland