Powołanie kapłańskie według formularza mszalnego Pro vocationibus ad sacros ordines
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Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Warszawsko-Praskiej
Liturgy is the solemn form of confessing, delivering and consolidating the articles of faith. The most important book used to conduct it is the missal which in a way is a record both of the word of God that constitutes our faith and the catechism of the Church. The subject of my reflections are the orations of the mass Pro vocationibus ad sacros ordines (literally: A mass for the vocations to take holy orders) which is present in all three editions of the post-conciliar missal. The concise prayer texts show the theology of vocation for the ministration by means of taking holy orders. In the above mentioned, one of the two included in the Tridentine missal, both antiphons were changed, the opening prayer was corrected, and the former after-communion prayer was replaced with a new composition. In the opening prayer it was remembered that vocations are aroused by the Holy Spirit Himself. In order for them to be good and abundant peoples’ hearts have to be abounding with gifts coming from Him. And these are the spirit of piety and fortitude. This is the vocation for ministration. It is mainly fulfilled by means of two holy duties: ministering at the Lord’s altar and the humble delivering of the Gospel. In the prayer over the gifts it is remembered that for making the offering, as commissioned to the Church by its Founder, more and more priests are needed. Finally, in the after-communion prayer the relation of the Eucharist to the sacrament of priesthood is shown. It was not a coincidence that both these sacraments were established in one liturgical act during the Last Supper.
Słowa kluczowe
kapłaństwo, kapłani, duchowieństwo, formularz mszalny, liturgia, sakramenty, modlitwa, kolekta, komunia, clergy, priesthood, liturgy, sacraments, prayer, communion
Roczniki Teologiczne Warszawsko-Praskie, 2011, t. 7, s. 235-243.
Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland