The Analysis of Value-Free or Value-Ladenness of Work in the Light of Catholic Social Teaching of John Paul II




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum


This article presents the metaphysical study of work. Based on this understanding, the author makes a comparative analysis of the dilemma: whether human work is value-free or value-laden in realizing the fundamental purpose of work, and proper understanding of personhood. It compares absolute value in the epistemic value of the person with economic value as what people experience at work. It also investigates which of these values in the contemporary approach to work realizes the fundamental goal of work and personhood. The author aligns with John Paul II’s Social Reflection on value of work in relation to human person, and discovers that, value-ladenness of work realizes both the purpose of work and self-determination.


Artykuł w języku angielskim.

Słowa kluczowe

value, work, value-freedom, value-ladenness, personhood, selfdetermination, wartość, praca, wolność od wartości, obciążenie wartościami, bycie osobą, samostanowienie, nauczanie papieskie, nauczanie Jana Pawła II, Pope's teaching, John Paul II's teaching, katolicka nauka społeczna, Catholic social teaching


Studia Ełckie, 2023, T. 25, nr 2, s. 209-224.


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