Zasada „ekonomii eklezjalnej” w życiu i teologii prawosławia




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The principle of ecclesiastical economy (ekklesistikè oikonomía) is one of the main caracteristics of the Orthodox Church. It determines the Church’s attitude of condescension, mercy and loving-kindness displayd in dealing with the diverse weaknesses and shortcomings of men, because of their inability to grasp the saving truth completely and apply it in their life. As a theological attitude of condescension, the ecclesiastical economy is applied above all in the pastoral activity of the Church, in canon law and, moreover, in the ecumenical dialogue of the Orthodox Churches with non-Orthodox Christians. The article deals in succession with following questions: the process of historical development of the principle of economy, its pastoral character, the ways and the extent of its exercise in the life of the Church and, finally, its ecumenical significance. In her existence through the centuries the Orthodox Church did not try to define the economy nor to elaborate the precise rules of its application in practice. This fact could be regarded as a consequence of the whole tradition of the apophatic theology. The principle of ecclesiastical economy reaffirms Christian understanding of the primacy of man and his salvation over the prescriptions of the law, underlines his freedom and the necessity of human synergy. It expresses the very essence of Christendom. The Church should not adhere to a strict juridical attitude towards her problems, which are to be solved according to the spirit of divine condescension and philanthropy. She cannot live in an ideal world and must take into account the earthly realities of human life. In applying the principle of economy the Church has to invoke continuously the Holy Spirit; she is not allowed to rely entirely on her own discernment of the situation. Ecclesiastical economy is, in a sense, only an enlarged application of the sacramental epiclesis.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia, theology, teologia prawosławna, Orthodox theology, prawosławie, Eastern Orthodoxy, Cerkiew prawosławna, Orthodox Church, Kościół, Church, eklezjologia, ecclesiology, ekonomia eklezjalna, ecclesial economy, chrześcijaństwo, Christianity, teologia pastoralna, pastoral theology, ekumenizm, ecumenism


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1981, T. 28, z. 6, s. 137-152.


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