Dzień Pański jako determinanta przepowiadania homilijnego
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
For many priests the requirement of preaching a homily it remains a challenge. This happens for many reasons. Older priests – trained on the traditional schema of preaching – believe that the most important thing is to teach the truths of faith and morals, the younger ones – often do not understand the essence of the homily. For them it is also hard to break habits and clichés. In the light of the teaching of Vatican Council II the homily is an integral part of the liturgy, and thus, by its very nature, is subject to the dynamics and character of the Lordʼs day – Sunday – when it first of all should be preached. Therefore, the submitted paper an attempt was taken up to make the paschal, community-friendly, joyful and eschatological dimension of the homily closer to readers. These are also important signs of the weekly memorial of the Lord. Taking into account the paschal dimension in the homily will allow the participants the Mass to recognize that they really take part in the mystery of the death and resurrection of Christ, leading the faithful to participate more fully in the Eucharist. This in turn enables them to true brotherhood among themselves, that is why the homily should also be an encouragement, especially for small communities (families) to live the day together. Homilies preach the good news of salvation, which takes place today, hence its joyful character. Every Sunday is also the time of joyful expectation of the coming of the Lord, so the homily must focus the minds of the gathered to the mystery of His second coming.
Słowa kluczowe
Lordʼs Day, homily, Paschal Mystery, community, joy, Sunday, Dzień Pański, homilia, Misterium Paschalne, wspólnota, radość, niedziela, homiletyka, kaznodziejstwo, przepowiadanie, homiletics, preaching
Studia Ełckie, 2016, T. 18, nr 4, s. 407-417.
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