Formuła „wierzę w Kościół” w symbolu wiary i jej teologiczne znaczenie




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Uniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego


The paper aims to present the theological significance of the article of faith expressed in the words “I believe in the Church”. In order to do so, the author starts by analysing the place that the profession of faith in the Church had in the ancient Symbols of Faith. A look at the most representative creeds reveals that the profession of faith in the Church was clearly distinct from the profession of faith in God, which is also expressed by the grammar of the Christian Creed. However, the interpretation of the mystery of the Church in terms of salvation history helped emphasize that the profession of faith in the Church — although calling for a slightly different understanding of the word “believe” than in the articles relating to the Divine Persons — is the continuation of the profession of faith in God who acts in the human history in the Church and through the Church. Referring to the paradox fulfilled in Christ, in whom man meets universale concretum in history, the author cites universale concretum sacramentale formula proposed by Salvador Pié-Ninot as properly reflecting the nature of the Church and the relationship between the Church and faith. In the last part of the paper the author briefly discusses major difficulties associated nowadays with the confession of faith in the Church. He emphisizes that professing faith in the Church is closely related to a genuine experience of a living community of the Church and remaining in her.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia: Agnieszka Piskozub-Piwosz.

Słowa kluczowe

formuła „wierzę w Kościół”, Credo, symbol, symbol wiary, wiara, wyznanie wiary, teologia, Kościół, Bóg, wierzyć, chrześcijaństwo, “I believe in the Church” formula, Creed, symbol of faith, faith, confession of faith, theology, Church, God, believe, Christianity


Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2013, T. 33, s. 209-227.


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