Razem stworzeni – razem odkupieni. Relacja mężczyzny i kobiety jako problem filozoficzno-teologiczny




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie


Relation between a man and a woman, a basic relation every person and every society has undergone serious imbalance lately because of various cultural, philosophical (the Enlightenment) and religious (Luter) influences. It has influenced, in negative way the understanding of marriage, what results in divorces, contraception and abortion. Unfortunately, the state which should also protect the marriage institution by sanctioning legally negative bases, contributes to the degradation of real relation between a man and a woman and it degrades its status. Present situation requires intensive actions heading to rebuilding real relation between a man and a woman. Moral conscience, the state and renewed social institutions can be contributors to it. In the article author’s opinion the most important role can be played by the Church with its philosophic-theological reflection, because it has got the widest view about a human and it is directed disinterestedly to his protection, promoting love as the highest rule of mutual relations.


Słowa kluczowe

mężczyzna, kobieta, sumienie, państwo, Kościół, świadomość, przerwanie ciąży, rozwód, antykoncepcja, miłość, filozofia, teologia, stworzenie, odkupienie, man, woman, conscience, state, Church, awareness, aborcja, divorce, contraception, abortion, love, philosophy, theology, creation, redemption, termination of pregnancy


Veritati et Caritati, 2017, T. 9, s. 337-359.


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