O tak zwanym „największym sukcesie” Szatana poważnie (Temat do rzeczowej teologicznej refleksji)




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


There is a saying that circulates among people ascribed to Ch. Baudelaire that the Satan’s greatest success is to make people believe that he does not exist. This is to be accomplished with co-operation of contemporary theologians – even shepherds – if all of them restrain themselves from speaking about devil and his unworthy action. In this situation theologians seem to be co-creators of the Satan’s triumph. This article contradicts legitimacy of such a primitive thinking showing that theologians fulfil their essential task, when they ask about proper substance and biding satanic declarations of the Holy Scripture and Tradition. The unquestionable Satan’s success seems to be the excessive interest shown to him and his action. The Satan’s presence in human minds has always lead to a pitiful state showing liis factual triumph. History has proved that all the excitement about Satan has lead to putting walls between people, to disrespect of certain groups of people as devil’s sons. Furthermore it lead to a bloody combat of Satan’s power in people – the period of witches hunting bear witness to this. Presently, very dangerous trials are noticeable in making people devilish. This is not in a spirit of Revelation which says that every human being has an immense value as a current or potential child of God.


Słowa kluczowe

zło, szatan, diabeł, Biblia, Pismo Święte, teologia, biblistyka, Kościół, literatura, demony, demonologia, egzorcyzmy, maleficium, czarownice, procesy czarownic, scholastyka, Innocenty VIII, papieże, Summis desiderantes affectibus, inkwizycja, Malleus maleficarum, evil, satan, devil, Bible, theology, biblical studies, Church, literature, demons, demonology, exorcisms, witches, witch trials, scholasticism, Innocent VIII, popes, inquisition, kapłani, duchowieństwo, clergy, priesthood


Polonia Sacra, 1998, R. 2 (20), Nr 2 (46), s. 151-172.


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