W świecie, a nie ze świata – droga katechumena ku światu




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL


This paper seeks to answer the question about the basic formation of a candidate for baptism. This formation is supposed to drive him away from non-Christian customs and change his lifestyle. The point is whether it might lead to isolation from apostolical commitment in the world. Is the experience of receiving someone into the fellowship of brothers and sisters that obtain salvation concentrated on building one’s own fellowship, or else it becomes a source of fertile pro-existence towards the world as modelled on Christ? Since the way of Christian initiation is strictly connected with the rejection of current non- Christian lifestyle and valuing, the neophyte may be tempted to isolate himself from the evil world and close himself within his Christian fellowship. On the basis of an analysis of particular rites of Christian initiation of adults it has been demonstrated that the catechumen on the one hand is called upon to throw off the world and the works of darkness, and on the other hand the Church calls upon him to disinterested commitment on behalf of the transformation of the world. The Church does not form a closed fellowship. Through the Liturgy, listening to the word of God, prayer, blessing and exorcisms the catechumen receives respective help.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia / Summary translated by Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

przemiana świata, liturgia katechumenatu, katechumenat, obrzędy, apostolstwo, apostolat, słowo Boże błogosławieństwa, błogosławieństwo, egzorcyzmy, transformation of the world, liturgy of catechumenate, catechumenate, rites, apostleship, apostolate, God’s word of blessing, blessing, exorcisms, Słowo Boże, Word of God


Roczniki Liturgiczne, 2009, T. 1 (56), s. 227-237.


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