Statystyki dla Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto – the imperative of the principle of humanitas in views on slavery derived from natural law. M.T. Cicero’s views on the subject of slavery and slaves

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Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto – the imperative of the principle of humanitas in views on slavery derived from natural law. M.T. Cicero’s views on the subject of slavery and slaves 25

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kwietnia 2024 1
maja 2024 0
czerwca 2024 8
lipca 2024 1
sierpnia 2024 5
września 2024 2
października 2024 1


Nowak_Homo_sum_humani_nihil_a_me_alienum_puto-the_imperative_of_the_principle_of_humanitas.pdf 6

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Chiny 1