Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2018, R. 26, Nr 2
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Przeglądaj Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2018, R. 26, Nr 2 wg Autor "Ragan, Grzegorz Janusz"
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Pozycja Wpływ gnostycyzmu i fideizmu na przekaz wiary i kształtowanie życia religijnegoRagan, Grzegorz Janusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)During the first centuries of Christianity the dogmas of faith were blurred by gnosis and obviously distorted by heretical formulas. At the beginning of the Modern Period the former ones were used to create abstract schemes and were removed from Christian daily life. The Enlightenment replaced the Cartesian mind by mystical imagination. In the 19th century the dogmas were removed, along with the Christian faith, from public life which was expected to be one-sidedly earthly, material and technical. In the 20th century the dogmas were lost in postmodernist pluralism and were regarded as an obstacle to creating a global humanitarian civilization. At the beginning of the 21st century studies appeared that assessed the history of the dogmas in the context of trends hostile to Christianity. A postulate was put forward demanding to deepen them and base the life of the Church on them. Dogmas have always been signposts for the Church indicating the way of life.