Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2018, R. 26, Nr 2
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Pozycja Antygnostycka krucjata Franciszka. Teologiczne wątki w napomnieniach papieżaZatwardnicki, Sławomir (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)Pope Francis repeatedly pointed out ancient Gnosticism and Pelagianism heresies as present-day threats to the Church. The Holy Father’s statements are listed in the article with reference to the criterion of discernment of spirits put forward by the inspired author (1Jn. 4,2-3). The Mystery of Incarnation makes it possible to detect three features of Gnosticism in the Church: incorporeity, ideologization and worldliness. The obverse of positively formulated theological truths corresponds to the reverse of negative characteristic of Gnostic tendencies. The vision of the Church which is drawn up this way is especially worthy of attention. The Pope is concerned with the Church that moves forward, goes forth, evangelizes and gets involved in other people’s lives (social dimension of preaching the kerygma). The Church relieved from Gnostic tendencies is the Church of proper relationships with God, people and even with the whole created world. The Peter’s follower becomes a guard who takes care that the received faith be put into practice (primacy of reality over an idea). He warns against salvation relegated to the inner sanctum of personal life which closes a man (keeps a man imprisoned in the immanency of their own feelings or knowledge) in the immanency of feelings or knowledge. Christ is today „touched” in His body, especially in the “last” members of the people of God (“the option for the poor”). Francis longs for the poor Church and for the Church for the poor, and fulfilling works of mercy is, in his opinion, the most important expression of orthodoxy.Pozycja O trzech edycjach Księgi Tobiasza z pierwszej połowy XVI wiekuLenartowicz-Zagrodna, Anna (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)Despite numerous studies concerning ancient translations of the whole Bible or its individual books, we still do not have full knowledge of the relationships between them. One of the Biblical books which until now has not been elaborated is an anonymous translation of the Book of Tobit published three times in the first half of the 16th century (1539, 1540, 1545). The aim of this research is to show what can be learnt about the history of this monument with the help of a linguistic analysis. The collected linguistic facts serve as a basis for establishing the relationship between the three prints of Tobit, as well as for putting forward a few hypotheses regarding the editor of the second edition, the real order and number of prints and their manuscript base.Pozycja Recenzja: Ks. Janusz Wilk, Listy Pasterskie. Pierwszy List do Tymoteusza. Drugi List do Tymoteusza. List do Tytusa. Wstęp, przekład z oryginału, komentarz, (Biblia Impulsy. Nowy Testament, tom XIV), Katowice 2018, ss. 158.Stasiak, Sławomir (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)Pozycja Ikona Chrztu Pańskiego w katechezie biblijnejStypułkowska, Beata (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The article deals with the issue of using icons in catechetical biblical interpretation. The Baptism of the Lord icon can be used at the stage of theological understanding, which includes biblical, doctrinal, and liturgical context. The passages about St. John the Baptist and the Jordan River are important in the biblical context. St. John the Baptist is regarded as the lamp, the voice, and the friend of the bridegroom. He is also shown in relation to the prophet Elijah who was to come. As far as the doctrinal context is considered, John Paul II’s catecheses dealing with the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River are important, along with the new Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. The liturgical context points out the connection between the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord and the Epiphany. The article, coming within the range of material catechetics, is intended mainly for the researchers in the field of catechetics who are interested in programming of catechesis.Pozycja Motyw radości w Ewangelii według św. JanaSołtys, Ewa (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The issue of joy in Christians’ life seems to be an important part of contemporary magisterial teaching. On the other hand, from a psychological point of view, happiness appears to be one of the most missing goods today. Therefore, it is worthwhile to consider the theme of joy from the perspective of the Word of God which is the primary source of the Christian life. That is why the motif of joy in the Gospel of John is the subject of this article. All pericopes in the Gospel of John that include terms describing joy (χαρά, χαίρω and ἀγαλλιάω) are analysed. The following conclusions are presented in the second part of the article: joy results from the faith in Jesus, it is connected with the fulfilment of God’s will and has a relational dimension. Moreover, the joy given by Jesus is durable and full.Pozycja Prawne aspekty ustanowienia fundacji przez osobę prawną Kościoła katolickiegoSkwierczyński, Michał (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)Along with the systemic transformation in 1989, the institution of the foundation funded by the legal entity of the Catholic Church was restored to the Polish legal system. To the establishment, registration and activity of a church foundation apply mostly the regulations of the Polish law. However, since the founding property of the foundation is an ecclesiastical property, the church founder should also take into account the relevant regulations of canon law. The article discusses in detail the related issues, putting the emphasis on drawing up the foundation’s statute resolves on such a way, so that it complies with the applicable law (mandatory provisions). It also depicts the possible gains that result from the adoption of legally acceptable optional solutions that take into account the canon-legal status of the founder (optional provisions). In the final part of the article, after presenting the so far existing rules for exercising supervision over ecclesiastical foundations, the de lege ferenda application was formulated about the important limitation of the scope of supervisory powers of state bodies over church foundations.Pozycja Pierwsza zapowiedź Męki i Zmartwychwstania Jezusa w ujęciu ŁukaszowymSambora, Dariusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The article presents an outcome of the analysis of Jesus’ first Passion and Resurrection prediction. After establishing the text and the context of Lk. 9:22, it focuses on the authenticity and historicity of the Lucan passage. The immediate context is similar in all three Synoptic Gospels. In the case of the Gospel of Luke, we must mention some omissions that result from the conception of the structure of this Gospel. The study of tradition and edition of the first Passion prediction has shown us a large number of problems concerning especially the authenticity and historicity of the logion. Many arguments are presented to defend the pre-Easter origin of this prediction. In the section dedicated to the analysis of the vocabulary and the commentary, meanings of particular words and expressions are studied in detail. Eventually, we can state that Jesus, while pronouncing the words about the Son of Man’s suffering, Passion and Resurrection, was consciously predicting His future.Pozycja Wpływ gnostycyzmu i fideizmu na przekaz wiary i kształtowanie życia religijnegoRagan, Grzegorz Janusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)During the first centuries of Christianity the dogmas of faith were blurred by gnosis and obviously distorted by heretical formulas. At the beginning of the Modern Period the former ones were used to create abstract schemes and were removed from Christian daily life. The Enlightenment replaced the Cartesian mind by mystical imagination. In the 19th century the dogmas were removed, along with the Christian faith, from public life which was expected to be one-sidedly earthly, material and technical. In the 20th century the dogmas were lost in postmodernist pluralism and were regarded as an obstacle to creating a global humanitarian civilization. At the beginning of the 21st century studies appeared that assessed the history of the dogmas in the context of trends hostile to Christianity. A postulate was put forward demanding to deepen them and base the life of the Church on them. Dogmas have always been signposts for the Church indicating the way of life.Pozycja Recenzja: bp Andrzej Siemieniewski, ks. Mirosław Kiwka, Na fundamencie apostołów i proroków, Przebudzenie biblijnego Kościoła, Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Papieskiego Wydziału Teologicznego we Wrocławiu 2018, ss. 151.Rachwalska, Marzena (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)Pozycja Kamień, o który wszyscy się potykają (Mt 16, 23)Rucki, Mirosław; Abdalla, Michael (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The article deals with the verse Matt. 16:23 in which Jesus addresses Peter in the following way: “Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men” (KJV). One of the meanings of the word provided by dictionaries is analysed: ‘skándalon is the native rock rising up through the earth, which trips up the traveler’ (http://biblehub.com/greek/4625.htm). Syriac dictionaries explain the meaning of the word used in the Peshitta as a stumbling-block, that is the rock upon which people stumble. The expression kefo d-tuqalto in Peshitta Rom. 9:33, referring to Isa. 18:14, is a particularly interesting use of this word. Considering an original Aramaic version of the Peter’s name Kefo, the wordplay difficult to be translated into Polish is analysed: in Matt. 16:18 Jesus names Simon with a new name Kefo meaning the Rock as the foundation of the Church, and a few verses farther He calls him [kefo] d-tuqalto meaning the rock that sticks up on the road for everyone to stumble. Moreover, an analysis of the related words in the Hebrew Bible, the Peshitta and the Targums provides additional interesting details, for example about the millstone mentioned in Matt. 18.Pozycja Starotestamentalne źródła EucharystiiMielniczuk, Kamil (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The entire Christian worship centres around the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the miracle that Jesus Christ left us. Tracking the various forms of offering sacrifices to God gives us a broader insight into the sources of what the Saviour ordered to do for his memorial. This article examines the cult of Israel with its various forms of offering sacrifices in order to highlight the direction in which the understanding of offering gifts to God developed. This allows one to see the changes that led to the worship and the most perfect sacrifice, the Sacrifice of the New Covenant. The article considers various forms of offering sacrifices in the Old Testament, with the special distinction of the Passover as the immediate announcement of the Eucharist. The theology of places of offering sacrifices (material and spiritual), that is temple and synagogue, was also taken into account.Pozycja Interdyscyplinarność teologiiMerecki, Jarosław (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The author distinguishes two forms of interdisciplinarity of theology: interdisciplinarity as a relation between different theological disciplines and interdisciplinarity as a connection of theology with non-theological disciplines of knowledge. As for the second form of interdisciplinarity, the author discusses the relation of theology to philosophy and the relation of theology to empirical sciences, which, in his opinion, should not be a relation of dependence on a specific scientific image of the world. He points out that theology does not presuppose any particular philosophical system, but, on the other hand, theological statements constitute a negative criterion according to which not every philosophical system is suitable for interpreting the data of Revelation.Pozycja Redakcja opowiadania o królu Manassesie 2 Krl 21, 1-18Kucharek, Dariusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The article deals with the prehistory of the biblical text of 2 Ki. 21:1-18 which describes King Manasseh’s life and appraises him. The article consists of two parts: an analysis that identifies the scope of the editors’ interference in the biblical texts and a synthesis which tries to reconstruct the editorial process. The second part of the investigation is based on the results of the previous part.Pozycja Odwaga i pokora. Teolog katolicki wobec Urzędu Nauczycielskiego KościołaKubacki, Zbigniew (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The document of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith entitled “Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian” discusses the ecclesial mission of a Catholic theologian and their attitude toward the Magisterium of the Church. The document states: “Even when collaboration takes place under the best conditions, the possibility cannot be excluded that tensions may arise between the theologian and the Magisterium” (no 25). A story of two contemporary Catholic theologians: Fr. Peter Phan from the Diocese of Dallas in the USA and Fr. Jacques Dupuis, a Jesuit, who lectured at the Gregorian University in Rome, is an example of such tensions. The first part of the article depicts the story of their relations with the teaching office of the Church. The second part presents their theologies regarding religious pluralism which they were asked by the Magisterium to explain. The thesis of the article is based on the statement that the attitude of a Catholic theologian to the Magisterium should be characterized by courage and humility. Both theologians are characterized by such courage, but it is humility that is required as well to keep up the dialogue with the Magisterium.Pozycja Od „Psałterza floriańskiego” do „Psałterza” Wujka, czyli o trwałości polszczyzny biblijnejKowalska, Danuta (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The aim of the article is to show the role medieval Polish translations of “The Psalter” (the “Saint Florian Psalter”, the “Pulawski Psalter”, the “Cracow Psalter”) played in shaping the Polish Psalter and biblical style, as well as to point out their stylistic influence on later Renaissance translations of The Book of Psalms and free translations (the “Psalter” by Walenty Wróbel, the “David’s Psalter” by Mikołaj Rej). The analyses show meticulous, conscious work of medieval translators done in order to shape the stylistic and linguistic layer of the translation. They also deal with the translators’ efforts and stylistic choices, such as conscious archaization or synonymy, that often are the effect of abandoning literal translation, which is against popular views of only word-for-word, mechanical translation of Latin Vulgate. The analyses indicate that the process of creating native biblical style of poetry is reflected in the earliest translations and editions of The Book of Psalms. Some of its features are preserved in Renaissance translations despite the revolution which happened in Polish biblical texts due to the Reformation and Humanism.Pozycja Recenzja: Dzwon w chrześcijańskiej Europie, red. Gerard Guźlak, (Kultura Dzwonu, 1), Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo UKW 2017, ss. 548.Fitych, Tadeusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)Pozycja Współczesne uwarunkowania posługi duchowej wobec chorych w Polsce – aspekty medyczne, prawne, duszpasterskie i ekumeniczneFroniewski, Jacek (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)Since the mid-20th century numerous factors have emerged which have substantially influenced the change in the form of spiritual service to the sick. The author indicates four such basic domains in which the most important changes in this respect have occurred. In medical sciences we are currently witnessing the passage from the biomedical paradigm to the holistic one, which implies an appreciation of cultural factor influence on the treatment process. This results in recognising the value of the chaplain service in the hospital. As far as the civil law is concerned, in the 90s of the 20th century in Poland regulations were introduced which regulate relationships between the state and religious communities. These regulations ensured legal guarantees for the chaplain service in hospitals. The Second Vatican Council initiated a reform of the sacrament of anointing of the sick, which has deeply transformed the form of the pastoral sick care. In this respect, the author analyses the recent instruction on this subject, issued by the Polish Bishops’ Conference. Finally, the forth part of the paper outlines the ecumenical dimension of the spiritual help for the sick of other denominations, which is currently of an increasing practical importance in view of the growing migration movements in Europe. Ultimately, the goal of the paper is to indicate guidelines for chaplains servicing the sick which would be adequate in the context of the above mentioned modern determinants.Pozycja W cieniu jabłoni i rozpadlinach skały. Semiotyczna lektura Pnp 2, 3 i 2, 14Piotrkowska-Dańkowska, Małgorzata (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)This article is an analysis of the two units of the Song of Songs 2:3 and 2:14 that show the importance of a conscious choice of the Bridegroom and the Bride in shaping the relationship of love. Motives present in them, that is the shadow of an apple tree and the voice of a beloved one, have been also recalled in the last part of the book (8:5 and 8:13) and owing to that we can observe the transformation and maturation of the couple, a kind of a new birth, the fullness of life experienced by them and their love being spread among others. The structural semiotics method indicated in the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s document “Interpretation of the Bible in the Church” was used in order to extract the depth of experience and the transformation of the characters, as well as to show causes of the events.Pozycja Charakterystyczne rysy Kościoła irlandzkiego wczesnego średniowieczaChłopowiec, Michał (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The Church in early medieval Ireland had its own specificity strongly determined by geographical isolation that contributed to the development of local conception and practices. This became visible in different fields of religious activity. A kind of spirituality different from a continental one, as well as different organisation of the church life, was shaped there. The latter resulted from the dominance of monasteries and solutions recommended by them. This dominance led to marginalization of the significance and authority of bishops. Autonomic, dependent on monk communities, decision centres appeared that were therefore liable to deformation.Pozycja Justyn Męczennik – koncepcja przyczyn świata i jej medioplatońskie wątkiBiernaczyk, Mateusz (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2018)The article attempts to indicate the influence of the Middle Platonist thought on Justin Martyr’s cosmological views. Therefore, the concept of the first causes of the world according to this Apologist was reconstructed and confronted with the Middle Platonist views. This allowed to show which views Justin shared with his Platonist contemporaries and what original issues he added to them, creating one of the first Christian cosmologies. Justin, like the Middle Platonists, points out the transcendence, causality and goodness of God. He also develops the concept of the Logos which at some points coincides with the Middle Platonists. Basing on extracts taken from the Apologies, one can assume that this Christian thinker, following the Middle Platonists, considers the matter the second, uncreated cause of the world, while in the Dialogue with Trypho, he claims that only God is the uncaused cause of everything. Therefore, the article presents a hypothesis about an evolution of Justin’s thought. The main difference between Justin’s concept and the Middle Platonists’ thought is a different understanding of God’s goodness. This difference leads to different conclusions about the causes of the world.