Studia Gdańskie, 2001, T. 14
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Przeglądaj Studia Gdańskie, 2001, T. 14 wg Autor "Dettlaff, Rafał"
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Pozycja O godności ludzi z upośledzeniem umysłowym w nauczaniu Jana Pawła llDettlaff, Rafał (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)In his article “On the Dignity of the Mentally Handicapped in the Teachings of John Paul II” the author, referring to Pope's speeches, presents the contemporary doctrine of the Church as regards mentally handicapped people. R. Dettlaff refers to two pronouncements of the present Pope. The first one – “Document of the Apostołic See for the International Year of the Mentally Handicapped” – has been inspired by the United Nations which proclaimed 1981 to be the year of the mentally handicapped. The second document is “Address to the Members of the International Conference Devoted to the Mentally Handicapped” of 1996. The author in his analyses comes to the conclusion that in the teachings of John Paul II the handicapped, including the mentally handicapped, constitute an essential element of the Church. The Pope emphasises their indispensable dignity, pointing to the fact that in their visage the image of God is especially visible. John Paul II in His statements also calls for an extensive action which could guarantee a mentally handicapped person the optimum conditions for development as well as functioning in both family and social environment. The author of the article shows that not only Pope's teachings but also His attitude towards the ill and suffering as well as His consistency in bearing the burden of His own illness and age are the most significant sign of solidarity with those who suffer.