Studia Gdańskie, 2001, T. 14
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Pozycja Ernst Jenni, Studien zur Sprachwelt des Alten Testaments, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1997, ss. 224.Szamocki, Grzegorz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja R. Woods, Christian Spirituality. God's Presence through the Ages, Christian Classics, A division of Thomas More Publishing, Allen, Texas 1996, ss. 400.Kaczorowski, Robert (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja Dale C. Allison, The New Moses. A Matthean Typology, Minneapolis 1993, ss. 396.Kowalczyk, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja Ontologia teologalna jako opis relacji między bytem koniecznym a stworzeniemBała, Maciej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja X. Tilliette, Les philosophes lisent la Bibie, Cerf, Paris 2001, ss. 200.Bała, Maciej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja Poradnictwo psychologiczno-pastoralne. Teoria i praktyka, red. J. Makselon, Wydawnictwo Papieskiego Wydziału Teologicznego, Kraków 2001, ss. 225Grulkowski, Bronisław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja M. Szram, Orygenes o kapłaństwie. Antologia tekstów, Hosjanum, Olsztyn 1998, ss. 84.Czalej, Sławomir (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja Chrześcijańskie doświadczenie daru usprawiedliwieniaRafiński, Grzegorz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja Rachunek sumienia jako istotny element chrześcijańskiego nawróceniaBramorski, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja J. L. Ska, L'argilla, la danza e il giardino. Saggi di antropologia biblica, Edizioni Dehoniane Bologna, Bologna 2000, ss. 66.Szamocki, Grzegorz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja Role Playing Game. Wyobraźnia nieskrępowanaBuda, Szymon (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)The main question posed in the article is whether the application of „role play” technics in therapy, various trainings or education justifies „role playing games”. The conclusion of the article is that there is a significant difference between the aim of RPG and other applications of „role playing” technics. Moreover the great influence the role playing games may have on personality lead me to a further inquiry into the message they convey. After having done such an inquiry I came to a conclusion that RPG does not favour proper development of personality and shaping a positive attitude towards the world. These games may also interfere with proper development of conscience. The conceptions, ideas, pseudo-scientific theories and the approach to specific situations in the game shape an improper attitudes towards situations in real life. Reflections presented in the article concern only the main principles of the RPG. The article does not treat of some other aspects of role playing games concerning their contents and meaning. These aspects and materials mentioned in that part would need a more thorough study and another article. If, as my research indicates, the increase of interest in RPG is a fact the whole issue would need a further surveying and exploration.Pozycja Ricoeurowska próba przezwyciężenia aporii złaBała, Maciej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja Przyczyny zwięzłości mateuszowych opowiadań o cudachKowalczyk, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)It is emphasized that the narratives of miracles in Matt are very sober and schematic and this fact is usually explained by a literary genre. It is claimed that Matthew used the scheme of miracle's narratives known in his time. But it does not me convince. We know that the accounts of Jesus' miracles in Gospel of John are of other literary form: they are developed and psychologically deep. Furthermore it is not truth that the narratives in Matt are schematic. With the help of detailed analysis of all Matthew's narratives of miracles I try to define the elements of these narratives. It turned out that there are twenty elements in these narratives – obviously not all in each of them. So it is hurt to speak of some scheme used by Matthew. I also have looked links or similarities between these narratives and the miracle narratives in the Pentateuch and the Book of Joshua. I have found such the links in 18 cases on 22. It is important that aforementioned similarities are found in the same order in Matt and in Pentateuch and Book of Joshua. It not be an coincidence. It should be affirmed that Matthew placed the miracle narratives in his Gospel in relation to the similar miracle's narratives in the Pentateuch and the Book of Joshua. It is linked to Moses and Joshua typology that characterizes all his Gospel. According to him Jesus is a new Moses a new Joshua and His miracles should be similar to the miracles of them, or should be fulfilled the prophecies of the miracles. The accounts of the miracles in Matt are sober because the evangelist wants the reader to concentrate on these elements that link the Gospel’s narrative to the narrative in the Pentateuch and the Book of Joshua. The narrative developed would blackout the typological sense of the miracle. Then the very reason of the soberness of Matthew's accounts is not literary genre but Moses and Joshua typology.Pozycja A. J. Heschel, Człowiek nie jest sam. Filozofia religii, Znak, Kraków 2001, ss. 264.Bała, Maciej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja Ubóstwo w Polsce w ostatniej dekadzie XX w.Balicki, Janusz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Changes in Polish system at the beginning of 90's brought about decline in real incomes and increase of unemployment. Simultaneously the state reduced its presence on a social field. There was a decentralization in scope of social policy. In practice it turned on that self-governments were not able to fulfill the induced duties. Thus it led in many cases to limiting services in social sphere. Within next years of economic development in Poland we may again observe the increase of people living in households (since 1997) whose level of expenses lower than accepted poverty line. It happened together with an average improvement of financial situation of society in general, together with the increase of real level of incomes and expenses. We observe now an increase in stratification of society and a process of spacious marginalization. It is manifested by moving of individuals or whole families from better to worse district because of inability to pay rent. Another phenomenon is also connected with this process so-called “ghettos” which are poor districts in small towns where due to closing up some factories or work places too poor citizens are not able to leave their homes (high ticket prices, inability to look for a job outside the place of living, too far to get to work). This phenomenon cause an increase of different social pathologies, reduction of contacts with the rest of society, separation from social life. Poverty in Poland is mainly related to the lack of education, Iow qualifications, not having a job or low income. Poverty touches most severely the unemployed and their families, families with many children, single mothers with children, the old, immigrants and people belonging to so-called social pathology groups.Pozycja Celebracja sakramentu pokuty i pojednania w Kościele gdańskimParacki, Mirosław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)Pozycja Aspekt psychologiczny sakramentalności małżeństwaGrulkowski, Bronisław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)The main problem of this article is seeking for psychological aspect of the sacrament of marriage. Existential psychologists (i. e. Rollo May, Erich Fromm, Victor E. Frankl) show the lack of meaning, person seen as a function and loneliness as the main problems of modern man. In this context the sacrament of marriage is seen as a dialogue between God and man (man and woman) and between man and woman. God says by the sacrament of marriage that man^s and woman"s lives have an unending value (unique and unrepeatable). The sacrament of marriage is seen as an unselfish gift of God and man and woman for each other. The most dangerous for this sense and aspect of marriage is pretension attitude and disturbance of the dialogue between wife and husband (i. e. by contraception). For finding out of this, existential and religious, meaning of marriage and for life according to this sense wife and husband should be faithful in prayers and should form an existential attitude “to be”.Pozycja Chrześcijańskie wchodzenie do królestwa niebieskiego na podstawie Jezusowego wezwania „Wchodźcie przez ciasną bramę!...” (Mt 7,13-14)Szamocki, Grzegorz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)The logion of Mt 7,13-14 is one of the final exhortations in the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus teaches what performing of the will of God consists in. After giving all the particular norms, Jesus exhorts his listeners to practice them so that they may enter the kingdom of heaven (cf. 7,21). The activity of entering the kingdom of heaven is described as entering through the narrow gate. The exhortation to pass through it (7,13a), which is the principal part of the logion, is given force by two pictures: the wide gate and the broad way (7,13bcd), and the narrow gate and constricted way (7,14). In each of these pictures the way runs through the gate, so that the activities of passing through the gate and passing along the way are one and the same. The function of the gate and that of the way complement each other. The fact that two gates and two ways exist forces one to choose. The wide gate and the broad way enjoy the greater popularity because passing through/along them is easy. That choice has, however, tragic consequences – total destruction. The choice of the narrow gate and the constricted way, and passing through/along them, guarantees that one will find true life. But this choice is not popular. It is the choice of a life that is faithful to the teaching of Jesus, a life in which there may be some difficulties and afflictions because of one's union with Christ. Such a way of life involves following Jesus and being his disciple. It is to such a life that Jesus exhorts in the words: „Enter through the narrow gate". The narrowness of the gate may discourage one from deciding to pass through it, but on this decision depends the eschatological future of those who have been called.Pozycja Celowość przyrody w świetle zasad antropicznychDyk, Wiesław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)There are many possible worlds existing, but it is only in our world that living based on carbon is possible. Life could have but didn't have to appear in the expanding world. I f one wants to present the process of life's development schematically, it could be done in this way: 1) ? (has our world been planned?); 2) There exists energy and matter; 3) There appears a process of matter's organisation (autoreplication and mutation); 4) Competition for resources; 5) Natural selection (only well adapted survive); 6) There appears a rational being; 7) ? (what is next and what will happen to us?). The fact that we exist in the world has an influence on the particular image of the world. Our cognitive structures has been shaped during the process of evolution and that is why they are able to understand this world's nature. We presume that this world is ordered and purposeful although we are not able to outline any vision of our future on the basis of the evolutionary process that has taken place so far. Taking into consideration analyses of evolutionary process it is possible to believe in this world's purposefulness, but we should have even greater belief if we accept it's accidental nature.Pozycja Postać świętej Marii Magdaleny w malarstwieBorek, Magdalena Maria (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2001)The paper focuses on the motif of Mary Magdalene, one of the most popular biblical characters. Mary Magdalene is traditionally identified with a sinful woman (described as having anointed the Lord's feet) (Luke 7:36-50) and with Mary of Bethany, the sister of Martha, who also anointed Jesus (John 12:3), and considered to have been the closest companion of Jesus. Mary Magdalene has been a popular subject of many poems and painting. Magdalene the Penitent is customarily portrayed with long loose hair falling down her naked shoulders. Among her attributes are a nard fiask, a cross, a book and a skull. The author concentrates on the non conventional painting by Georges de la Tour in which Mary Magdalene is depicted with startling austerity. The saint frequently appears in scenes of Passion where she is positioned at the foot of the cross while the mourning Virgin Mary and Saint John observe at the side from nearby. She is also often seated at the feet of the dead body of Christ in Pietas and appears in scenes of entombment of Christ. All those scenes present dynamie portrayals of mourning Mary Magdalene where always pictured as a prostitute she is an involved participant of the happening. Other popular portrayals are Noli me tangere scenes where Jesus appears to Mary after his resurrection. Painters depict the close relationship between Mary Magdalene and Christ marking the changes it had undergone. The character of Mary Magdalene, the inspiration of painters and poets, combines various conflicts: sacrum and profanum, earthy and noble love, eros and tanatos. The works of literature and art exploiting the motif of Mary Magdalene have inspired each other.