Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1980, T. 27, z. 3
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Przeglądaj Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1980, T. 27, z. 3 wg Autor "Greniuk, Franciszek"
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Pozycja Kronika Sekcji Teologii Moralnej KUL za rok 1978-1979Greniuk, Franciszek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1980)Pozycja Przegląd bibliografii teologicznomoralnej za rok 1978Greniuk, Franciszek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1980)Pozycja Usamodzielnienie się metodologii teologii moralnejGreniuk, Franciszek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1980)In the article the author considers the process which has resulted in gaining methodological independence by moral theology. The process was long and in many ways conditioned. Generally speaking, three stages can be differentiated: unity of theology, gaining autonomy by moral theology including the autonomy of the method of cognition, and the stage of full independence. The earliest beginnings of separateness of the particular branches of theology can be seen in differentiating the moral sense of the Bible from the strict and alegorical senses in the patristic and post-patristic periods. Then the rationalism of the 12th century tried to systematize the commentary and make it independent of the revelation, and in commenting the Bible – to separate lectio and quaestio. Owing to this, theology passed from the study in sancta pagina to the study in sancta doctrina. In the Renaissance period – as the author of the paper proves – owing to the vantage point of the distinguished Christian humanists, like Erasmus Desiderius or U. Hutten, the attention was drawn to the necessity of a more scholarly treatment of the sources of theological knowledge. Melchior Cano worked out the foundations of theological methodology in that time, which resulted in the possibility of a fuller development of historical and polemical theology. In the process of moral theology becoming autonomous, the unintended influence of the supporters of the Reformation was not meaningless. They treated seperately theological speculative issues and the more practical ones concerned with the Christian morality. Methodological independence of moral theology, which was fully achieved on the turn of the 16th century, found its expression first in the organization of theology teaching by the Dominicans and Jesuits, and later in works of the handbook type. The classical works of this kind include ones by – among others – J. Azor, H. Henriquez, P. Laymann. The method of theological-moral research established by them became fully concolidaited and lasted for centuries, mainly thanks to the influence of H. Busenlbaum and St. Alfons Liguori.