Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne
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Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne były kontynuacją „Roczników Teologicznych” zeszyt 6: Teologia pastoralna, wydawanych od 1949 r. przez Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL (pierwotny tytuł „Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne”). „Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne” ukazywały się w latach 2009-2013. Obecnie ponownie stanowią zeszyt 6 i 11 „Roczników Teologicznych”.
Przeglądaj Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne wg Autor "Fiałkowski, Marek"
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Pozycja Duszpasterstwo w starzejącym się społeczeństwie polskimFiałkowski, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)One of modern challenges facing not only politicians, economists or sociologists is the demographic makeup of Poland, which is a derivative of tendencies that are visible in the whole of Europe. Demographic changes are not leaving the Church unaffected. One has to take into account the decreasing number of children and the youth, who are the a major target of pastoral initiatives in Poland. The adult and elderly groups existing in the Church will grow, which will create a demand for new and adequate pastoral solutions for them. The pastoral care of families, elderly, lonely and sick will face special challenges. The article attempts to present the lines of development of activities conducted in the mentioned sectors of pastoral care which the Polish Church should pay attention to.Pozycja Formacja katolików świeckichFiałkowski, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)The revival of theology of the laity that was initiated by the Vatican Council II bears fruit in the form of giving back the dignity and role to the lay faithful, which follows from the fact that they belong to the Church community. Giving them back their subjective character in the Church is tantamount to recognizing their salutary activity in the Church and in the world. The Christian formation of lay Catholics seems a particularly important issue, as it is the foundation of a complete and proper involvement of lay Catholics in the life and mission of the Church. The article undertakes the problem of the formation of lay Catholics, first showing what formation is and what its most important dimensions are. Next it discusses the aims of formation and the circles in which formation takes place. Finally, it points to the most important challenges that are faced by the formation of lay Catholics in Poland twenty years after publishing John Paul II’s post-synodal exhortation Christifideles laici.Pozycja Katolickie szkoły i uniwersytety ośrodkami formacji katolików świeckichFiałkowski, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)The Catholic school and the Catholic university are important milieus of formation of lay Catholics. The article shows specific elements defining them, and it distinguishes them from other academic-educational centers. Both these institutions realize one of the basic elements of the Church’s mission, that is the education of man, leading him to a full maturity by the subsequent stages in his life and development. Forming young people’s minds and hearts, aiding them in winning wisdom and in using the riches of cultures, forming sensibility to good and beauty in them, and supporting them in getting professional competences is the most important task of schools and universities.Pozycja Nowa ewangelizacja – w poszukiwaniu nowych form i metod głoszenia dobrej nowiny. Na marginesie dokumentu pt. „Nowa ewangelizacja dla przekazu wiary chrześcijańskiej. Lineamenta”Fiałkowski, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)Benedict XVI’s launching of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, of the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Bishops, devoted to the new evangelization, and finally the Lineamenta published in 2011 make a good starting point for the Church’s rethinking of its identity and mission. This paper touches upon the issue of the new evangelization, starting from defining its essence, and then it comes to present – drawing upon the Lineamenta – the major forms and methods of transmitting the Gospel that seems to be the most effective in contemporary world. Of utmost importance is the Church’s loyalty to the mission bestowed on her by Christ. Also important is that the Church understands the processes that take place in the world to which Christ sends His disciples, as teachers and witnesses of the Good News. Noteworthy is the initiative called „Courtyard of the Gentiles”, which is an interesting proposal of a dialogue with people seeking God.Pozycja Uroczysta sesja poświęcona ks. prof. dr. hab. Janowi Walowi z okazji 40-lecia pracy naukowej. Kraków, WSD, 26 czerwca 2008 rokuFiałkowski, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)Pozycja Zasady udziału Kościoła w rozwoju świataFiałkowski, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The Church’s involvement in the development of the world cannot be accidental and occasional, but has to be based on principles, adherence to which will allow avoiding numerous problems that arise at the meeting point of the Church and the world. The article discusses four principles the Church has to be guided by when participating in the development of the world: the principle of being faithful to its own mission, the principle of the just autonomy of worldly things, the principle of dialogue, and the principle of the good of the human person. The first principle reminds one about the main goal of the Church, whose mission may not be limited to earthly duties. The second one deals with the proper autonomy that is due to the earthly reality, and that is not tantamount to the independence of the Creator. The third principle – the one of dialogue – can be considered, on the one hand, a sign of the Church's being open to the world, and on the other, its basic relation with the world. And finally, the fourth principle points to the good of man, who should always be the main value in the development of the world.