Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne
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Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne były kontynuacją „Roczników Teologicznych” zeszyt 6: Teologia pastoralna, wydawanych od 1949 r. przez Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL (pierwotny tytuł „Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne”). „Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne” ukazywały się w latach 2009-2013. Obecnie ponownie stanowią zeszyt 6 i 11 „Roczników Teologicznych”.
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Pozycja Animacyjna postawa wychowawcy chrześcijańskiegoWrońska, Halina (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)Activating is considered one of the important educational functions. One can mention here theater or expressive animation, social-cultural or cultural animation, animation of one’s free time and holidays, as well as animation as a technique used for work in a group. The animating attitude does not mean a special initiative on the part of the educator. It is understood as his/her way of life and of being active. By some acts the educator reflects love towards life, giving life, care for its development, care for a man’s good and happiness, especially a young man’s. A Christian educator should care about creating room inside the educated group for young people’s active participation in making decisions that will determine the direction, in which the life of the community will go. The involvement of the Christian educator is not a usual outward activeness, but it issues from the awareness that the Divine Kingdom on earth is in the man’s hands.Pozycja Apostolstwo świeckich w parafiiLipiec, Dariusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)Pope John Paul II taught that the parish is the “first community” for God’s People. It supports and enlivens contemporary Christians’ faith, it prepares one to liturgical life and introduces him into it, and it stimulates one to practice Christian love and to build a brotherly community. The Pope also pointed to the need of lay Catholics’ apostolic involvement in the life of the parish. Their main apostolic task is building the parish community as a community of faith, cult and love. The community should be at the same time a missionary community. Such an apostolic task concerns all the parish members. Religious associations and parish pastorate councils are a special field of lay people’s involvement in the life of the parish.Pozycja Apostolstwo świeckich w zrzeszeniach religijnychŚmigiel, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)In modern times various forms of unions have been set up and developed. The unions include associations, groups, communities and movements (ChL 29). This new dynamism, concerning both the variety and vigor of the unions, has been defined as “the spring of the Church”, and the apostolic exhortation Christifideles laici mentions ‘the new epoch of lay Catholics’ associations’ (ChL 29). Lay Catholics form unions for social-cultural reasons, but first of all for theological ones, since a little community is a symbol of the whole Church. Lay people have the right to form unions, but at the same time they should always do it in communion with the whole community of the Church, which is pointed to by the ecclesiality criteria of religious unions. The religious unions in Poland may have various conditions. At present there are more than 150 such unions, and they embrace about 5% of the population of Poland.Pozycja Badania podręczników do nauki religii w świetle zmian programowychSzpet, Jan (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)In 2008 the Minister for National Education accepted the new Basis for General Education, which caused that a revisal of the Basis for the Curriculum of Catechesis was necessary. In the amended form it was approved of by the Conference of the Episcopate of Poland in March 2010. This fact issues a challenge for catechists and handbook authors to reflect on the existing teaching aids. It is an opportunity to undertake both an in-depth theoretical analysis and empirical studies of the handbooks. Basically, studies of a handbook may be conducted in two planes: theoretical and empirical. The former one, basic in the study procedure, allows a confrontation of the features of the handbook with the assumed theoretical model, which makes it possible to provisionally assess it. The analysis is concerned with the assessment of the choice and correctness of its contents; with the definition of its aim and function, correctness of its structure, its conformity with the curriculum, methodical approach, and the quality of its layout. In empirical studies it is important to study the teaching and learning effects being the result of the use of the chosen handbook or its elements. Also, the effects may be compared of the use of several handbooks, or the teaching – learning effects without using them, or a comparison may be made of the effects of the use of other teaching aids. The basic question is: what to study and how to study it. The answer to the former of these questions is the object of studies that is characteristic from the didactic point of view. The answer to the latter one is concerned with study methods and tools useful in verification of handbooks.Pozycja Chrześcijanin świadkiem miłości w świecie. Refleksja pastoralna na podstawie encyklik papieża Benedykta XVIPrzygoda, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Every Christian as a member of Christ’s Church is called to give real testimony about God who is love (1 J 4, 8. 16). This is because God established the Church so that it could be the proponent of the truth and the propagator of God’s love in the world. The testimony of Christian love requires more than a verbal declaration; it requires deeds (1 J 3, 18). The living faith and strong hope is the foundation of Christian testimony of love, and its important manifestation is the Christians’ social life. This is why the Church, from the beginning of its history, not only propagated the truth with the word, but also performed charity service among poor people and ones who needed aid. The Christian caritas and volunteering are an important form of Christian testimony, strengthening the credibility of God’s word preached in the Church. Both volunteers and all Christians need a constant Christian and charity formation.Pozycja Czym i dla-kogo jest szczęście?Maryniarczyk, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Happiness is the subject of consideration in many branches of study. Starting from literature and books of the Bible, and going to the area of theology and philosophy, and especially philosophical anthropology and ethics, as well as humanities, such as psychology, pedagogy and others – we encounter various interpretations of it. The deliberations contained in the present article have been situated on the area of philosophical anthropology, that is metaphysics of man, which means that for this type of analysis it is necessary to connect them with a realistic understanding of man, who, being a personal being, consisting of soul and body, is a manifold potentiality that he actualizes by his autonomous – free and conscious – activities. In the analyses the reader’s attention has been called to the fact that the fulfillment of man’s personal life is a result of various human activities, including scientific-cognitive ones, undertaken in various research areas. For this reason the one gets happiness who tries to be fulfilled as a man: in his cognitive life – discovering the Ultimate Truth; in his emotional life – being united in love with the Supreme Good, and in his contemplative examination – clinging to the Supreme Beauty. Presentation of these problems is preceded with citing the main trends in explaining the issue of happiness that we encounter in philosophy.Pozycja Diakonat stały w Polsce – eksperyment czy przywrócenie właściwego i trwałego stopnia hierarchicznego w Kościele?Śmigiel, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)After the Vatican Council II in the Catholic Church the service of permanent deacons has been restored. In the world there are over 37 thousand of them. In Poland the first deacons were ordained in 2008. The service of permanent deacons is the restoration of the permanent and proper level of holy orders, and in consequence it consolidates and enriches the hierarchical structure. At the same time it is a gift for the whole Church understood as a community of complementary states, offices, services and charismas. In Poland, for various reasons, there is a risk that permanent deaconate will be treated as a pastoral experiment. If this happens so, it would be a damage to the development and the deserved place for the deacons’ service, but also in a way it would be wasting the chance to consolidate the communal character of the Church.Pozycja Dobre i złe konflikty w grupie katechetycznejZając, Marian (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Situations of conflict in the educational environment appear for a number of different reasons, and their transmissions in the media cause their escalation, as they present abrasive people as modern heroes. Up till now there have been attempts to explain conflicts by means of the existing concepts that belong to the sphere of dynamics of the group. However, it has to be remembered that a conflict is a clash caused by different attitudes, aims, or ways of acting. Anywhere where people show any aspirations conflicts are unavoidable. Controversies are not aroused by a man who does not do anything, or who has suppressed all his creative activities. From this perspective it can clearly be seen that conflicts may also be creative. Avoiding this type of conflicts systematically may lead to making the group barren, to a standstill and to a groove that has a destructive effect. When one has a difficult choice between repressions and democracy, God himself arouses hope, when he announces: “I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh” (Ezek 36, 26-28). In this way he foretells the possibility of reaching true harmony in the life of every human community. Solving situations of conflict in a catechetical group may happen through the acceptance of the seven factors that are the conditions for the prevalence of good spirit in the group. In this way the conflicted group may be shown good perspectives of its development.Pozycja Doświadczenia dziecka związane z przyrodą wyrażone w modlitwieStala, Józef; Osewska, Elżbieta (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)Die Natur ist für das Kind im Vorschulalter wie auch in den ersten Grundschuljahren eine neue, unbekannte Welt, die ihm gleichzeitig Raum für vergleichende und faszinierende Erlebnisse bietet. In diesem Zusammenhang präsentiert der vorliegende Artikel den Problemkreis um Grunderfahrungen des Kindes, die mit der Welt der Natur in Verbindung stehen. Werden derartige Erfahrungen entsprechend interpretiert, so finden sie nachfolgend im spontanen Gebet des Kindes ihren Ausdruck. Deshalb wird die Welt der Natur zunächst als Quelle der Faszination und Freude für das Kind vorgestellt und anschließend als Motiv für Anbetung und Danksagung.Pozycja Duszpasterstwo niepełnosprawnych w diecezjiLipiec, Dariusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)The diocese is the Catholic Church made manifest in a definite place. The Church is realized there in its priestly, teaching and pastoral functions. Owing to the bishop’s ministry the diocese is a part of the Catholic Church, and at the same time it is a particular Church that has its own identity and specificity. The bishop's ministry is directed to all the faithful in the diocese. Disabled people are entrusted to his special care, as they cannot fully realize the Christian mission in the parish. For them the bishop, along with the diocesan curia and properly prepared priestly and lay assistants, organizes a special kind of pastorate that has a supra-parish character. He also supports efforts made by parish priests on the basis of the principle of personalization, normalization and integration. It is also the bishop's task to offer material, educational and teaching aid, as well as help in their rehabilitation.Pozycja Duszpasterstwo rodzin osób niepełnosprawnychLipiec, Dariusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)The Church points to the fact that disabled people have the right to get married and start a family. This right results from those people’s personal dignity that has been given to them by God – the Creator. The possibility to start marital-familial communities by the disabled is a challenge for pastorate, as disability of the spouse negatively influences the realization of all the functions of the family. The basic role in the pastorate of the families of disabled people is played by the parish. Parish pastors should meet the spiritual and material needs of the disabled and their families. Their work should be permanent and systematic. Pastorate realized on the higher level, especially on the level of the diocese, has a great significance. It complements parish pastorate, meeting the spiritual, psychological, rehabilitation and social needs of the disabled and their families. A similar role is played by associations and foundations that are guided in their work by the Church’s social teaching.Pozycja Duszpasterstwo Rodzin w służbie małżeństwu i rodzinie. 40 lat Specjalizacji Duszpasterstwa Rodzin. Lublin, 11 maja 2011 r.Pyźlak, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Duszpasterstwo rodzin z dziećmi niepełnosprawnymiLipiec, Dariusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)A family which is founded on love, and the sacrament of marriage of the parents is the best environment for living, raising and rehabilitating a disabled child. His/her presence presents numerous difficulties that the parents have to overcome. Disability often negatively impacts the child’s acceptance of the parents. Due to the child’s disability the relationship between the parents may be disturbed; its impact is also perceptible in the relationship of the affected child with his/her siblings and other family members. Parents not always can look after their disabled child and deal with his/her rehabilitation and upbringing. Such difficulties constitute a challenge for various people and social institutions that help families with disabled children. Among them is also the Church whose pastoral care is meant to directly assist families and guide them in their seeking material, medical and psychological help.Pozycja Duszpasterstwo w starzejącym się społeczeństwie polskimFiałkowski, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)One of modern challenges facing not only politicians, economists or sociologists is the demographic makeup of Poland, which is a derivative of tendencies that are visible in the whole of Europe. Demographic changes are not leaving the Church unaffected. One has to take into account the decreasing number of children and the youth, who are the a major target of pastoral initiatives in Poland. The adult and elderly groups existing in the Church will grow, which will create a demand for new and adequate pastoral solutions for them. The pastoral care of families, elderly, lonely and sick will face special challenges. The article attempts to present the lines of development of activities conducted in the mentioned sectors of pastoral care which the Polish Church should pay attention to.Pozycja Duszpasterstwo współczesne ujęcia nauczania religii w europejskim szkolnictwie publicznymMąkosa, Paweł (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)In most European countries religion is taught within the frames of the system of public education, although the status of the teaching is different in different countries. In the face of dynamic cultural changes, to which modern European societies are subject, ever more often discussion is launched on the shape of religion teaching. Also in Poland the conception of religion teaching is constantly looked for, and attempts are made to define its relation to parish catechesis. In this context the models of religion teaching existing in Europe have been subjected to analysis. The aim of the present article is answering the questions: what models of religion teaching are most frequently used in Europe and what are their characteristic features? Taking into consideration the criterion of confession, confessional and non-confessional models are distinguished. With respect to the level of realization of the catechetical function and the function of school the former ones are divided into two categories: catechetical-evangelizing and informationaleducational. Non-confessional models, in turn, are systematized in three groups: Christian – the supra-confessional model, religious studies and interreligious model.Pozycja Edukacyjne i społecznościowe portale jako nowe przestrzenie w warsztacie pracy i doskonalenia kreatywnego nauczyciela religiiZellma, Anna (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Development of information-communication technologies determines new educational tasks a religion teacher faces. They are connected, among others, with using the computer and the Internet in the process of teaching religion. Along with these tasks the range is widened of social demands from religion teachers who, apart from the knowledge of the subject they teach, from the knowledge of methodology of teaching, and the testimony of faith, should be competent as far as using the information-communication technologies available to their students, is concerned. These technologies include the information in social networking services. With reference to this issue, in the article first the terms are defined: „educational web portal” and „social networking service”. Next, the most important web portals, which can be used by a religion teacher, are characterized. In this context the role is shown of educational portals and social networking services that should be used by religion teachers both when preparing and when conducting classes, as well as in their work on improving their workshop (mainly in the process of self-education). Also, the reader's attention is drawn to a creative use of modern information-communication technologies, and to the resulting educational challenges.Pozycja Elena Marta, Maura Pozzi. Psicologia del volontariato. Roma: Carocci 2007 ss. 111. ISBN 9788843039050.Przygoda, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2009)Pozycja Elżbieta Osewska. Edukacja religijna w szkole katolickiej w Anglii i Walii w świetle „Living and Sharing Our Faith. A National Project of Catechesis and Religious Education”. Tarnów: Biblos 2008 ss. 453. Seria: Rozprawy Naukowe 11. ISBN 978-83-7332-670-5.Kiciński, Andrzej (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2010)Pozycja Etyczne i medyczne aspekty leczenia niepłodności. Łomianki, 15 stycznia 2011 r.Pyźlak, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Pozycja Ewangelizacja odpowiedzią na potrzeby współczesnego Kościoła. Aktualność postulatu Franciszka BlachnickiegoKopiczko, Tomasz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)Today’s pastorate is looking for topical models of preaching the Gospel. The article presents Franciszek Blachnicki’s proposition that any pastoral work should be based on the Gospel. Experience shows that a considerable part of Christians do not fully live according to the Gospel. This leads to the conclusion that most practicing Catholics need to be evangelized. The need to preach the truth of the faith is ever more necessary also among those people who are christened, but have never accepted Christ as the Lord and the Savior. Also the postulate of a well-thought out pastorate is distinct, where through a clear vision mature attitudes are formed. Such a model of pastorate based on evangelization ultimately is to lead to building the community of the Church.