Studia Gdańskie, 2008, T. 23
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Przeglądaj Studia Gdańskie, 2008, T. 23 wg Autor "Przybyłowski, Jan"
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Pozycja Wychowanie i formacja chrześcijańska ludzi dorosłych a misja duszpasterska KościołaPrzybyłowski, Jan (Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne, 2008)The vocation of lay believers is to build the God’s Kingdom by participating in the life and mission of the Church through the ages. Their activity is such an inherent part of the Mystical Body of Christ that, in a way, it becomes integrated into the redemptive mission of the People of God. However, even a mature Christian vocation of adults does not absolve them of responsibility for unceasing education and formation. The essential justification of ongoing nature of these processes results from their duty to learn and to find the true humanity and to pursue holiness. Being a man is just as important as being a Christian. And being both, a man and a Christian, is just as important as being a member of the Church. “Christianus cognoscitur amore, more, ore, re” (a Christian can be recognized by their love, manners, countenance and deeds) – thus it is the main objective of Christian formation and education of adults.