Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20
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Przeglądaj Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20 wg Autor "Verlinde, Joseph-Marie"
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Pozycja Zagrożenia ruchu New Age wobec kultury zachodniejVerlinde, Joseph-Marie (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)New Age is a current which emerged in the 1950s, in the world facing a crisis of values (economic, social, moral and religious ones). New Age has aspirations to offer a new value system in all domains of life. The problem is however, that it is an eclectic and syncretic trend that freely chooses partial truths from different religious or scientific movements (e.g. pantheism). It makes extensive use of old, rejected by the Church, occult and spiritualistic rituals (sorcery, shamanism, channeling, etc.) and encourages people to try dangerous experiments that are designed to enter new states of consciousness (through meditation techniques, drugs, hallucinogenic mushrooms). The analysis of New Age shows that this movement is not only intelectually and spiritually dishonest but also socially dangerous, and as such it poses a threat to the western culture in its attempts to eradicate Christianity.