Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20

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  • Miniatura
    Ewangelizacja a zniewolenie demoniczne – refleksje egzorcysty
    Kowalczyk, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    Often during evangelization courses have places manifestations of the evil spirit. Why during the courses? Because these are closed courses and persons taking participation in them can without difficulty find out, what these manifestations mean. And so, what do they mean? Manifestations of the evil spirit are a symptom of the demoniac enslavedness. They remind sometimes symptoms of the mental illness and because one ought to make the interview with the given person for his proper estimation. About the enslavedness testifies first of all a fear and an aggression of the given person against saint things. The demoniac enslavedness can be caused by the occult practices, the contact with Satanism or the call of Satan help. The preaching of the Good News by Jesus was simultaneously a fight against Satan and was connected with ejecting of the evil spirits from demoniacal people. Jesus ordered also to apostles the expelling the evil spirits. The Church from the beginning is realizing this task. Let us advert that in the primitive Church the baptism was often preceded by exorcism more than one only. It is necessary to underline that though Jesus won Satan by his own passion, death and the Resurrection, the fight against Satan is still prosecuted. St. Paul the Apostle writes: “Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and his mighty power. Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. Our battle is not against human forces but against the principalities and powers, the rules of this world of darkness, the evil spirits in regions above” (Eph 6,10-12). We should doubtless very seriously to treat a problem of spiritual enslavedness in all our activities which have evangelization character.
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    Radiestezja – uwagi wierzącego fizyka
    Kiszkowski, Przemysław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    A research group, headed by Prof. Henryk Szydłowski of the Institute of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University, conducted in the years of 1974-1984 studies of the phenomenon of dowsing. The author of the paper, who was a member of the above group, analyzed results of the studies from theoretical and experimental points of view. Conclusions drawn on the grounds of the results are as follows: – The idea of so-called “water veins”, the existence of which is believed by dowsers, is contradictory to basic data on the geological structure of earth’s crust. – Properties of the radiation, as described by dowsers who claim to detect it, are irreconcilable with physics of wave propagation. – Dowsing is an antiscientific idea. The ideology of dowsing is also antichristian.
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    Pułapki astrologii
    Olszewski, Jarosław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    First of all it is not easy to establish the definition of a astrology phenomena. There are many different traditions and systems of astrology with different ways of casting the horoscope. Generally the enthusiasts of astrology claim divination by Sun, Moon and other planets existing in the Solar System. According to astrologers, planets are organizing the reality and human existence. There is a question about education level of astrologers. Common access to personal computers opens the gate for ignorant pretenders, unaware of energies and physics principles, quite obvious to each scientist graduated in physics. Astrologers blindly follow the rules published by Claudio Ptolemeo 2000 years ago. They manipulate us. When speaking about certain planet they do not mean any of their physical parameters, but are interested in a set of properties of ancient goodies related with specific planet by the name. Since the horoscope is printed, astrologers are not interested in planets visible in the Universe but ancient goodies recognized by mythologists. There is no evidence of any space energies that are able to program humane being in astrological way. Astronomers know it perfectly well. The Sun contains 99.8% of all of the mass of the Solar System. Comparing the size of all planets, they can not send any kind of energies, including hypothetical astrological energy, which could overcame influence of came influence of the Sun. Therefore planets are excluded as the source of any kind of hypothetical astrological energy. However astrologers happened to be successful in divination. If this is so, one can explain it with cheating, natural intuition or clairvoyance. In certain situation the clairvoyance may be result of demonic influence (Acts 16,16). This aspect should warn all Christians as astrology may be related to occult problem.
  • Miniatura
    Zagrożenia ruchu New Age wobec kultury zachodniej
    Verlinde, Joseph-Marie (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    New Age is a current which emerged in the 1950s, in the world facing a crisis of values (economic, social, moral and religious ones). New Age has aspirations to offer a new value system in all domains of life. The problem is however, that it is an eclectic and syncretic trend that freely chooses partial truths from different religious or scientific movements (e.g. pantheism). It makes extensive use of old, rejected by the Church, occult and spiritualistic rituals (sorcery, shamanism, channeling, etc.) and encourages people to try dangerous experiments that are designed to enter new states of consciousness (through meditation techniques, drugs, hallucinogenic mushrooms). The analysis of New Age shows that this movement is not only intelectually and spiritually dishonest but also socially dangerous, and as such it poses a threat to the western culture in its attempts to eradicate Christianity.
  • Miniatura
    Współczesne psychomanipulacje i okultyzm w kontekście zjawiska antyewangelizacji
    Posacki, Aleksander (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
  • Miniatura
    Nauka w rękach ideologów
    Siemieniewski, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    In the Catholic approach to the New Age phenomenon one observes tendency to focus the critics on the religious aspect of this new spiritual movement, especially when taken from Eastern religions. Yet the elements based on contemporary science are as important to the New Age as the typically religious ones. Therefore it seems important to stress the fact that science deprived of the guiding light of faith and morality can easily be misled and thus can serve not so much the human welfare as rather interests of totalitarian regimes. A historical example is here reflected upon: science in service of Adolf Hitler’s regime. The philosophical aspect is added, namely how the Nietzsche’s philosophy was used to serve the Nazi purposes in cooperation with both the high technology and medicine together with eugenics.
  • Miniatura
    Ewangelizacja w rodzinie chrześcijańskiej w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II
    Idem, Łukasz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    This article deals with the problem of evangelization in Christian family in the teaching of John Paul II. First of all it shows the origin of the word “evangelization” and its meaning. Then the article describes evangelizational problems, a relation between evangelization and catechesis and the particular role of a family in the evangelizational mission. Finally, on this background, it presents the teaching of John Paul II as concerns evangelization in Christian family. A family, according to the Pope, is the first and fundamental evangelizational environment. In this particular community all the members evangelize and are evangelized. And the future of evangelization depends in great part on a family.
  • Miniatura
    Mężczyzna w roli ojca – powołanie wszystkich czy wybranie niektórych?
    Nawrot, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
  • Miniatura
    Wpływ relacji z ojcem i matką na kształtowanie się osobowości dziecka
    Rymaszewska, Grażyna (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    Relationships with the mother and father are the two wings that carry a child on its way to a personal growth – as a man or a woman. In his book, The Art of Loving, Erich Fromm differentiates between the motherly and fatherly kind of love. He says motherly love is unconditional. The mother loves the child just because it exists. Whereas, the fatherly love must be earned. According to David Blankenhorn, the difference between the role of the mother and the father is reflected in the way they hold the baby. The mother cuddles it close to her, embracing it in her both arms. The father holds the baby at a certain distance, in the outstretched arms and so they are not physically united but they can establish an eye contact. The first six months of the baby’s life psychologists call the period of symbiosis with the mother. Maintaining this symbiotic relationship is not an easy task. It requires of the mother a great commitment, a constant and emphatic catering for the baby’s bodily and emotional needs. And to cope with this task, the mother needs the support of the baby’s father. In helping the mother, the father sustains “the unity” that consists of the mother and the baby. A strong, symbiotic relationship of the mother and the baby does not mean that the father should keep aloof from his child. The importance of the direct contact between the father and the baby has been more and more stressed. The man who remains uninvolved, assumes the role of the “disqualified dad” and settles for a professional career and a status of the wageearner. Such situation impedes the development of his fatherhood and hinders the establishing of a relationship with the baby. When the child is about five years old, it starts to perceive its parents in their roles of a husband and wife. Owing to the emotions the child feels for each of the parents, it begins to understand the essence of marriage, which is complementing each other and cooperation. That is why the mutual relationship of the parents is so crucial for the child’s development.
  • Miniatura
    Psychologiczne uwarunkowania w funkcjonowaniu małżeństwa i rodziny
    Borys, Bogdan (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    The family is the most basic and hence a very important social group, which is a subject of interest of many scientific fields. It is understandable that family and marriage, which is the core of a family group, are also of high interest in psychology. All leading schools of psychology perceive the family as an important source of information about the development of an individual and his/her personality from the very beginning. The history of an average family is marked with similar events. At the beginning there is a couple which learns how to live together. With the appearance of children, new relations are being formed, which transform the existing family group. As such, family is a very dynamic structure, which is changing with the number of people in this group and with the development of each of the member. This dynamic is also accompanied by a rich emotional life of all the family members, which naturally creates some conflicts, especially when the emotions are not recognized, not named and not controlled. Escaping from these somewhat natural conflicts may lead to unnatural silence and isolation in the family, on one hand, and to aggression and conflicts, on the other hand. Either one of these causes emotional disorders in families and negatively influences children growing up in such a social environment. Such children become in the future adults that carry some unresolved emotional problems, which often cause new emotional problems in their own families. All events of family life, as well as the accompanying emotions, need an open attitude and dialogue as basic methods of solving human problems. The parents (couple), as the real core of a family, should be able to approach all these issues through wise and attentive conversation.
  • Miniatura
    Stworzenie – grzech – Odkupienie a małżeństwo
    Meissner, Karol (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    The second and third chapter of the Book of Genesis sheds new light on the importance of love and the vocation to marriage which is a mutual gift of beings. This gift of oneself is the essence of love. At the same time, the inspired texts depict a sad condition of human community and couples living in death, that is without love. Our only hope to revive the world, and marriage, in the “civilisation of love” is Christ, who sacrified his life for us and who calls on us to love in the way he did.
  • Miniatura
    Ewangelizacja w procesie formacji duchowej w Ruchu „Światło-Życie”
    Tokarski, Fabian (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
  • Miniatura
    Duchowość świeckiego apostoła
    Chmielewski, Marek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    If we understand spirituality as a system of attitudes towards the crucial supernatural and earthly values, then a lay apostle should be characterised by two things. On the one hand, he should consciously join in the life of the Church, and on the other hand, he should be engaged in the secular world so that he could change it in the spirit of the Gospel. Sacrum and profanum should not be seen as opposition. In the view of the latest teachings of the Church, laicity should be recognized as theological sphere, where a Christian can in a conscious and responsible way strive after sanctity and find fulfilment in their personal development. A lay apostle finds many planes on which the sacred and the lay can intermingle and where the line between them is not unjustifiably blurred. These would be, above all, family life, professional career, socio-political life, entertainment, culture, etc. Karl Rahner is right to claim a Christian is and must be an apostle, wherever or whenever, just because he is Christian. On condition, however, that he is characterized by a specific missionary spirit, a concern, that makes him ensure that in the end, all things bring man to God and help him reach a higher level of humanity.
  • Miniatura
    Jak zbadać dojrzałość religijną?
    Jaworski, Roman (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
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    Charyzmat Sługi Bożego ks. Franciszka Blachnickiego w służbie „Żywego Kościoła”
    Witkowski, Janusz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    God’s servant, Reverend Franciszek Blachnicki, was gifted with a vision of the “Living Church”. He was one of the first theologians in the universal Church (among such names like e.g. Joseph Ratzinger) who clearly formulated the canon of “koinonia/communio” as an essential thought of the ecclesiology of Vatican II. The ecclesiology of communion, which is a unity of man and God, and man and his brothers through Christ in the Holy Spirit, is a life-giving rule that realises the ideas of the “Living Church”. The Light-Life Movement, founded by Fr. Blachnicki, was a means to implement the idea of the “Living Church”. Drawing on various currents of the world renewal brought about by the Second Vatican Council, Light and Life adapts them to the specific conditions of Polish Church. Thus emerged a coherent vision of formating a mature Christian, who is able to recognise his charisma and take up his diacony in the local Church.
  • Miniatura
    Rola muzyki chrześcijańskiej w Nowej Ewangelizacji
    Warmijak, Mateusz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    The Pope, John Paul II from the very beginning of his pontificate was calling for opening door for Christ, he was bringing Him everywhere and encouraging all believers to join in the evangelization, fresh in its expression, new in zeal and Spirit. Special role in this work belongs to culture creators, because evangelization is a meeting with human’s soul and it expresses herself in culture of every epoch. The sixties of last century are a beginning of “Contemporary Christian Music” (CCM). Since that time, thanks to creators and performers professionalism, it is possible to diffuse Christian essences in media. In Poland, it is possible to meet with this kind of music since early nineties of twentieth century. From a dozen or so years we can notice that God selects servants from musicians playing rock music. They receive this favor, that is a meeting with living God, and it causes that human’s hope starts to burn, desire grows to light others. Man’s heart fills with thanksgiving and adoration, and he is just unable not to scream due to happiness, sing and make a music. Unfortunately, contents promoted by majority bands and disc jockeys don’t bring good moral message, so contemporary Christian music is very necessary alternative to what is going on a scene of widely understood rock and pop music.
  • Miniatura
    Katolicy świeccy a Nowa Ewangelizacja
    Socha, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    Evangelization is an integral part of the Church’s life. Evangelization is definitely influenced by the fact that the Holy Spirit, which is confirmed in apostolic history and the scriptures of Saint Paul, endows the whole Church, the Bride. However, due to the neglecting of radical evangelism, a new occurrence appeared in Christianity, which reduced the acceptance of the evangelic proclamation to a small group of people, the priesthood. As a result, more priests started to specialize in evangelization. A new evangelization – to which John Paul II encouraged everybody – is discovering, once again a common calling to be a saint, consequently, a calling to evangelize. A new evangelization which can not be limited only to groups and movements but should be taken on by all parish communities, which should in fact become the foundation for this process. The evangelization commonness can be achieved only when all the perishes open themselves for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and answer to the Holy Spirit by evangelizing.
  • Miniatura
    Kerygmat ewangelizacyjny – próba teologicznego pogłębienia
    Siemieniewski, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    One of the most popular schemes used in evangelization in the Christian world is the model of the “Four Spiritual Laws” of which approximately 1.5 billion copies have been printed worldwide. They are very useful indeed but are often accepted with no critical theological thought whatsoever as if they came directly from the sources of Revelation. This is the reason for the present paper: to analyze the biblical ground for these Laws and to formulate some pastoral observations. We took here as an example the manual widely used in recent years for evangelization retreats in the Polish ecclesial Movement Life and Light. It seems that to the Four Laws – helpful as they are in evangelizing people – more limited value should be ascribed that it was in the past.
  • Miniatura
    Spór o nowość Nowej Ewangelizacji
    Dudzic, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)
    William Bernbach said: “The truth isn't the truth until people believe you, and they can't believe you if they don't know what your saying, and they can't know what you’re saying if they don't listen to you, and they won't listen to you if you're not interesting, and you won't be interesting until you say things imaginatively, originally, freshly.” That quote seems to be easily applicable while discussing the issue of newness of the New Evangelisation. How far have we gone to make our apostolic efforts really new? Pope John Paul II called upon the Church for a new evangelization – “new in ardor, methods and expression”. The lack or even crisis of ardor in is in a reality a crisis of faith. The true source of apostolic zeal comes from the vivid and fresh relationship with God and is being strengthen by discovery of a personal vocation that brings about the deep sense of life and gratitude that inspires a convincing witness. Today we deal with a new recipient of the Good News and this fact leads to a consideration of what should be the Church’s approach and what ways should be chosen to deliver that message to him. Definitely the way does not lead through simple change of the labels on traditional pastoral forms and approaches. The new methods require a new language that could express the old and ever true proclamation of Christ as a Redeemer in understandable way for a young generation. The language has to be young, modern and attractive and it still seems to be a huge challenge for Catholics. Church can’t undervalue or deny the responsibility for her voice to be clearly heard in marketplace of today’s world. It may require some changes in approach and the way the apostolic and pastoral work is done. Otherwise the structure can really become like the old wineskins that can not receive a new wine.
  • Miniatura
    Monastycyzm dla świeckich
    Zatorski, Włodzimierz (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2007)