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Pozycja Droga Heinricha Förstera do sakry biskupiej we Wrocławiu (1799–1853)Jerzak, Norbert (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2022)Heinrich Förster urodził się 24 listopada 1799 r. w Głogowie. Uczęszczał do miejscowego gimnazjum, gdzie w 1821 r. zdał egzamin dojrzałości, po którym wstąpił do wrocławskiego seminarium duchownego i rozpoczął studia teologiczne na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. Po ukończeniu formacji i studiów, 17 lipca 1825 r. przyjął święcenia kapłańskie. Pracował jako wikariusz w parafii świętych Apostołów Piotra i Pawła w Legnicy. W 1828 r. został mianowany proboszczem parafii świętych Apostołów Piotra i Pawła w Kamiennej Górze, gdzie pełnił posługę do 1837 r. W tym samym roku przyjechał do Wrocławia, gdzie 11 października został kanonikiem kapituły wrocławskiej i kaznodzieją katedralnym we Wrocławiu. Förster podkreślał fundamentalne znaczenie zasad wiary w głoszeniu Słowa Bożego. Jego posługa kaznodziejska przypada na spór o małżeństwa mieszane, w którym zajmował prawowierne stanowisko. W latach 1845–1853, tj. w czasie rządów kard. Melchiora von Diepenbrocka, ks. kanonik Förster był jego najbliższym i zaufanym współpracownikiem. 20 września 1845 r. otrzymał tytuł doktora honoris causa od Wrocławskiego Wydziału Teologicznego. Po śmierci kard. Melchiora von Diepenbrocka, 20 stycznia 1853 r. kapituła katedralna wybrała Förstera na wikariusza kapitulnego, a 19 kwietnia – na ordynariusza diecezji wrocławskiej. Jako biskup kontynuował dzieło odnowy moralnej i religijnej, rozpoczęte przez swojego poprzednika.Pozycja Kościelna działalność wrocławskiego biskupa Wawrzyńca w latach 1208–1232Jerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2014)In January 24, 1207 through archbishop Henry Kietlicz, Pope Innocent III issued a bull, which main content was to remind the polish princes of the right of free election, under penalty of excommunication for the opposition. Prince Henry the Bearded in order to avoid the conflict with the church, supported the candidacy of Wroclaw’s canon Wawrzyniec. The new bishop of Wrocław came probably from the lineage of knights – the lords of Pogorzela near Brzeg nad Odrą and walked out of the chapter. A very important moment in the life and pastoral activity of Bishop Wawrzyniec was to participate in the fourth Lateran council in 1215, convened by Pope Innocent III. The Council fathers occupied i.a. with an important problem, which is going to be occupied by the bishop Wawrzyniec, ie. the matter of ecclesiastical tithes, when the bishop Wawrzyniec come out strongly against the policy of Henry the Bearded, which release German’s settlers from payment of this dues. In the last years of his life, prominent archbishop Henry Kietlicz, with whom bishop Wawrzyniec was generally in good relations, was losing slowly the gained influence and was leaving by most faithful collaborators of the episcopate. Many historians believed that this group joined also the bishop Wawrzyniec, because in last years of live of archbishop, he stood firmly at the side of Henry the Bearded. Bishop Wawrzyniec has contributed to the development of the organiza tion of the diocese of Wrocław. He, who had good relationship with the cathedral chapter held a minor reforms aimed at strengthening its organizational structures. During the reign of bishop Wawrzyniec there was extended an episcopal office, which served primarily the private needs of the bishop and later ecclesiastical issues of his diocese. It wasn’t given to bishop Wawrzyniec to play a significant political role comparing to so prominent and powerful prince, as Henry the Bearded.Pozycja Ks. Andrzej Hanich, Ksiądz infułat Bolesław Kominek, pierwszy administrator apostolski Śląska Opolskiego (1945–1951), Opole 2012, t. 1, ss. 178. Ks. Bolesław Kominek. Wspomnienia i dokumenty pastoralne pierwszego administratora apostolskiego Śląska Opolskiego (1945–1951), zebrał, opracował i przypisami opatrzył ks. Andrzej Hanich Opole 2012, t. 2, ss. 707.Jerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2013)Pozycja Ks. Jan Sossalla (1908-1979). Duszpasterz i badacz dziejów Kościoła na ŚląskuJerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2010)Pozycja Kwestia biskupa wrocławskiego Henryka z Wierzbna w sporach biskupa krakowskiego Jana MuskatyJerzak, Norbert (Wydawnictwo Pallottinum, 2016)Biskup Henryk z Wierzbna i biskup Jan Muskata mieli ze sobą ścisłe kontakty, choć nie wynikały one z powiązań rodzinnych, lecz ze wspólnych przekonań, szczególnie politycznych. Pierwszy proces dotyczył wyboru Jana na stolicę biskupią, został wytoczony przez arcybiskupa Jakuba Świnkę kilkanaście lat po wyborze, przewodniczącym sądu polubownego został Henryk z Wierzbna. Wyrok sądu był korzystny dla Muskaty, oskarżenia były zbyt powierzchowne. W 1306 r. arcybiskup Jakub Świnka wytoczył mu nowy proces, ze względu na jego niegodne zachowania. Kolejny konflikt Muskata miał z Łokietkiem, który zabrał biskupowi przywileje dane z rąk czeskich władców, co doprowadziło także do przejęcia rządów w diecezji przez Jakuba Świnkę, a Muskata udał się na wygnanie do Henryka z Wierzbna, do Wrocławia. Muskata odwołał się do papieża i do legata papieskiego. Odbył się kolejny proces na wyraźną prośbę Łokietka. Tym razem wyrok sądu uznał winę biskupa, który został ekskomunikowany i pozbawiony rządów. Henryk z Wierzbna okazywał mu dalej pomoc. Muskata został osadzony w więzieniu na Wawelu. Henryk składał apelację do papieża i legata. Muskata opuszczał więzienie, obiecując ugodę, ale na wolności, na Śląsku, ogłosił, że nie uznaje ugody, gdyż była zawarta pod przymusem. Zatrzymał się we Wrocławiu. Doprowadził do procesu z arcybiskupem przed legatem papieskim, a na procesie świadkiem był Henryk z Wierzbna. Zawarto umowę, tryumfował Muskata.Pozycja Rola Jana Muskaty, archidiakona łęczyckiego, w wielkim sporze biskupa Tomasza II z Henrykiem IV ProbusemJerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)The Middle Ages in Silesia is a time of great dispute between the bishop and the prince, church – political and legal disputes, which liberated the church from the power of the prince. One of these disputes was between Bishop Thomas II (the second) and the Duke Henry IV (the fourth) Probus. In these big disputes were involved not only the main representatives of power, but also a lot of people from modern elites, as ecclesiastical and secular as well. This article aims to present one of the person, who influenced the course of the dispute – canon and later bishop of Cracow John Muskata. This study is the discovery of an important thread in the history of the medieval church in Silesia. For many years the historians were interested in the person of John Muskata and his ability to be a good negotiator and objective peacemaker. Was he like that in a dispute between Bishop Thomas and Prince Henry of Wroclaw? I think so. He showed in practice his art of mediation, as he repeatedly changed the front and by each of the quarrelled parties he was received with open arms, especially when it appeared a hope for a peaceful compromise. His diplomatic skills appreciated already during his studies in Bologna Bishop Thomas, who admired his ability to win big curial figures for his personal gain. For the Muskata himself the controversy and his presence in it, was the cognitive field of contemporary polish reality on the peak of power. These silesian experiences gained at the beginning of his career, the papal service, as collector of Peter’s pence, had a significant impact on his further course of life. This was reflected in his work as Ordinary of Cracow and in conflict with Władysław Łokietek.Pozycja Seals of Bishop Henryk of Wierzbna (1301–1319)Jerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2020)Did Bishop Henryk of Wierzbna use his seals only for legal and political purposes? Establishing this is the purpose of the article. For this purpose, the extant seals were analysed for the sealed image and legend. When analysing Bishop Henryk’s seals, we notice that they have the features of a prince’s seal; the round shape was characteristic of secular power. The Bishop’s seal was greatly influenced by Arnold of Zwrócona. The bishop used the seal for three purposes: to confirm the authenticity of the issued documents (a legal purpose), to emphasize the divine origin of the received power and to emphasize the old power of the Wrocław bishops.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej Kapłani zesłańcy – kapłani wśród zesłańców. Wrocław, 12–14 kwietnia 2015 r.Jerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)Pozycja Średniowieczne dzieje katolickiej parafii w GajkowieJerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2013)Gajków appears in sources in 1276 and by K. Eisert in 1250. Gajków belonged at that time to Marshal Pakosław Zdzieszyc, after his death the goods inherited his son Bernhard. The pastor in Gajków was Peter, who originated from an influential family von Festenberg-Packisch. The origin of the pastor from that family raises the idea that the parish in Gajków was in Middle Ages one of the prominent parishes. During the rule of Bishop of Wrocław Przecław from Pogorzela there was a dispute about the right to present the priest, between the Bishop of Wrocław and the owner of Gajków – Hanko von Schellendorf. The diocesan canonical dispute about the right to presentation find his final in the conclusion of Pope Gregory XI. The dispute was also an opportunity for parishioners and farmers to avoid their commitments to the priest of parish in Gajków. The parish in Gajków was sold to the monks of Wrocław, to the Teutonic Order of the Red Star, who operated there the pastoral ministry until the time of the Prussian secularization in 1810. Analyzing tax districts it is possibile to reconstruct, with some margin, the parish circle which included Gajków, Chrząstawa Mała, Nadolice Wielkie, Nadolice Małe, Krietern, Kotowice, Chrząstawa Wielka, Ratowice, Kamieniec Wrocławski, Czernina, Dobrzykowice and not determined Latowicz village, which is confirmed by a report from the visit of 1666. The patrons of the church in Gajków were from Middle Ages the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Margaret, whose cult has developed along with the cult of St. Jadwiga.Pozycja Starania wrocławskiego Kościoła o uzyskanie swobody gospodarczej i sądowej na swych dobrach w I poł. XIII wieku – umowa z 1249 r.Jerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2013)By the end of the twelfth century the bishopric of Wrocław owned a lot of goods and become a major economic power, although it was not sovereign against princely power. On the lands, which were granted to the Bishop, were goods belonging to the prince or knights and it was the separation of power. This situation has helped the prince to keep the right to use the benefice of ecclesiastical property. The Church had to apply for the immunity privileges, defining the power of the Church to his estate (the statute of Łęczyca from 1180), the acquisition of the economic and judicial immunity and the right to the free judiciary with the state as a judgment executor. In the bishopric of Wrocław the process to obtain the immunity was slower, as a result of disputes between bishops and silesian princes. Most of these disputes ended in a settlement, more or less favorable to the Church. The dispute between Prince Henry the Bearded and Bishop Thomas I was more hardened. The Bishop accused the prince in a letter to Rome of violating the immunity of Churches goods and forcing the population of the episcopal estates to work for the prince. Prince Henry doesn’t appear to call of the papal legate to resolve controversial issues, he was covered by excommunication, forcing the prince to intervene in Rome. The dispute lasted until March 18, 1238, to the death of Prince Henry the Bearded. After his death, his son Henry the Pious took the power, who was implacable in fundamental issues. In 1239, after the intervention of Pope Gregory IX, there is a trade-off between Prince Henry II and the Bishop of Wrocław. The first half of the thirteenth century, despite the political turmoil in Silesia, inefficient power of the son of Henry – Boleslaw Rogatka and the division of Silesia, has brought many law benefits to Church of Wrocław, which were written in the contract from June 26, 1249 in St. Giles Church in Wrocław. This contract has been written in form of rights articles of the Church and the prince in the castellany Milicz and regulates the legal relations between the two authorities. It is lack of informations about class of population and the existing german colonization in the county of Milicz. Issues raised in the agreement can be divided according to the general system of the Middle Ages into two categories: causae maiores, belonging generally to the prince and causae minores, belonging to the patrimonial judiciary (thefts, beatings, disputes and others). The range of ducal and ecclesiastical rights in Milicz contained in the contract was based on two elements of administrative system: burgum – urban settlement, including the castle, the other prison management indicating the administrative and judicial nature. Location of this burgum by the Church took place before the signing of the contract (1241–1249) and there judicial matters of maleficium controveria vel iniuria and futurum belonged to the Church castellan. The exception was the trial of the people caught in the crime in burgum or on his salary. Depending on the location, time and the causer of the crime, the penalty and the income from court fines were differentiated. The same principle was binding for the murder, so-called head. Another discussed issue was the prison of Milicz (carcer). This prison was located in the interior of the castle or in the dark of the castle or in a tower. In § 10 of the contract was stated that „the prison has always belonged and still belongs to the Church” (however it really happend to the end of the eleventh century). In the Church prison there were not only doing their time the people because of the Church judgment but also prisoners of the prince, the prince probably hadn’t have his own prison. In the contract was raised the issue about security against escapes of prisoners. It was determined, that the amount of the fine and the guilt will depend on the number of fugitives and on whose judgment they have been convicted. The contract of 1249 refers in general terms about social composition of prisoners. From this documents can only be deduced, that the penalty for the same crime were different depending on social and financial status. Based on this contract, it can be analyzed the process of taking over the secular reins of the Church in castellany Milicz, which will be completed in 1290. In the agreement was settled the case of the judiciary power of the Church castellan, who had the right to sue, prosecute, punish and dismiss the subjects of the Church on the territory of castellan and the whole income from this activity belonged to him. Over time developed the range of his power. Similar agreements the Church signed in 1241 in the duchy of Opole, in 1253 in Głogow, in 1260 in Legnica. After analyzing these agreements, it should be noted, that the authority of the Church in the castellany Milicz was much bigger than in other areas of Silesia and in the middle of the thirteenth century the authority of the Church exceeded the power range of princely castellan. In 1290 follows the taking over reins by the Church on the territory of the castellan, but it was not a full judicial and economic immunity.Pozycja Troska biskupa Wawrzyńca o należne Kościołowi wrocławskiemu dziesięcinyJerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2015)In the thirteenth century hierarchs of the church of the diocese of Silesia strove for church liberation from the sovereign power of the state, to obtain complete autonomous individuality, to subject the state and society to canonical rules and obligations arising from them, eg.: tithing. Gregorian reforms were implemented. In Silesia, the first church claim for tithe took place in the time of administration of Bishop Cyprian, but there were many concessions and exemptions in paying. The successor to the bishop Cyprian, Bishop Lawrence came stricter to the issue of tithing – no concessions and no exemptions. This attitude of bishop to the tithes contributed to dissatisfaction by the Prince Henry the Bearded. The conflict between two mens increased. Prince Henry the Bearded didin’t fulfil the terms of the Lateran Council concerning the tithe, which brought, that Bishop Lawrence complained to Pope Innocent III. Pope supported the claims of Bishop Lawrence. After death of Innocent III, the new Pope Honorius III supports the complaint of Prince Henry and to resolve the dispute, deputed the throughout Europe respected monk diplomat Konrad Krossigk, who tried to mitigate the conflict. It was only in 1227 a settlement agrement were signed, which was a compromise on both sides. The settlement allowed the development to colonize the areas of Silesia.Pozycja Udział biskupa Filipa z Fermo we wrocławskim sporze pomiędzy biskupem Tomaszem II a księciem Henrykiem IVJerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2017)Philip of Fermo, the papal legate in Poland, became after studies in law in Bologna, a provost of the Mantua Cathedral Chapter. From 1272 he was a Bishop of Fermo and co-worker of papal curia of Gregory X. He attended the Council of Lion. Pope Nicholas appointed him to his chaplain. He was a professor of law. As a papal legate he visited and reformed Italian dioceses. He was nominated by Nicholas as a legate for Poland, Dalmatia, Herzegovina, Serbia. However, the main reform activity was developed by Philip in Hungary, where he contributed to the baptism of Cumans. At the synod in Buda he issued statutes for the metropolis of Hungary and Poland, which laid down ecclesial life according to the requirements of the reformed canon law. Among other things he released the parish teaching program. At the command of the pope, he became involved of manning of vacant bishopric in Gniezno. He came to Poland and contributed to the deepening of the theological and legal knowledge of the clergy, to the improvement of ecclesiastical discipline. At the end of his stay in Poland he settled in favor of the church a dispute between Bishop Thomas and Prince Henry, but he did not resolve the conflict. He returned to the Diocese of Fermo and there he developed a pastoral work.Pozycja Wkład biskupów wrocławskich w rozwój statutów kapituły wrocławskiej do roku 1468Jerzak, Norbert (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Wyższego Instytutu Teologicznego w Częstochowie, 2017)In the year 1000 there was established the Metropolitan Archidioces of Gniezno with suffragan dioceses in Krakow, Breslau, Kolobrzeg and sometime later in Poznan. To Poland the institution of cathedral chapter arrived already formed and development progressed irrespective of each other dioceses. The first seat Breslau chapter it could be considered the Abbey of St. Martin nearby the Breslau’s castel. The elaboration of the first set of statute chapter the Breslau Cathedral was upon the bishop Henry of Wierzbno (1302-1319). An signifiant input into the final form of statutes chapter had others Breslau bishops, there were Przeclaw and Waclaw who contributed mostly. Only a german bishop of Breslau and papal legate Rudolf of Rudesheim (1464-1482) menaged the cathedral chapter statutes were approved. It the was the beginning of stabilization with functioning the Breslau cathedral chapter.Pozycja Zabiegi biskupa Tomasza II o auxilium brachii secularis przeciw księciu Henrykowi IV Probusowi w 1287 rokuJerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2016)When Bishop Thomas II was holding the diocese of Wroclaw in 1270, he found a difficult situation after the rules of Prince Bishop Władysław, the interests of church suffered greatly, there was lawlessness and disorder. The first task was the establishment of law and order. During of implementating of order in the diocese, there was a dispute with Prince Henry IV. It was a big dispute concerning the views of law, power, church and state. During the dispute the bishop was using excommunication, interdict, and the Prince was using the policy of fait accompli and the military dominance as much that the bishop had to run to Otmuchów and then to Racibórz, which Prince Henry had invaded by armed troops. The article describes the efforts of Bishop Thomas for announcement of crusade against the prince. The idea emerged during the Synod meeting in 1285 in Krakow, but Pope Honorius IV did not agree. Once again, the bishop strives for an armed expedition against the prince in 1287. He was striving for this in Rome and by the Polish bishops.Pozycja Życiowe dokonania Cypriana – zakonnika i biskupa wrocławskiego w latach 1201–1207Jerzak, Norbert (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2014)In 1201 Cyprian became the bishop of Wrocław. Cyprian was a distinguished clergyman, because of his charismatic nature and organizational skills quickly climbed the ladder of church hierarchy. His church career began as a norbertine monk and ended as a bishop. Place and date of birth of Cyprian are unknown, but because of the name – Cyprian (not known in Poland in those days), it is to think, that he came from Latin or German countries. We know from the records, that Cyprian appeared in Silesia before 1193, where he got the task of reforming the norbertine community in Wroclaw. Organizational sense, efficient diplomacy and patronage of Prince Bolesław the Tall, Archbishop Peter of Gniezno and Bishop Żyrosław were contributing that he became the first abbot of the monastery of St. Vincent in Ołbin. Cyprian undertook also efforts, that premonstratensians communities occurred in other parts of Poland. In 1193 Cyprian became the bishop of the diocese in Lubusz, through the intercession of the Duke Boleslaw the Tall, but we do not have information about the rule on those areas. Cyprian enjoys great affection of Prince Boleslaw the Tall and his son Henry, soon became the bishop of Wrocław. This election, as well as personality of Cyprian in this position didn’t meet with the approval in Rome, but Duke Bolesław enjoying large graces from the Pope, because he favored the reform of the church, pushed through the approval of this choice. In this way Cyprian became the first Polish elective bishop. Cyprian’s tenure in Wrocław did not last too long. But in the annals was this time recording as abounding in good relations with the ducal manor, monasteries, with their own archbishopric and the papacy. During his reign and by his participation came to great foundation of Henry the Bearded, cistercian monastery in Trzebnica. He became a carer of cistercian, johannite and regular canons, he gave them new or approved old privileges. Cyprian as a bishop of Wrocław proved to be also an effective politician and diplomat. Thanks to him and support of archbishop of Gniezno and bishop of Kraków came to a settlement between Henry the Bearded and his uncle Mieszko. Bishop Cyprian died October 25, 1207. He was buried in the cistercian church in Lubiąż, next to his patron the Duke Boleslaw the Tall.