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Pozycja Artyzm kazań Prymasa TysiącleciaSikora, Jerzy (Instytut Teologiczny Diecezji Ełckiej, 2001)Pozycja Artyzm współczesnych kazań polskichSikora, Jerzy (Instytut Teologiczny Diecezji Ełckiej, 2005)Pozycja Duch Święty jako inspiracja twórcza w głoszeniu słowa Bożego a inspiracja artystyczna – podobieństwa i różniceSikora, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2019)Porównując inspirację pneumatologiczną z artystyczną w głoszeniu słowa Bożego, wchodzimy na teren psychologii twórczości. Dotykamy zagadnienia procesu twórczego. Badamy w kaznodziejstwie związki między komponentem „ludzkim” a „boskim”. Na ambonie głosi się słowo Boga, a nie własne i dlatego Duch Święty jawi się jako inspiracja, a zarazem ontologiczna cecha głoszonego Słowa. Posiada moc ożywczą, a także uświęcającą. To inspiracja bardziej altruistyczna, wspólnotowa niż natchnienie artystyczne. Wprawdzie „Duch Święty wieje, kędy chce” (J 3, 8), jednak natchnienie Ducha Świętego – zwłaszcza wymodlone i wyproszone – jest więcej przewidywalne niż artystyczne. Sztuka może być podstępna, zachłanna, a nawet diaboliczna, o faustowskim obliczu. I natchnienie artystyczne może mieć takowe źródła, co oczywiście nie przystoi kaznodziei. Inspiracja artystyczna i inspiracja pneumatologiczna to raczej nie długotrwały stan, lecz szczególne momenty łaski. Jeśli na ambonie kaznodzieja nie potrafi być natchniony, powinien przyjąć i wypełnić rolę dobrego rzemieślnika.Pozycja Język w duszpasterstwieSikora, Jerzy (Instytut Teologiczny Diecezji Ełckiej, 2004)Pozycja Literackość kazań – rozpoznania filologiczneSikora, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2006)The article tackles philological contexts of preaching and is situated in broadly understood contextual homiletics. The preacher’s ways of using fiction and poetry are not worked out well enough in Poland; a philological consideration of the subject is still missing. The present text is an attempt at doing it. Its author refers to literature (selected works), and also to the study of literature. He shows the question of the literary character of homilies in the context of the most important definitions and theoretical approaches. He shows ways of giving homilies a literary character and of making literature present in them. The article is an attempt at analyzing homilies with the tools used by the study of literature. This considerably broadens the analytical spectrum, as this is usually done almost exclusively by pastoral theology. The author indicates that literature should be something more for preaching than just a source of examples within its contents. For a preacher it may also be a source of form, style, imagery, reflections on literature itself (meta-literature), on preaching or on the preacher. The author stresses the need of axiological knowledge of literature on the part of the preacher, which is a condition for using its most valuable works. Certainly knowledge of the theory of literature terminology is indispensable, too. Summing up, the article is devoted to philological considerations of the problem of the literary character of homilies, and at the same time it is a collection of tips for the preacher about how he should preach the Gospel: in a beautiful way, with a sense of esthetics. The problem of literary value is connected with artistry of homilies. Skillful giving a literary character to homilies is one of the numerous ways to overcome the crisis in preaching.Pozycja „Poetyka fragmentu” w polskiej poezji współczesnejSikora, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2006)This is a study of the “poetics of an excerpt” in Polish contemporary poetry, in postwar lyrics to be precise. In order to provide a cross-sectional and panoramic view of this phenomenon, poets of diverse generations are discussed. A special attention is paid to Tadeusz Różewicz and representatives of various literary trends: the linguistic trend, the Kontynenty – literary magazine (published in London), the BruLion generation, The New Wave (Jan Polkowski), priestly poetry (Andrzej Wierciński). In this study Polkowski’s and Wierciński’s poetry is used to demonstrate the peculiarity of fragmentation. The concept of the “poetics of an excerpt” is discussed in comparison with literary tradition in its various aspects in order to reveal different types of axiology and outlook upon life. Besides, this concept is presented on the literary genetics level and juxtaposed with the “open work”.The term of the “poetics of an excerpt” is not included in the Polish Dictionary of Literary Terms in contrast to the “open work”. Besides, there are no crosssectional studies of this category. Thus, the author’s work is an attempt to fill the gap.Pozycja Poezja „Kontynentów” a sztuki plastyczneSikora, Jerzy (Instytut Teologiczny Diecezji Ełckiej, 2000)Pozycja Przepowiadanie ks. Jana Twardowskiego i ks. Józefa Tischnera do dzieci – studium porównawcze w aspekcie komunikacyjnymSikora, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2010)As a basis of the work there are compositions for the children by Fr. Twardowski, collected in first three volumes of “Utwory zebrane” by Jan od Biedronki (especially “Patyki i patyczki” and “Zeszyt w kratke”), and in “Rozmowy z dziecmi”. “Kazania niecodzienne” by Fr. Tischner. Both authors addressed to the children their spoken word, as well as a written one. Twardowski preached to the children more often than Tischner, and applied more relieved delivery forms. Essentially, Tischner’s preaching had a form of homily or story, while Twardowski’s – of homily, story, minidrama, humoresque, riddle, and also of a poetic composition. Both preachers are aware of preaching to a specific listener, as a child is. They endeavor to make children interested in a given religious subject, as most frequently presented as a problem to be resolved in common. They employ analysis and synthesis usually within a short narration, which is more dialogized in Tischner’s than in Twardowski’s. On the other hand, Twardowski’s messages are formulated with bigger dose of humor than these of Tischner, and with smaller distance to an addressee. Both engage humor, joke, and ludic (amusement) elements. They try to reach not only a childish intellect, but even more a child’s imagination. Adequately to this purpose they find a language of preaching. It is communicative, concrete, conformable to perceptive possibilities of addressee, and not trespassing a linguistic picture of child’s world. In a syntactic layer, simple sentences and equivalent clauses prevail. In Tischner’s homilies there is more “on-goings” and spontaneity, activations of interpersonal relations. He also refers more frequently to memory and thinking. Both preachers try to wake the children to understand and feel the beauty, and to open them – as much as possible because of a danger of excessive abstraction – to the world of transcendent values. They apply a principle of demonstrativeness by pictures, signs, and symbols. The principle of demonstrativeness facilitates a communication with the children, as well as an understanding and assimilation of evangelical contents and values, and their inclusion to the child’s world. The preachers engage especially senses of hearing and sight of their listeners. They introduce an element of delicate provocation (especially Tischner) in order to arise interest in a childish addressee. Both deliver a positive picture of the world. In their preaching a horizontal dimension unites with a vertical one.Pozycja Środki masowego przekazu w diecezji ełckiejSikora, Jerzy (Instytut Teologiczny Diecezji Ełckiej, 2002)