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Pozycja Drugi Sobór Watykański – próba kontekstualnej interpretacji historycznejWalkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2013)Świadomość nieukończonego w 1870 roku Pierwszego Soboru Watykańskiego generowała z jednej strony w oficjalnych czynnikach kościelnych wolę jego kontynuacji, a z drugiej niektórzy uważali, że cały splot wydarzeń z kategorii ustawodawczo-doktrynalnej nie wymaga takiej potrzeby. Niemniej, począwszy od pontyfikatu Piusa X, Stolica Apostolska czyniła przygotowania do kolejnego soboru, a mimo iż najwięcej w tej materii uczynił Pius XII, zaniechał ostatecznie myśli o soborze. Jednak dość nieoczekiwanie zdecydował się na niego Jan XXIII, a później kontynuował Paweł VI. Rezultat prac soborowych okazał się imponujący, w czym mieli także pokaźny udział biskupi polscy, głównie prymas Polski, kardynał Stefan Wyszyński i kardynał Karol Wojtyła. Mówiąc najogólniej – dziełem soboru była wszechstronna odnowa (reforma) Kościoła, ekumeniczne otwarcie na dialog oraz wyraziste samookreślenie się Kościoła.Pozycja Kontakty Parafii Matki Boskiej Częstochowskiej w London, Ontario z Katolickim Uniwersytetem LubelskimWalkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2004)The subject of the article is the question of formation and development of cooperation between the parish of Our Lady of Częstochowa in London, Ontario and the Catholic University of Lublin. It began soon after the parish had been established in 1953 and the then parish priest, Rev. Franciszek Pluta had visited the Catholic University of Lublin. It assumed an organized form only in 1977. It was then that in London a Circle of Friends of the CUL was established. From the very beginning it was prepared to promote the CUL among Polish Canadians and other inhabitants of Canada and to collect funds for the work of the CUL. It was this aim that membership in the Society of Friends of the CUL, as well as organizing all sorts of profitable events and the visits of the University’s official representatives (among others the Rector, Prof. M. A. Krąpiec, Rev. T. Zasępa, Prof. S. Sawicki, Rev. J. Perszon) to London were to serve. A completely different form of these relations was initiated in the middle of the 1990’s by the present parish priest, Rev. Adam Gabriel, who made efforts to make the promotion of the CUL more intensive and the cooperation between the two institutions more effective. It is being carried out, among others, through annual Advent retreats with sermons preached by a representative of the CUL, academic-informational meetings, visits and lectures of CUL professors in London and research projects inspired and moneyed by the parish of Our Lady of Częstochowa in London.Pozycja Kontakty polonijnego duszpasterza ks. Wawrzyńca Wnuka z PolskąWalkusz, Jan (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2011)The present article is an attempt at illustrating the relations of the emigration priest with his home country in the span of over 60 years. Rev. Warzyniec Wnuk, a non-compromising priest and indeed a heroic organizer of Polish emigration circles, when he was freed from a concentration camp he first worked in Germany, and then in the USA and Canada. After establishing his legal ecclesiastic status, in order to revive the social life of the Polish emigrants, brought Ursuline Sisters of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus to Windsor (Ontario, Canada). Along with them he organized yearly trips to Poland, where he met several friendly bishops, supporting financially their investment projects; he also supported Polish cultural-academic institutions (including the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, the Mikołaj Kopernik University of Toruń and specialist clinics) and he established funds and stipends for Polish students and scholars; and after marshal law was imposed on Poland he established a special Fund for Aid to Poland. He also organized two official visits by Canadian bishops in Poland – Bishop Emmett Carter, the Chairman of the Episcopate of Canada in 1977, and Bishop John M. Sherlock, the Ordinary of the London Diocese in 1998. Rev. W. Wnuk spent most of his life in Canada, but still he was interested in Poland all the time; he felt Poland, thought and acted like a Pole and did it for Poland.Pozycja Ks. Józef Dębiński, Duchowieństwo rzymskokatolickie diecezji włocławskiej w latach 1918-1939, Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika 2010, ss. 875.Walkusz, Jan (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)Pozycja Ks. Józef Mandziuk, Historia Kościoła katolickiego na Śląsku. Średniowiecze, t. I, cz. 1 (do 1302 roku), Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego 2003, ss. 377.Walkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2005)Pozycja Ks. Wojciech Guzewicz, Ruch katolicko-społeczny na terenie diecezji łomżyńskiej w okresie XX-lecia międzywojennego, Ełk 2006, ss. 400Walkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2007)Pozycja Ks. Zbigniew Straszewski, Odry. Dzieje parafii na tle regionu południowych Kaszub, cz. I i II, Bernardinum, Pelplin 2016, ss. 455 + 452.Walkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2018)Pozycja Literacka twórczość księdza Bernarda SychtyWalkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1998)Pozycja Misyjny program Benedykta XV i jego realizacjaWalkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2018)Pope Benedict XV (1914-1922) is often called a ‘missionary Pope’ on the grounds of his effort to redefine and to offer a new vision of the missionary activity of the Church. The crucial principle of the renewed missionary vision was to deprive it of the political factor. Another novelty introduced by the Pontiff was to introduce the native hierarchy along with the ecclesiastical administration in the missionary countries and to foster the education and the autonomy of the local clergy. The modern, groundbreaking teaching was defined in the encyclical letter Maximum illud promulgated on 30/11/1919.Pozycja Pozycja Polskie szkolnictwo w kanadyjskim LondonWalkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2007)Poles settling down in London, Ontario from the second half of the 19th century, for a rather long time dispersed in the town and its surroundings, were lost in the general population of nationally and culturally differentiated inhabitants. The situation was considerably changed beginning from the years after World War I, when, as result of the realization of the necessity of working together – the Polish National Association was founded in order to defend the common interests of the local Polish community. To be sure, the greatest achievement of the PNA in its history was establishing the Stanisław Staszic Polish School in London in 1927. At the beginning about 40 children were educated there by one teacher. After World War II the number of pupils and teachers grew systematically, reaching its culmination in 1999. The school numbered 560 children and 25 teachers then. It is well-understood that in its nearly 80-year history the curriculum, as well as the way it functioned, changed. For many years the school was financed by Polish community organizations, the Polish Our Lady of Częstochowa parish, and by the parents. From 1976, however, most of the financial burden was taken over by the Separate School Board of Education that among others paid the teachers and financed the school’s pedagogical-educational activities. This picture of the extraordinarily inspiring and integrating role of the deserved educational institution is complemented by another Polish school that existed in London in the 70s of the 20th century, named after Bolesław Prus (it was founded as an expression of contestation and objection to the Stanisław Staszic School), which numbered 36 pupils at its prime, as well as by the Summer School of the Polish Language, that enjoys a lot of interest, even though it only works periodically.Pozycja Rola środowiska rodzinnego w procesie kształtowania się aktywności literackiej polskiego duchowieństwa na ziemiach byłego zaboru pruskiego w latach 1848-1939Walkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2001)Together with the trends of the Spring of the Peoples there occurred a considerable national revival, initiated mainly by the League of the Nation. This was done by means of the Polish press and respective literature, intent on awakening Polish national awareness. The League of the Nation issued an appeal to spread educational work, and to that appeal responded, above all, Catholic clergymen who – apart from their engagement in the press and journalism – put their creative ability to creating popular literature, full of ideas, for the people. Their participation in that sphere has not been investigated so far, therefore the paper attempts to answer the question about the influence of the familiar milieu on that type of activity. It turns out that it was, above all, formation in the spirit of the Polish national values that decided about it, and undoubtedly the personal patterns from the most proximate surrounding. The more vivid was the degree of activity, the more common was one’s participation in the creative literary process. Therefore the largest number of priests originated from Greater Poland and Pomoria, and the least from Varmia. No matter how we look upon the genealogy of that phenomenon, it is difficult not to notice the enormous influence of home and family. The values taken from there, in combination with indubitable talent and individual predispositions, then appropriately shaped during school education and studies, would bring forth fruit by the standards of the phenomenon that was met nowhere except in the former Prussian partition.Pozycja Świadome uczestnictwo w kulturze literackiej i narodowej drogą do aktywności pisarskiej polskiego duchowieństwa katolickiego w Wielkopolsce, na Pomorzu i Warmii w latach 1848-1939Walkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2002)The Revolution of 1848 is marked not only with the revival of Polish national life under the Prussian partition and the development of regional press, but also it saw an equally intensive interest in literary writing. In this area it was, aboe all, the Catholic clergy that was made famous. Taking into consideration only some of them, thos who had published at least one book on belles-lettres (lyric verse, narrative literature, drama, and non-fiction), we can easily point to about fifty clergymen who worked in the Prussian partition in the years 1848-1939. Hence we are justified in our attempt to examine the genealogy of this pehnomenon and to answer the causes of this pehnomenon in the history of Polish literature in the neineteenth and twentieth centuries. In like manner the author shows the forms in which priests participated in literary and national culture, responsing at the same time to the question as regards the degrre and character of the infouence on the their later wiriting. It turns out that the clergy were involved in the secondary school self-tutition movement, leanred societies when at univertiy (Literary-Slavonic Society in Wroclaw, The Learned Society of Poles in Monastery), and the Society of Leanred Aid; this involvment stimultated the process of acquisition of the rich output of Polish literature and improvement in their mother tongue. This was an essential stage on the way to literary writing.Pozycja Twórczość pamiętnikarsko-wspomnieniowa polskiego duchowieństwa Pomorza i Wielkopolski XIX i XX wiekuWalkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)Apart from the rich and varied scientific writing, mainly theological and historical, the clergy of Pomerania and Greater Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries eagerly pursued literature. Diaries are a specially abundant section of that literature. Their point of departure may be divided into three basic groups: memoirs from the Prussian period, reports on travel and memoirs of manners, and memoirs (diaries) of a purely literary character. The first group contains memoirs from the period of kulturkampf written by the priests: Władysław Chotkowski (Moje wspomnienia z Kulturkampfu 1875-1878 [My Memoirs from the Period of Kulturkampf], Gniezno 1900), Stanisław W. Wisniewski (Moje wspomnienia z watki kulturnej [My Memoirs from the Cultural Struggle], Poznań 1912), and Józef Grabowski (Obraz walki kulturnej w Prusach 1872-1886 na tle własnych doświadczeń [The Picture of Cultural Struggle in Prussia 1872-1886 in View of Own Experiences], Poznań 1918), and also Rev. Władysław Łęga’s description of experiences from the First World War (Z mych wrażeń wojennych 1915- 1919 [Of My War Impressions], Grudziądz 1922). We find an interesting historico-geographical material as well as one about manners in the works written by W Łęga (Madera, Maroko, Hiszpania. Wrażenia z wycieczki [Madera, Morocco, Spain. Impressions from a Trip], Grudziądz 1931), Juliusz Pobłocki (Na Kaszubach przed 100 laty. Obrazki kaszubskie [In Kashubia a Hundred Years Ago. Kashubian Pictures], Pelplin 1926), and Hieronim Gołębiowski (Obrazki rybackie z półwyspy Helu [Fishing Pictures from the Hel Peninsula], Pelplin 1888). The poetic diary written by Rev. Ewaryst Nawrowski occupies a special place in this line of writing (Z roku życia [Of a Year of Life], Poznań 1919). This study is an attempt at an analysis of the above diaries, both from the point of their contents, and their form, and that within the context of the life and output of their authors.Pozycja Wojna i okupacja na Pomorzu Nadwiślańskim a duchowieństwo w świetle niepublikowanych wspomnień i relacjiWalkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)The author discusses the history of war and occupation in the Vistula Pomerania in the context of the clergy’s commitment and attitudes, as determined by the situation created by the Nazi “law” The study is based on the memoirs and reports that have not been used in research yet, all of them kept in the church archives in Pelplin. In their light, the picture of martyrology and repression towards the intelligentsia can be supplemented and drawn in details. We mean especially Catholic priests, pastoral care (often administered under extremely difficult circumstances), a specific testimony of the dissemination of hope and protest against the imposed order. The documents included also the clergymen’s commitment to the resistance, a fact that has been barely known so far. An excellent illustration of the latter form of activity was the role of Rev. Alojzy Licznerski from Karsin in a small formation called “The Struggle Against the Occupant,” an organization that functioned during the war and occupation in Pomerania.Pozycja Wokół problematyki dogmatu nieomylności papieskiej na łamach prasy redagowanej przez ks. Józefa StagraczyńskiegoWalkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1999)Pozycja Z dziejów diecezji gliwickiejWalkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2019)Pozycja Zagadnienia historii diecezji chełmińskiej na łamach "Studiów Pelplińskich" przed jubileuszem 750-lecia diecezji i 20-lecia "Studiów Pelplińskich"Walkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1988)Pelplin was designated in 1824 as the capital of the Chełmno diocese, newly reorganized by the papal bull De salute animarum. Very soon Pelplin became a major publishing and research centre. From 1969 the Catholic periodical "Pielgrzym" appeared there, first as a weekly, then from 1919 three times a week. The seminary, transferred to Pelplin from Chełmno in 1829, acted on behalf of the diocese in the beatification process of Cardinal Stanisław Hosius (bishop of Chełmno in 1549-1551) between the two World Wars; hence, the diocesan publications during that period were mostly devoted to the Cardinal. After World W ar II a scholarly annual, the "Studia Pelplińskie", started to appear as part of the diocesan series. A decisive impulse to create a separate learned journal came in 1965, when the Seminary was affiliated to the Lateran University in Rome. Fourteen volumes of the Studia have appeared so far, each of them containing a sizeable proportion of historical articles. Since most of these are based on sources, they hold an important place in the contemporary historiography of the diocese. the present article classifies and discusses the varied set of problems in the history of the diocese dealt with in the Studia. There are texts on the individual periods of the diocese's history (early Christianity, the Teutonic Order's rule, the partitions, war and occupation), on bishops and other people who have earned a permanent place in its history. This study also discusses articles on religious orders, parishes, sanctuaries and pilgrimages, emigration from the diocese, historiography, bibliographies and diocesan publications.