Twórczość pamiętnikarsko-wspomnieniowa polskiego duchowieństwa Pomorza i Wielkopolski XIX i XX wieku




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


Apart from the rich and varied scientific writing, mainly theological and historical, the clergy of Pomerania and Greater Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries eagerly pursued literature. Diaries are a specially abundant section of that literature. Their point of departure may be divided into three basic groups: memoirs from the Prussian period, reports on travel and memoirs of manners, and memoirs (diaries) of a purely literary character. The first group contains memoirs from the period of kulturkampf written by the priests: Władysław Chotkowski (Moje wspomnienia z Kulturkampfu 1875-1878 [My Memoirs from the Period of Kulturkampf], Gniezno 1900), Stanisław W. Wisniewski (Moje wspomnienia z watki kulturnej [My Memoirs from the Cultural Struggle], Poznań 1912), and Józef Grabowski (Obraz walki kulturnej w Prusach 1872-1886 na tle własnych doświadczeń [The Picture of Cultural Struggle in Prussia 1872-1886 in View of Own Experiences], Poznań 1918), and also Rev. Władysław Łęga’s description of experiences from the First World War (Z mych wrażeń wojennych 1915- 1919 [Of My War Impressions], Grudziądz 1922). We find an interesting historico-geographical material as well as one about manners in the works written by W Łęga (Madera, Maroko, Hiszpania. Wrażenia z wycieczki [Madera, Morocco, Spain. Impressions from a Trip], Grudziądz 1931), Juliusz Pobłocki (Na Kaszubach przed 100 laty. Obrazki kaszubskie [In Kashubia a Hundred Years Ago. Kashubian Pictures], Pelplin 1926), and Hieronim Gołębiowski (Obrazki rybackie z półwyspy Helu [Fishing Pictures from the Hel Peninsula], Pelplin 1888). The poetic diary written by Rev. Ewaryst Nawrowski occupies a special place in this line of writing (Z roku życia [Of a Year of Life], Poznań 1919). This study is an attempt at an analysis of the above diaries, both from the point of their contents, and their form, and that within the context of the life and output of their authors.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

duchowieństwo, kapłani, Pomorze, Wielkopolska, XIX w., XX w., twórczość pamiętnikarska, twórczość wspomnieniowa, wspomnienia, historia, clergy, priesthood, Pomerania, Greater Poland, diary work, memoir works, pamiętnikarstwo, pamiętniki, diaries, memories, history


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1997, T. 44, z. 4, s. 115-142.


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