Polonia Sacra, 2012, R. 16 (34), Nr 30 (74)
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Pozycja Mała architektura sakralna w optyce prawa polskiego i kanonicznegoKroczek, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)In recent years one can observe in Poland the increasing numbers of investments of the churchyard crosses, roadside shrines, memorials, or plaques, that is, the objects of so-called „small sacred architecture”. The article presents the current Polish and Church law that regulate the matter. Observance of the norms from both systems of laws is required to avoid serious legal consequences, which can overshadow the noble intensions of originators. At the end of the paper, there are given some practical remarks and specific solutions, which can be of help for the persons who are responsible for the sacred architecture in a diocese.Pozycja Komunia z Bogiem istotą chrześcijańskiego powołaniaGogola, Jerzy Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Union with God constitutes the essence of the Christian calling for holiness. Only God is holy. If one wants to be holy, there is no other way from that to unite with God. Such wisdom flows from God’s Revelation and from the teaching of the Church and mystics, particularly those Carmelitan ones mentioned in the article. The dynamic of the communion with God has been considered here according to three stages of sanctification: the starting, final and intermediate. The process may begin owing to the free experience of God, who is initiating the way leading to Him. Typical examples of that are: St. Paul, St. Theresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross and St. Theresa from Lisieux. In the end of the process mystics enjoy anew a deep communion with God, but on the incomparably higher level than the initial one, which is most often represented through bridal symbolism. To achieve that stage requires the process described by mystics in terms of marital union with Christ. Such a vision of sanctification results in the adequate educational pedagogy. The Carmelitan doctors seem to direct efforts of the faithful towards personal union with God due to faith, hope and love.Pozycja Romuald Henryk Kośla OFM, Jan Duns Szkot. Jego dzieło i myśl od początku XX wieku do dzisiaj, Wydawnictwo UNUM, Kraków 2011, 328 s.Kasprzak, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Pozycja Niosąc w przyszłość dziedzictwo pontyfikatu. Związki watykańskiej Fundacji Jana Pawła II z instytucjami w PolsceDobrzyński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)The John Paul II Foundation is an organization of Polish emigrants from around the world who want to be linked to the Pontificate of their compatriot. The Foundation was established by John Paul II, October 16th, 1981 in the Vatican. The purpose of the Foundation was to develop a relationship between the Holy See and Polish nation, enhance the Christian and Polish culture throughout the world, and document the Pontificate of John Paul II. The article Carrying into the Future the Legacy of John Paul II’s Pontificate introduces the activity of the four institutions, which operate within the Foundation. Three of the institutions reside in Rome; the Polish Home for Pilgrims, the Institute of Polish Christian Culture, and the Center for Research and Documentation of the Pontificate. The fourth Institution is the John Paul II Foundation Home, in Lublin. This Institution provides scholarships to students of former communist countries to study at the Catholic University located in Lublin. The purpose of the article was to illustrate the fruitful relationship between the Foundations activities and the various organizations in Poland during its 30 year existence. After the collapse of communism in 1989, and the death of John Paul II in 2005, many similar institutions have been founded in Poland. The collaboration among them helps to preserve and disseminate the Legacy of the Pontificate of John Paul II.Pozycja Geneza utworzenia Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w KrakowieDyduch, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)A weighty event in the history of the theological high school in Cracow was the foundation of the Pontifical University of John Paul II on 19 June 2009, on the Solemnity of the Lord Jesus’ Sacred Heart. It was the Pope Benedict XVI with the Congregation for Catholic Education to carry this out. This important event was preceded by labours aiming at the development of the Pontifical Academy of Theology and by several years’ efforts to transform it into the Pontifical University.Pozycja Przemysław Plata OSA, The Appeal to the Trinity in Contemporary Theology of Interreligious Dialogue, Leuven 2007, ss. 230Kupczak, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Pozycja Gréckokatolícki mučeníci z obdobia neslobody 1939–1989Borza, Peter (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Pass of the twentieth century in Central Europe is marked by two totalitarian systems, which grossly restricted the freedom of people and stifled any opposition speeches. These included the free expression of religion at all levels of society. The presented study deals about the personalities of Greek Catholic Church in Central Europe, with emphasis on the territory of Czechoslovakia. These are individuals who had expressed opposition to the totalitarian regime. They also brought the greatest sacrifice of own life for bold attitude to cruel regime or were exposed to risk of death. Greek Catholic Church has declared blessed some of them after the process of investigation and thus forever entered them in the memory of the Greek Catholic Church. Among the presented figures are the bearers of the title Righteous Among the Nations, award-winning in Israel for unconditional aid to Jews during World War II, as they were risking the loss of his life and lives of family members for saving the racially and religiously persecuted. Given later, the contribution is divided into two parts, the first presents the blessed martyrs, that those who died as martyrs and the second part is devoted to individuals who risked their lives while were exposed to the death for rescuing Jews.Pozycja O. Hieronim Kajsiewicz CR (1812–1873): troska o duchowość troską o dobro społeczności. Sprawozdanie z IV Międzynarodowego Sympozjum z cyklu Duchowość Klasztorów Polskich: Przekaz i Komunikacja (Kraków, 28 lutego 2012)Mleczko, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Pozycja Woman, Self-Giving and Receiving: New Feminism, Theology of the Body, and SocietyGawkowska, Aneta (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Artykuł przedstawia i analizuje podstawową w nowym feminizmie kwestię ludzkiej relacyjności, która ukazywana jest wyraźnie przez kobiecość opartą na możliwości nawiązywania specyficznie głębokiej relacji z dzieckiem podczas okresu ciąży. Otwartość na przyjęcie nowej osoby – dziecka, w wyniku uprzedniej postawy miłosnej receptywności w relacji kobiety i mężczyzny, jest w teologicznym ujęciu Jana Pawła II istotną społecznie wskazówką głównego aspektu relacji międzyludzkich jako takich, czyli aspektu miłości wyrażonej przez akceptację wyrastającą z założenia o godności człowieka jako wartości niesprowadzalnej do wymiaru utylitarnego. Papieski personalizm propagowany przez nowe feministki (np. Michele M. Schumacher, Mary F. Rousseau, Mary Ann Glendon, Janne Haaland Matlary, Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Marguerite Léna, Pia Francesca de Solenni, Helen M. Alvaré) łączy się w ich teoriach i praktycznych postulatach z realistyczną antropologią i teologią daru według Jana Pawła II (przedstawioną w jego teologii ciała, teologii małżeństwa i rodziny). Zgodnie z tym stanowiskiem osoba istnieje w relacjach wspólnotowych, danych i współtworzonych dzięki przyjmowaniu i dawaniu miłości osobowej; wolność osoby realizowana jest w relacjach i w przestrzeni prawdy o dobru, w tym dobru wspólnym; natura ludzka posiada wpisaną w siebie celowość. Wymienione założenia przeciwstawiają się w oczywisty sposób stanowisku relatywistycznemu i subiektywistyczno-indywidualistycznemu. Nowy feminizm jest zatem ciekawą alternatywą dla indywidualistycznie zorientowanych stanowisk nowożytnej filozofii społecznej; alternatywą, która wykazuje pewne podobieństwa do ujęcia komunitariańskiego (np. konkluzji Alasdaira MacIntyre’a), ale która zdaje się iść dużo dalej w kierunku sformułowania poglądu o społeczeństwie jako ufundowanym na ekstatyczności ludzkich relacji (Rozumienie „ekstazy” jako swoistego wyjścia z siebie i bytowania w drugim wzięte jest tu z pism Karola Wojtyły – Jana Pawła II, a rozwinięte i poddane analizie w teorii Grahama J. McAleera). Nowy feminizm zawiera zatem wiele starych filozoficznych treści, ale wzbogacone są one o współczesną wrażliwość i wprowadzane w nowym kontekście społecznym czasów późnej nowoczesności przez kobiety jako osoby świadome wagi relacyjności z powodu natury i specyficznego doświadczenia. Artykuł nawiązuje też w końcowej części do podobieństwa refleksji nowofeministycznej do myśli św. Teresy Benedykty od Krzyża (Edyty Stein) oraz stanowiska o. Józefa Kentenicha, założyciela Ruchu Szensztackiego.Pozycja „Otrzymała od Ducha Świętego wielki charyzmat”: św. Urszula Ledóchowska i Urszulanki Serca Jezusa Konającego, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II, Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Kraków 2012Kiciński, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Pozycja Świadek męczeństwa i jego rola w świetle jurysprudencji Kongregacji Spraw KanonizacyjnychKijas, Zdzisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)In the legal understanding, martyrdom requires external recognition as well as external evaluation. For this reason, the visual witness appears in the context of death (the witness of martyrdom). His job is to cognitively and consciously evaluate the fact of the physical loss of life. The reason to begin the process of canonization can only come about in close connection with the evaluation of internal state of love and faith of the martyred person; but not necessarily. Since death for the faith has the value of the Sacrament of Baptism, it may happen that an unbeliever or someone not practicing his faith, can give his life for the faith. Through this act, he absolves his unbelief or committed sins and can become blessed or a saint of the church. This is, however, a unique gift of God’s grace which is rather rare. Usually a zealous, faith-filled life, prepares the believer to follow the footprints of his Master and give his own life. The witness is the person who knows something important about the ongoing canonization case. He is a person who personally saw (de visu) or heard (ex auditu) something important in connection with the death of a particular person whose case is in process of establishing a potential martyrdom. When there is a lack of witness de visu there is a need to examine the witness ex auditu or else ex auditu a videntibus. These are the persons who do not know the development of these tragic events personally, but heard about them from the person (people) who directly participated in those events.Pozycja Matka naszego Pana czy Królowa MęczennikówŻyciński, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)The Queenship of Mary must be inserted within the kingly status of the People of God. The insertion of Our Lady’s Queenship into the context of the kingly office of the People of God, while not detaching the person of Mary from the ecclesial community, help us to understand the meaning of Marian Queenship and its challenges for contemporary Christians. In her quality as excelling member of the Church, Mary the Queen proclaims the royal character of the other human beings, which is founded on union with Christ. She understood her life as a service, in which consists royalty according to the Gospel (Lk 22, 24–40). She did not construe her Divine Motherhood as expression of sovereignty but declared herself servant of the Lord worshiping the one God and completely given to service for His plan o salvation. Whereas worldly kingship is expressed by domination, imposition, and egoistic pursuits, the kingship of Christ is manifested in the rejection of violence and in love and service of the truth, unto the total giving of self. In this perspective Mary is one who has inherited the Kingdom of God, because she shares in the power communicated by the Spirit for delivering the world from its evils and for bringing people to Divine filiation and Christian maturity.Pozycja La visione paolina della spiritualità cristiana: quali prospettive per l’avvenire del cristianesimo?Misztal, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Będąc próbą zwięzłej syntezy przebogatego materiału, artykuł stanowi zaproszenie do dalszych badań naukowych i ich zastosowania. Temat przedstawiono, odwołując się przede wszystkim do następujących punktów: duchowość Pawłowa i historia duchowości chrześcijańskiej; zasadnicze elementy duchowości chrześcijańskiej wg Corpus Paulinum; Bóg: misterium, o którym można, warto i trzeba myśleć i mówić; spotkanie chrześcijaństwa ze światem jako autoprezentacja i oferta udzielenia pomocy; koncepcja odnowienia i udzielenia pełni życia jako propozycja ukazania sensu istnienia we wzajemnym byciu dla siebie.Pozycja Aleksander Gomola, Bóg kobiet. Studium językoznawczo-teologiczne, Wydawnictwo Biblos, Tarnów 2010, ss. 304 (Teolingwistyka, 7)Przyczyna, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Pozycja Jerzy Misiurek, Modlitwa. Medytacja. Kontemplacja. Mistyka. Dzieje problematyki, Lublin 2011, ss. 376Kiciński, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Pozycja Męczeństwo formą samobójstwa?Cholewa, Marcin (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)The article focuses on key elements of martyrdom (conscious and voluntary acceptance of death, dying for the faith, virtues pertaining to God, bearing witness to truth and love, patient endurance until death, externalised defending the truth of faith, a persecutor as opposed to the martyr, no pursuit of martyrdom, the pursuit of martyrdom not for its glory) and altruistic suicide (conscious and voluntary acceptance of death, death for the sake of others, society, bearing witness to the values, God, honour, friendship, freedom, desire for death without reward, death as a personal act, not harming innocent people, exceptions are acts of terrorism and suicide acts during wars). It seems that martyrdom and altruistic suicide are, using the language of mathematics, two different sets having a common part. Because of that there arises a considerable difficulty while classifying borderline situations. An auxiliary, though an insufficient criterion for martyrdom, appears to be external efficacy. The other element is the acceptance of death in the case of martyrdom, rather than striving for it. The sense of faith of people gathering at the grave of a martyr may be an essential element.Pozycja Męczeństwo – chrześcijańska wyłączność?Kościelniak, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)The main aim of this article is to show the principal acts of martyrdom that have been found in nearly all the world major religious traditions. Martyrdom as a phenomenon peculiar to monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) has also analogies in Far East belief systems (e.g. Buddhism, Shinto, Hinduism, Sikhism). The phenomenon of suicide martyrdom – not only specific to Islamic religion – forms of fundamental values of self-sacrifice as a supreme ideal – a God (gods) – given opportunity – for salvation of the soul, as much as for redemption of society and state. The text presents the ideals and religious ideologies and convictions which refer to martyrs who sacrifice their life for the sake of great value principle. Martyr, one who voluntarily suffers death rather than deny his religion by words or deeds; such action is afforded special, institutionalized recognition in most major religions of the world.Pozycja Frontalne i całopostaciowe wizerunki Chrystusa na ikonach bizantyńskich i ruskich. Schemat ikonograficznyCyrek, Olga (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)The article describes the icons, where Christ is presented in the whole form and in frontal pose. On icons: “The Transfiguration”, “Ascension”, “Descent in to the Abyss”, “Saviour in Majesty” comes in many forms. In the “Descent into hell” in addition to our first parents there are also angels, prophets, demons and Satan. Pantocrator is presented in the Majesty in the midst of the heavenly powers in a row and on the sides deesis accompanied by Mother of God and John the Baptist who intercede for the people. On these ideas Saviour stands or sits on the throne, which emphasizes His majesty. Christ did not kneeling or profile, or turns his back to the person standing before the image. It is important that the Byzantine-Ruthenian icons are common features such as static characters, serious and dignified face.Pozycja Księdza Tischnera mocowanie się ze słowem. Wokół „Kazań starosądeckich”Ostafiński, Witold (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Seeking the proper language for preaching was Fr. Tischner’s greatest pastoral challenge. In the simplicity of thought and language he expressed his respect for the recipient, whom he managed to charm with the word. He offered, but did not impose, his point of view upon recipients, and examined the word of God together with the audience. With his straightforward and fluent narration he invited his audience to enter the space of dialogue. The choice of linguistic measures makes the texts of sermons communicative, coherent, logical, orderly, carefully thought out in terms of invention, disposition and allocution. The speaker impresses us with his consequence, the discipline of speech, he avoids theological phrasings, uses the language devoid of pathos, overblown style, exaltation. Kazania starosądeckie (Starosądeckie sermons) combine wit and wisdom, philosophy and life.Pozycja Święty Maksymilian Maria Kolbe – męczeństwo z miłościBar, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II, 2012)Post St. Maximilian Kolbe – the martyrdom of love, was developed in three parts. In the first part, on based of 26th texts from the Scriptures and the 33rd texts from the Conference, presents a concept of love by Father Maximilian as God’s gift to man, as revealed in Jesus crucified, who left himself in the Eucharist, that the man is strengthened in the love of neighbor, also enemies, even to give one’s life. The modest texts in the number about martyrdom, reveal just the habitual readiness of Knight of the Immaculate, as evidenced by the intention of the Mass of April 30, 1918, celebrated the day after his ordination: “pro gratia et martyrii apostolate, pro me et confratribus in Collegio”. The second part contained reflections on the death qualification of Fr Maximilian, paying attention to verify the legal and canonical elements of martyrdom. The third part shows the consequences – social and for jurisprudence of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints – to declar Fr Maximilian as martyr. Includes, among others, arguments of a group of senators, with which initiative was declared the Year 2011 as “Year of St. Maximilian Kolbe”.