Studia Ełckie, 2018, T. 20, nr 2
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Pozycja Solidarność w imię rozwoju – rozwój w imię solidarności. Encyklika „Sollicitudo rei socialis” odpowiedzią Jana Pawła II na wyzwania współczesnego świataWojtyła, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)John Paul II in his writings repeatedly pointed to the problems that affect both individual man and entire nations. The twentieth anniversary of Pope Paul VIʼs encyclical Populorum Progressio has become an opportunity for John Paul II to document the predicament of his predecessor to analyze the pains of the modern world. One of the most serious problems of world-wide perceived by the pope in the mid-eighties of the twentieth century in the encyclical Sollicitudo rei socialis was the so- Social question. The number of countries on the way of development far exceeded the number of developed countries, economic and cultural gap between the south and north so called. The south was still deepening. The key to resolving this global crisis is, according to John Paul II, the interpersonal and international solidarity. According to the Pope, only through mutual multidimensional and multifaceted assistance and cooperation is the integral development of every individual and the development of entire nations and states.Pozycja Istota cła antydumpingowego jako instrumentu prawnofinansowego ochrony gospodarki Unii Europejskiej – wybrane zagadnienia intertemporalneDrozdek, Adam (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)The entrepreneur introducing into the European Union market goods covered with pending anti-dumping investigation should be aware that the introduction of such goods is related with registration thereof and, at a later date, with the possibility to apply increased anti-dumping duty. Measures such as goods registration and temporary anti-dumping duties allow reaching antidumping proceedings’ objectives comprising the European Union market protection against detrimental practices incompliant with the market economy principles. Anti-dumping duty collected by customs authorities of Member States constitutes a legal-financial sanction consisting in applying selective protection that is, directed against import from strictly defined countries, and is oriented on a specific group of products or even on a single product. In comparison with traditional market protection instruments, anti-dumping customs are more flexible and can be implemented unilaterally. Deliberations elaborated herein are aimed at discussing the issue of stipulating anti-dumping customs in inter-temporal understanding.Pozycja Wkład duchowieństwa diecezji ełckiej w rozwój intelektualny Polski i regionu (cz. 1: dorobek piśmienniczy)Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)In summary, it should be stated that in the period 1992-2017, dozens of priests with at least a doctoral degree were engaged in scientific and writing work in the entire of Ełk clergy. The work of the Ełk priests concerned mainly issues related to the history of the Church, canon law, philosophy, theology, Catholic social science and patrology. However, it is significant that priests who work on a daily basis in pastoral work can also be proud of the significant achievements in these areas, treating this activity as the implementation of their own research passion and fondness.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z sympozjum naukowego pt. „350-lecie przybycia kamedułów nad Wigry – dialog przeszłości z teraźniejszością i przyszłością”. Pokamedulski klasztor w Wigrach, 1 maja 2018 r.Sawicki, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)Pozycja Początek religii oraz pierwsze możliwe obrazy Boga w pierwotnym religijnym doświadczeniu człowiekaMałyga, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)This study attempts to answer the question of the origin of religion – understood as a human reference to God – both in the sense of searching for a temporal beginning of religion and for its very earliest, primitive form. This inquiry not only has historical significance, but through seeking the essence of religion, it is also relevant to contemporary religious experience. The starting point is the statement that the foundation of religion is not an experience of lack or deficiency, as asserted by Ludwig Feuerbach and atheistic thought in general, but the experience of a God who manifests himself to humans as a “hidden power.” In this view, humanity is not the cause, but a condition for the rise of religion. Discerning the origin of religion is methodologically complex, requiring the interplay of various fields of study: the philosophy of religion, paleontology, anthropology, archeology, linguistics, theology etc. In its original, primitive shape, religion was a non-rational, pre-conceptual realization of – to use Rudolph Otto’s term – the “numinous,” an experience of a terrifying and fascinating divine reality (misterium tremendum et fascinosum). Because there is no empirical evidence of pre-historic man’s religious experience or practice, tracing the origin of religion is nothing more than rational speculation. However, by tracing man and his ancestors, we can confidently state that 40-60 thousand years before Christ humans like us existed, thus implying that a form of the “numinous feeling” existed in prehistoric human beings. Based on the study of the structure of language, the study of contemporary huntergatherer cultures and the oldest recorded forms of religion, it is likely that the first name given to God is “Father-Heaven”.Pozycja Duchowość osób świeckich trzeciego tysiąclecia w trojakiej godności i misji ChrystusaKuczyńska, Helena (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)The article describes the spirituality of lay people of the third millennium. It involves the participation of Christians in the triple dignity and mission of Christ. New trends in the 21st century spirituality have been briefly discussed. They have been inspired by the Second Vatican Council. The broader context of the article was the universal call to holiness, which is a basis of Christian spirituality, and is the consequence of receiving baptism. As it is known, all people are called to holiness – not just consecrated persons but also lay people. One and only holiness is expressed in different ways in individuals who strive for perfect love in their chosen condition. The lay faithful pursue their vocation to holiness, living in the world, and give an example of the unity of life and of faith. The article deals with the spirituality of the third millennium: the cultural and social and spiritual-religious trends, the baptismal spirituality of the laity, and the universal vocation to holiness in response to the call of the Second Vatican Council to promote Christianity in the dignity and mission of Christ (priestly, prophetic and royal).Pozycja Czas i przestrzeń a wychowanie. Rozważania na kanwie nauczania papieża FranciszkaParzyszek, Magdalena (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)The subject matter of analysis contained in the article is upbringing’s and educator’s perception in Jorge Bergoglio (Pope Francis) teaching. He presented a rule called ‘time is more important than space’ and based on it the perception of upbringing, ‘ability of waiting’, sensitizing, exhorting and discipline. The educators are those who should support process of upbringing. The Pope demands self-development and aspiration of integration from them with the aim of rebuilding the agreement on upbringing based on Christianity.Pozycja Władza rodzicielska w prawie polskimŻołno, Magdalena (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)This text attempts to present the legal structure of parental authority. It is a historical description. Describes all elements of parental responsibility. Both substantive and procedural issues. First and foremost, in the text, parental authority was introduced in Polish law. The analysis has been subjected to the following terms: parental control, the content of power, deprivation, suspension, restriction and cessation of parental authority. The boundaries of that power are outlined. The problem of the Polish law concerning the family. The most important issues related to mutual rights and family responsibilities and relationships between parents and children who are not dependent on parental responsibility are discussed. The basic features of proper parental responsibility are shown. The issue of parental responsibility has been approximated.Pozycja Konwent kamedułów wigierskich i jego oddziaływanie religijne, kulturowe i gospodarcze na obszarze dzisiejszej SuwalszczyznySawicki, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2018)The hermitage of Wigry Island has not got a full monograph study so far. This article brings new and fundamental arrangements regarding to the Camaldolese monastery in Wigry. It shows the region of present-day Suwalki, before the hermits came. It presents the state of research over the history of hermitages in Wigry. It depicts circumstances of the founding process made by the King John Casimir in 1667, building of the monastery complex in Wigry and the arranging process of the peninsula. It describes the process of everyday life of the hermits, their pastoral care of local population. Camaldolese are presented as pioneers of economic development in the region of Suwalki. It presents their 132 years activity in religious, cultural, social and economical aspect that was stopped by winding up the monastery in the Prussian annexation. This article enrich all knowledge up to now on Camaldolese monastery in Wigry, expands historiographic and pastoral output in the extent of research of history of Suwalki region.