Roczniki Teologiczne, 2020, T. 67, nr 12
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Pozycja Językowa kreacja świętego Huberta na przykładzie miesięcznika „Łowiec Polski”Janicka-Szyszko, Renata (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The purpose of the text is to analyse the creation of Saint Hubert in the articles published from 2015 to 2019 in “Łowiec Polski” [Polish Hunter] – a hunting branch magazine. The patron was mentioned over 50 times in genre-varied texts such as articles, reports, wishes and greetings and notes. The linguistic image of St. Hubert has been created by various lexical and stylistic means. Apart from nominal and verbal forms there appear idioms, parallels, metaphoric expressions, words and phrases typical for hierarchic relations and knightly culture as well as both religious and hunting terminology. The analysis indicates the positive image of the patron of hunters in the excerpted texts. Saint Hubert cares for them, shows his mercy and plays a key roles during hunting when he rewards hunters with good fortune. The patron has a decisive role in hunters’ lives as he is the souvereign for them both during their lifetime and after their death and the hunters serve him faithfully.Pozycja Kierunki badań w homiletyce niemieckojęzycznej XXI wieku (cz. 2)Szewczyk, Leszek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The first part of the study presented activities of the German Homiletics Association (AGH), a publishing series Okumenische Studien zur Predigt, and homiletic theology handbooks. The second part, based on several dozens monographs published between 2000-2018, presents directions of research in German-speaking homiletics. A traditional, internal classification of homiletics into fundamental, material, formal and detailed one may seem purely academic, but remains justifiable. It allows us to prove that homiletics truly is a theological science in all its sections. Analysis of specific studies is done in a way that refers to this traditional division.Pozycja Chrzcielny charakter Wielkiego Postu i homilijne tego implikacjeMalewicz, Remigiusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)Sundays of Lent in Cycle A constitute a unique time for the baptismal renovation. The liturgical celebrations of these Sundays introduce believers to the experience of a baptismal journey, almost as if they were retracing the path of the catechumens. The aim of this article is a study of the kerygma of five Lenten Sundays (in Cycle A) in a baptismal perspective, aimed to show that these Sundays celebrations are the time for the reactivation of the graces of baptism. There are also conclusions, which may help in the revival of contemporary homiletical preaching of Lenten Sundays in Cycle A, taking into account the theology of homily and the contemporary teaching of the Church on it.Pozycja Etymologia polszczyzny jako narzędzie w procesie asocjacji homilijnejKuźnik, Bartłomiej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)Homily functions in religious language as a form of speech and a text. As a consequence it interacts with general language (official and colloquial one). Keeping a balance between defence of cannons of beauty of verbal expression and comprehensibility, a homily wishes to preach kerygma and to unite the past, the present and the future of many generations of listeners. Polish etymology in its potential of evolution of vocabulary on the temporal axis may serve this communication. When used in a homily as preaching material it supports the homily association process. It suggests listeners relations between kerygma and specific lexemes that include linguistic links to Christianity embedded in the history and culture of the nation. Such etymologies may unite listeners themselves, when they become aware of a similar experience at the crossroads of Polish and faith.Pozycja „Quaestio de quaestionibus”, czyli problem pytań retorycznych i ich funkcji w sztuce kaznodziejskiejOstafiński, Witold (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The purpose of this article is to investigate, on the example of several preaching texts, a diversity of functions, types, and variants of rhetorical questions used in contemporary homiletics (subiectio, communicatio, dubitatio, interrogatio), primarily in terms of illocution, including the appropriateness, effectiveness, and adequacy of their use in a specific part of the sermon.Pozycja “It Is Inevitable to Speak of Jesus”: Homiletic Inspirations From the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation “Querida Amazonia”Kowalski, Rafał (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The article is an attempt at analysing the homiletic directives of the Apostolic Exhortation Querida Amazonia of Pope Francis. This is warranted insofar as this document is an attempt by the Bishop of Rome to find answers to problems and challenges facing the Church in South America, as it is eminently pastoral in character, and as proclaiming the Word of God is one of the chief pastoral activities. The author analyses the thought of Pope Francis in three areas: terminology, theology and praxeology. Such a perspective enables a holistic presentation of the exhortation, and allows to extract from it key directives for the preachers of the Word of God. A deeper study of Querida Amazonia leads to a surprising observation that the scope of the document is much broader that its title might suggest. In this perspective, the Amazon region becomes a symbol of a world with which Church attempts to share the Gospel, and its inhabitants – a symbol of the modern hearers of the Word of God.Pozycja Katecheta XXI wieku – nauczyciel religii czy ewangelizator?Kosmana, Ignacy (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The author, basing on church documents and theological elaborations, presents challenges for the 21st-century catechist in the context of a changing world and its new (second) evangelization. Modern-day Christians – people who have received the sacrament of Baptism – have departed far from Christ. Hence the need for re-evangelization and recatechization of nominally believing societies. The purpose of evangelizing catechesis understood in this way is to bring this world back to Christ, to establish relationships with him and to deepen mutual relations: God – human. The material analyzes the shortcomings and errors of the modern catechist. Pastoral suggestions and indications were also given and perspectives for new evangelizers were shown. The church faces a great mission. It is not only the expansion of the Lord's disciples, but also the recovery of the lost who have withdrawn and no longer walk with him (compare John 6:66). The evangelizer, in reality that is constantly secularizing and secularizing, can contrast God’s living Word and his own living testimony. Currently, he has many tools at his disposal to reach the recipients – former disciples who were discouraged by the Church because of its difficult speech (John 6:60), or scandals and abuses of the clergy. The church is determined to constantly reaffirm the irreplaceable role of teachers in its mission. It is also a task for catechists themselves who, identifying with the Teacher of Nazareth, should be aware of the mission entrusted to them by the Church.Pozycja “I Want to Live for Immortality”: Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky in Search of GodApostolache, Ioniţă (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is one of the most important Christian writer in 19th century Russia. His works develop images, typologies, thought patterns and existential interpretations. In our present research we try to emphasise the confessional elements of Dostoevsky’s existential thinking. Starting from a brief biographical presentation, we discover the Christian value of his message; which, always ciphered with types and symbols, actually represents a valuable Christian confession and apology, in reference to the concrete sense of existence. In this regard, this great Russian writer speaks of an earthly existence, burdened with personal sins and passions, liberated by faith in God. Therefore, we have tried to analyse, from the apologetics perspective, the problem of liberty from his “Legend of the Great Inquisitor,” a magisterial chapter from his masterpiece Brothers Karamazov.Pozycja Głoszenie Ewangelii w wielokulturowym społeczeństwie na przykładzie posługi kapelana statków wycieczkowychSławiński, Henryk (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The article is the result of research in the field of pastoral theology. It deals with the preaching ministry of a cruise chaplain. This ministry is an example of service in a multicultural environment in which the chaplain is subordinate to lay people: the ship’s captain and program director. His preaching is one of many cultural offers that are delivered to the participants of the trip. It is also a service performed for ship crew members representing many nations and having diverse social status.Pozycja Teologia poezji liturgicznej w przestrzeni sztuki. Analiza na przykładzie opery „Legenda o niewidzialnym grodzie Kiteziu i dziewicy Fiewronii”Ostaszczuk, Iwan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)The texts of liturgical poetry are important factors in the formation of works of musical art over the centuries of European music history. This article discusses the theology of liturgical poetry in the space of musical art. The reception of a particular liturgical work in the canvas of musical art creates a corresponding reading of its content in the light of the relevant Christian theological paradigm. Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov in collaboration with librettist Vladimir Belsky in the opera-legend The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevroniya used the textual allusions of the Ortodox church singing Here’s the Groom going. The use of church singing from Lent expresses in the finale of the opera the theological ideas of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and also presents a picture of the bliss of paradise being in the Kingdom of Heaven.