Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2012, nr 2
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Pozycja Związki księcia Ernesta Bogusława de Croya z GolczewemMasalski, Robert (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)Pozycja Szafarz chrztuKubiak, Piotr (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)The Church’s teaching on baptism is the minister in the history of gradual evolution. The apostles and then their successors – the bishops, the first minister of this sacrament, which – only in case of absence – may replace the priests and deacons – stewards of the fringe. From the ninth century, the priests are regarded – alongside the bishops – the ordinary ministers of baptism, and deacons can provide it if necessary. Fourth Lateran Council (1215) confirms the validity of Baptism administered by lay persons, not baptized when in danger of death and have no access to an ordinary minister. The Roman Ritual of 1614 – the fruit of the liturgical reform of the Council of Trent – distinguishes between ministers of solemn baptism and christening ceremonies granted without a prescription. The parish priest is the ordinary minister of baptism, and may delegate this authority only to another priest. Code of Canon Law of 1917 defines an ordinary priest, minister of solemn baptism granted, and the deacon – extraordinary minister who can not lawfully perform this sacrament without the permission of the local Ordinary or parish priest, except in urgent need. The minister of baptism cele brated in danger of death without a solemn form can be anyone. The Roman Ritual of Pope Paul VI in 1969, returns to the tradition of the early centuries of the Church, when the restored Rite of Baptism of Children, the ordinary ministers of baptism, the first mention of bishops, and after them, priests and deacons. The same provision is found in the Code of Canon Law of 1983, which regulates the question of the minister of baptism in the Latin Church: in normal situations this sacrament, provides: bishop, priest or deacon. Other – unnamed ministers simply extraordinary – they work only in the case of their absence or inability to perform their duties. Baptism is the fairly catechist or other person designated as such by the local Ordinary. In the need – especially in the face of danger or death – it makes every person having the right intention and executing important sacramental rite. The literature of theological and canonistic meets more detailed proposal for the division among the clergy: the ordinary minister of the principal, who is a bishop, an independent minister, who is the pastor and minister of the auxiliary, which can be any priest or a deacon. In the Eastern Catholic Churches ordinary minister of the sacrament of baptism is a bishop and a priest, and deacon is the first of the ministers in a situation of necessity. Only the absence of legalized Baptism by another cleric, a member institute of consecrated life, of any other Christian, and ultimately the father or mother to be baptized.Pozycja Historyczne i współczesne tendencje w ocenie zjawiska masturbacjiBohdanowicz, Andrzej (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)Masturbation is still a controversial issue among researchers. A historical view, presented in this article, provides us with a wide range of interesting facts concerning its assessment from a medical, philosophical and religious perspective. Similarly, modem psychology, pedagogy and other disciplines dealing with mankind try to perceive masturbation in a wider, anthropological context. Therefore, moral assessment of masturbation has to based on a comprehensive approach to a man, because only in such perspective one can form justifiable judgments on such delicate matters. Catholic Church explicitly expressed its opinion on moral assessment of masturbation in a range of documents issued by the Teaching Office of the Church.Pozycja Socjolog (i nie tylko) w poszukiwaniu roli zawodowejMisiak, Roman (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)Pozycja Rodzina chrześcijańska podstawą budowania domu i szkoły komunii w Kościele i świecieKluz, Marek (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)Wir bauen ein Haus und Schule der Gemeinschaft in der Kirche und die Welt ist von grundlegender Bedeutung für die Schaffung der universellen Brüderlichkeit, der Einheit und Frieden in der Welt. Kein Wunder, dass die Hirten der Kirche in Polen - inspiriert durch die prophetische Vision des sei. Johannes Paul - zu Beginn des dritten Jahrtausends gemacht, die Aufgabe der Kirche und der Welt zu Hause und Schule der Gemeinschaft konfrontiert. Die Umsetzung dieser Aufgabe hat ihre speziellen Teil oder gar nicht auf die christliche Familie zu ersetzen. Die Gemeinschaft Familie ist ein wichtiges Thema der Neuevangelisierung, so in der Perspektive der kirchlichen als auch in Bezug auf die Welt. Die aus großen Reichtum der Charismen, ist die christliche Familie, um das Wachstum der Kirche zu dienen und dazu beitragen, die Verwandlung der Welt. Durch Treue zu seinem Beruf, zu predigen, einen Dialog mit Gott und das Zeugnis eines Lebens liebende christliche Familie wird ein solides Fundament fur den Aufbau einer Haus und Schule der Gemeinschaft in der Kirche und der Welt. Alles also, was sich im Leben der Kirche und der Welt, die es gibt eine reale Dimension und Bedeutung wichtig ist, kann in der christlichen Familie zu finden. Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass das moralische Niveau der Kirche und der Welt auf der Ebene des Lebens der einzelnen Ehen und Familien hängt. Was ist das Niveau der moralischen und geistigen Lebens in der Familie, so haben wir eine Kirche und Gesellschaft. Die Kirche und die Welt wird Familien gebaut. Sie können wage zu behaupten, dass das Schicksal der Familien auf das Schicksal der Kirche und der Welt abhängen. Die Zukunft der Familie geht so...Pozycja Obraz moralny społeczeństwa chrześcijańskiego V wieku w świetle De gubernatione Dei Salwiana z MarsyliiZgraja, Brunon (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)Salvian from Marseille, in spite of the disputable appraisal of the value of his literary oeuvre today, remains for us a source of information about civilization of the fifth century, whereas in his main literary work De gubernatione Dei he acquaints us with the religious-and-moral condition of Christians of his time, who inhabited Gaul, Spain and Africa. From the analysis of his literary work it is evident that the believers in Christ participated in pagan shows, neglecting thus their participation in liturgy on feast days; not infrequently they worshipped pagan gods, prostituted and also committed murders. They were familiar too with drunkenness and gluttony. Moreover, they sinned by lack of love for others, by injustice, greed, oppressing the poor, by perjury, pride, contempt of good, hostility for those who worshipped God, and by persecussion of monks and clergy.Pozycja Stanisław Krajewski, Tajemnica Izraela a tajemnica Kościoła, Biblioteka Więzi, Warszawa 2007, ss. 216.Czajkowski, Michał (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)Pozycja Przesłanie dotyczące problematyki grzechu w Księdze PsalmówAdamczyk, Dariusz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)Psalmists stigmatize attitude of the godless. They are showing their in contrast with cautious. They pay attention on sinful attitude several persons and sins of all Israel. They see good fortune of sinners but they see their tragic end too. They exhort people to reflection. They indicate that sources of every evil is pride. The pride serious endangers for religious attitude of human. Every single human sinned. Human has been presented like tempted to sin since outset of human existence. Psalmists say that people have to admit that they sinned and ask for forgiveness. Sinner ought to hope in the God and still ask for the God about his inner renewal.Pozycja Specyfika przygotowania do chrztu dorosłych w świetle unormowań prawnych Kościoła łacińskiegoMaćkowski, Andrzej (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)The article aims to show the specificity of the baptism of adults in light of the regulatory framework of the Latin Church. At the outset that although the Catholic Church, in essence, is the one sacrament of baptism, but this Code of Canon Law contains the standards by which you can extract two different forms of celebration of this sacrament, namely, baptism administered to children and baptism administered to persons adults. In doing this distinction, the author, in order to carry out the task itself - showing the specificity of the celebration of Baptism administered to adults, first analyzes of the Latin Church Codex standards and the standards contained in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This makes the article consists of two parts. In discussing the standard codes, at the beginning the author decides as to who is the addressee of the norms of the baptism of adults, and then presents what the legislature requires the validity and fairness of this sacrament. In the part devoted to the standards contained Rite of Christian Initiation o f Adults examines all the points of the ritual, which describe in greater detail the structure of Christian initiation, and thus allow better identify specifics of the celebration of Baptism administered to adults.Pozycja Prawo do sakramentu chrztu według Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznego z 1983 r.Kodzia, Jarosław (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)Can the minister may refuse to grant someone baptism? - To answer the question asks the content of this article. After explaining the concept of baptism, the author endeavors to overcome the tension between the right enjoyed by the faithful for the sacraments - on the one hand - and the demands of the church asking for baptism - on the other. The author discusses the conditions for validity and fairness of baptism as adults, like children. The delicate issue, recognized in the initial question, and at the same time it poses the greatest dilemmas of pastoral, recalls and discusses the provisions of the Instructions of the baptism of children Pastoralis actio Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith of 1980, amongst other things, guarantee the security of the Catholic upbringing of the child by persons other than parents.Pozycja Il tarantismo ed il culto di San Paolo nel viaggio etnografico di Ernesto de MartinoDel Mastro, Diana (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)W czerwcu 1959 r. z okazji święta św. Piotra i Pawła grupa uczonych prowadzona przez antropologa Ernesta De Martino wybrała się do Galatiny na Półwyspie Salentyńskim w Apulii, żeby podjąć badania nad tarantyzmem, zjawiskiem historyczno-religijnym wciąż aktualnym i obecnym, którego źródła sięgają czasów średniowiecza. Oprócz wspomnianego już cenionego historyka religii grupa składała się także z lekarza, psychiatry, psychologa, eksperta w dziedzinie etnomuzykologii i fotografa. Zostali oni powołani do obserwacji tego, co działo się tym małym miasteczku w centralnej Apulii podczas obchodów odbywających się w dniach od 28 do 30 czerwca, kiedy to do kaplicy św. Pawła napływały tłumy „tarantystów” z całego Salento. Powodem ich przyjazdu na ceremonię była chęć złożenia hołdu świętemu w podziękowaniu za otrzymaną łaskę uzdrowienia lub też prośba o pomoc w przezwyciężeniu straszliwej choroby, wywołanej przez ukąszenie pająka. Zobowiązywało to tarantystów do frenetycznego tańca i trwania kilka dni w stanie delirium. Do tej pory z obszernej literatury na temat tarantyzmu wyłaniają się dwa główne nurty tego ciekawego zjawiska, które charakteryzowało wiejski, południowy świat analfabetów i ich skłonność do magicznych wierzeń. Pierwszym z nich jest interpretacja medyczna, która sprowadza tarantyzm do formy „arachnidyzmu”, drugim natomiast psychopatologiczna, przedstawiająca go jako objaw choroby psychicznej. Założeniem badań z 1959 r. było natomiast postawienie hipotezy symboliczno-kulturowej tego zjawiska. Analiza historyczno-religijna zaobserwowanych zdarzeń miała pozwolić Ernestowi De Martino na zdefiniowanie tarantyzmu jako fenomenu kulturowego, zdolnego do symbolicznej autonomii, a nie jako choroby.Pozycja Chrzest dzieci rodziców żyjących bez sakramentu małżeństwaDullak, Kazimierz (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)The Church as the depository of the will of Jesus Christ takes continually efforts to fidelity mission entrusted by its founder. The implementation of the tasks entrusted to the Church is mainly in the conveyance of God’s Word and the sacraments. The command to baptize, contained in the pages of the Gospel, is fundamental for the Church of all time. Based on baptism for the other sacraments, baptism is the gateway to the Community Church, makes free from original sin and other offenses. Given such great generosity of God to man, ask for the right of the child for baptism. Already in the pages of the New Testament and then in the early centuries of church history we have traces of the practice of baptism of infants. A great role to play in such cases, the parents of the child and the person asked to serve as godparents. The parents are the child’s first educators. Their status in the Church is different. Some people can and are very good practice of religious life for posterity, others on the contrary: even though they have opened the way for the sacraments, rejected the possibility of using the source of grace through the routine of sin consists in creating a community of like marriage. Do these people are able to guarantee the development of the religious life of their children, to undertake what is the baptism ceremony? The answer is obvious. Thus, the decision of the baptism of their child has to be postponed until he or parents change their attitude, or the child is asked for the grace of baptism.Pozycja Czy Kościół może mówić językiem mediów? Podsumowanie badań jakościowych dotyczących przekazu przesłań religijnychRončáková, Terézia (Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, 2012)The study deals with the findings of the multiyear research of the media language applicability for the religious messages transmission. The researchers used qualitative methods of content analysis and group discussions. In its two main parts the research was aimed at 1. the analysis of the shift in the ideological basis, on which the original religious messages and the worked media messages are staying, and 2. the comparison of the inherent media and religious communication system characteristics. In the offered final synthesis the author shows 1. the importance of the personal predisposition of the communicator in such a type of the communication, 2. the presence of the ideological polarization in it, 3. the role of the journalistic form in the contact with the religious message, 4. some aspects of the language question, 5. the argumentation style in this communication, closely connected with the identity of the message, 6. the possibilities and limits in the evangelistic action of the media, 7. the significance of the personal question (in the view of the competences and motivation) in such a communication and 8. the need not to neglect the social dimension of the religious messages - on behalf of their more efficient spreading.