Roczniki Teologiczne, 2003, T. 50, z. 6
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Pozycja Parafia w nauczaniu Kościoła współczesnegoKamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Parish is not from God’s ordinance but it is an establishment of the historical Church. It was brought to existence under definite historical circumstances and undergoes historical transformations. The contemporary attempts to adjust parish to the challenges and needs of the present day are. as it were, a continuation of its historical evolution. The transformations after 1989 make the parish face new challenges and tasks. Under their influence, the parish must go through appropriate evolution. It must, on the one hand, take into account the teaching of Vatican Council II as regards parishes, the guidelines of the Code of Canon Law of 1983. and the teaching of the post-conciliar popes. On the other hand, it has to meet new challenges that the period of post-communist transformations has brought about in Poland.Pozycja Time, Sex, and Money: The First Five Years of Marriage. Center for Marriage and Family at Creighton University 2000 ss. 125.Masłowski, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Pozycja Tomasz Poller. Bóg, człowiek, natura. Problematyka ekologiczna w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II. Kraków-Zakopane: Instytut Botaniki PAN & Tatrzański Park Narodowy 2001 ss. 79.Fiałkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Pozycja Ks. Franciszek Drączkowski. Metoda wykresograficzna w katechezie. Pelplin: Wydawnictwo „Bernardinum” 2001 ss. 152.Słotwińska, Helena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Pozycja Katecheza grup szczególnej troskiKiciński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)As the personas who are especially loved by Jesus Christ the Church regards those who – especially among the smallest – suffer from some physical, mental, and other handicaps. Recently, we have noticed a growing social and ecclesial awareness and an indubitable progress of special pedagogy. Therefore family and other formative institutions may provide appropriate catechesis for such people, to which they are entitled as those who are baptized, that is called to salvation. The Magisterial Office of the Church emphasizes that one should avoid the risk that catechesis of this kind, of necessity specialistic, could become pushed to the margins of communal pastoral care. The Catechetic Directory of the Catholic Church in Poland teaches that these persons should be offered appropriate religious instruction beth at school and in their parish, or in other formative institutions, supporting especially their family. The most recent Curriculum for the Catechesis of the Catholic Church in Poland (2001) presents the catechetic aims of the groups of special care. Therefore it defines the purposes of religious teaching and upbringing in school. It presents actions designed to carry out catechetic aims by teachers. They are named tasks of religious instruction. It makes precise the contents, that is defines indispensable information, which the curriculum of religious instruction should contain. It determines procedures by which to accomplish aims, that is describes knowledge and skills acquired by students. They are the result of the teacher’s effort to fulfil concrete tasks and transmit contents in order to carry out the catechetic aims of religious instruction. The Church stresses its specific contribution into the help for people of special care, especially by being faithful to the example and teaching set by its Founder. Jesus Christ in the first place took particular care about the suffering, giving them His merciful love in His ministry and showing them His redemptive power. This power encompasses man in his uniqueness and fullness. Through words and deeds he gave them to know that those marginalized, the poor, suffering and sick were privileged addressees of the Good News about the Kingdom of God which had entered the history of mankind. Following the example of Christ, the fellowship of His disciples has made that over the ages the works of extraordinary magnanimity have brought fruit. They are the testimony of faith and hope place in God. The catechesis of the groups of special care joins this mission. It is conducted in every Polish school and in all milieus where such people live.Pozycja Ks. Robert Bieleń SDB. Duszpasterstwo rodzin we współczesnej Polsce. Uwarunkowania – zadania – prognozy. Lublin: RW KUL 2001 ss. 539.Goleń, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Pozycja Sekty i nowe ruchy religijne wyzwaniem dla duszpasterstwa w Polsce. Na marginesie „Raportu o niektórych zjawiskach związanych z działalnością sekt w Polsce”Fiałkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)When the communist system collapsed in Poland in 1989, one could observe a dynamicdevelopment of sects and new religious movements. This phenomenon gives rise to social anxiety and poses questions about the causes why such groups are popular, the limits of toleration, effectiveness of law towards sects and new religious movements etc. The phenomenon of sects and new religious movements, a sign of the contemporary times, is not only a challenge for the universal Church but also for pastoral care in Poland. The data from the 2000 Report of Some Phenomena Connected with the Activities of Sects in Poland are a point of departure from which to seek an answer to the question about challenges posed by sects and new religious movements to the pastoral care of the Third Republic. Having shown the most important phenomena connected with the activity of sects on the basis of the Report, with a particular stress on their dangers, the paper presents the most important proposals for the pastoral care in Poland.Pozycja Edukacja a ewangelizacjaSłotwińska, Helena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)The problem of the formation of adolescent has always belonged to the principle problems of formation. It becomes especially topical in the times of the crisis of authorities and chaos in the hierarchy of values. It is very helpful in the process of formation to discover very close relations between education and evangelization. These in turn open school to evangelization. Such evangelization in the present times is defined as “new.” Its novelty does not consist in transmitting new contents but in using the contemporary concepts and proclaiming the full truth about God and man. It is combined with both apostolic zeal and new subjects of evangelization.Pozycja Tadeusz Panuś. Zasada wierności Bogu i człowiekowi i jej realizacja w polskiej katechizacji. Studium w świetle Ramowego Programu Katechizacji funkcjonującego w latach 1971-2001 Kraków: Wydawnictwo UNUM 2001 ss. 429.Marczewski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Pozycja Kronika Instytutu Pastoralno-Katechetycznego KUL za rok akademicki 2001/2002Fiałkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Pozycja Prace dyplomowe obronione w Instytucie Pastoralno-Katechetycznym KUL w roku akademickim 2001/2002Fiałkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Pozycja Spotkanie Sekcji Pastoralistów Polskich. Świder, 22-23 marca 2002 rokuŚmigiel, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Pozycja Jaki język dla współczesnej katechezy?Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)The General Directory on Catechesis speaks that one of the important issues to solve is language. An answer to the question about language for contemporary catechesis has been presented in four parts. Language as the basic means of communication undergoes changes. Language allows us to know the world, but it also is a means of evaluation for the speaker. From the psychological point of view, the development of language calls for appropriate conditions. An inappropriate use of the masse media, especially television, may mould children into silent consumers. The Church stresses the valor and dangers of the new audiovisual language that shapes the mentality of the contemporary man. At the moment, the homo videns begins to prevail, not the homo sapiens. The General Directory on Catechesis postulates a language that is comprehensible for all groups that are taught religious instruction. There is also a religious language, the language of catechesis, that calls for respect to the principle of loyalty to God and man. The religious language has its specific functions and kinds. The language of communication in contemporary school changes and is exposed to falsity. One notices an increasing lack of reflection in the reception of the image of Christianity. The media picture is biased, with the use of hidden persuasion and manipulation as regards the selection of contents and arguments. Following Joseph Colomb six attributes of the catechetic language have been given. The catechetic communication needs also the language of art. The word usually dominates at religious classes, but they need a picture as well. The Lord Jesus made use of the word and picture in His teaching (e.g. J 8:3-11). Art, especially sacral art, was, is, and may be a testimony and a language speaking about God and human faith. Using the language of art in catechesis demands that catechists and their students be appropriately prepared. In catechesis one should therefore use the new language of the mass media, being at the same time faithful to God and man. Now using the language of symbols, it is worth to use the four-stage method (recognition, personal reception, contemplation, and expression), taking into consideration the varied functions they can play in catechesis. The paper ends with some practical remarks on the language being made perfect by catechists in the process of catechesis.Pozycja Rodzina w posłudze choremu terminalnieKalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Family is a natural and direct milieu of the ill. Thus it can provide a many-sided help. The boundary situation, caused by an oncological disease in its terminal stage, makes many people look at the closest milieu of the dying man which is his family. It is in the family that all the problems ot the person dying of cancer are centered: the problems of social, medical, psychosocial, spiritual-religious, and cultural nature. They all leave their stamp on that family. On the other hand the family is a natural circle, the last and at the same time the first line of resistance, as there are no social structures or those that exist are insufficient. The confrontation between the existential and spiritual levels most often leads to caring attitudes. They are manifested by an openness to cooperation as regards the basic medical actions, psychical, social, and spiritual support. The family is especially entitled to show full concern in its attendance to the needs of the dying person. The family has a special vocation to give love. This concerns the whole sphere of life of the person in terminal stage. Therefore the relatives who come with their support make an offering, they sacrifice themselves, and should be ready to carry the burden which not all are able to manage. Everything is important here: any act, gesture, sign that are may shed some light on the dark and lonely days of dying.Pozycja Religijna socjalizacja młodzieżyŚwięs, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)The author discusses religious socialization as a process of cultural transmission of religious heritage. Its goal is not to preserve the hitherto state of religiousness, but to shape a truly religious maturity based on a personal choice. Basing oneself on sociological research, mainly as regards general attitudes toward religious faith and morality, everyday and ultimate values, the author states that contemporary young Poles have considerably departed from the official teaching of the Church. This concerns especially the sphere of morality where selective approach to moral norms that can be derived from religion is most apparent. This state of affairs should be a challenge to intensify pastoral activities with a view to shape a mature religious personality. The author quotes a few guidelines addressed to pastoral care in the context of social and cultural plurality. The most important are the following: enhance groups and fellowships in which the individual may realize his or her needs as regards the development of religious life; the shaping of a proper hierarchy of values of the young generation; the teaching should include the subject and not only the doctrine; the shaping of religiousness in families which are the first subject of the socialization of religion; personal moral testimony of the priest and catechist.Pozycja Pneumatologiczne podstawy działalności charytatywnej KościołaPrzygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)The Holy Spirit is not limited in His mission in the world, but His privileged place of activity is the Church of Christ. Now, the charitable ministry is an essential sector of the salvational activity of the Church. In the light of Inter-Trinitarian pneumatology the personal property of the Holy Spirit is best expressed by the concept of love. Therefore the charitable ministry of the Church has a strict, direct, and ontological relationship with the Person of the Holy Spirit. Being Love incarnate in the most profound mysteries of God, He is at the same time an unfathomed and inexhaustible source of human love. Each man who wants to serve other people out of love has a need to draw from this source. It is owing to the Holy Spirit that God can exist “outside Himself.” The revelation testifies that God in the Holy Spirit wishes to give His life to man and make a dwelling with him (J 14:23). The abundance of the Divine Gift demands that man should adopt an attitude of acceptance, but the decision belongs to the free human person. The man who is open to the Gift of the Holy Spirit will soon receive “power from above” and he will bring forth fruit in the spirit. One of them is love which gives birth to sensitivity to the needs of the other man and calls to magnanimous help. Pneumatological ecclesiology makes us aware that the abundance of the Church is expressed in the variety and power of charisms which particular faithful receive from the Holy Spirit. The effectiveness of evangelical radiation of the Church in the world depends on the volume and openness of our hearts and the acceptance of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The examples of St. Paul, St. Francis of Assisi, or Mother Theresa of Calcutta show what the Holy Spirit can do in the world through the charismatic people of the Church.Pozycja Tradycja źródłem katechezyZając, Marian (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)Faithfulness to Tradition, combined with the challenges of the present times, contributes to the building of the identity of religious instruction. Tradition should be treated as a source for the catechist, for it has always served to transmit religious contents of a verbal character, concerning the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. The stages of the development of tradition correspond to the generally accepted division in the history of the Church. By acquiring a language which has taken shape within a Christian fellowship, one participates in the process of Tradition. Tradition remains in an organic relationship with the Holy Scripture and the Magisterial Office of the Church. The General Directory on Catechization reminds us that the Word of God contained in Tradition and in the Holy Scripture is mediated upon and understood in a more and more profound manner by means of the sense of faith of the whole people of God, under the leadership of the Magisterial Office of the Church. From Tradition we draw the decisive argument to define the canonical character of the holy books, and also information how to respect what is ancient and assimilate what is new in catechesis. The need to return to tradition in catechesis is one of the fundamental spiritual challenges of our epoch.Pozycja Pastoralna troska II Polskiego Synodu Plenarnego o sprawowanie sakramentów świętychMatwiejuk, Kazimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)The paper is about the pastoral care of the 2nd Polish Plenary Synod on the ministry of the holy sacraments. The sacraments are tokens of Christ in His salvation and activity. They are the source and climax of the activity of the People of God. The Synod, reminding of the teaching of Vatican Council II in this area, perceives much good that has been brought forth by the process of the renewal of the liturgical life. It also makes notice of pastoral inconsistencies in the ministry of the holy sacraments. By making priests aware of this problem, it encourages, above all, to a patient and permanent catechization of the faithful. At the same time, it recommends overcoming the danger of routine, haste, lack of proper concentration and the temptation to freely mould the rites of the holy sacraments. Faithfulness to liturgical books in administering the sacraments, deepened by the pastoral awareness of priests and enlivened by the ecclesial awareness of lay Catholics, are the proper and effective way to build the Church. This is done first of all through sacramental ministry and sacramental life.Pozycja Kulturowy wymiar misjologii pastoralnejKrzyszowski, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)The paper seeks to show the subject matter, the tasks, the aim and the method of pastoral missiology. First, the author portrays the discipline against other theological sciences, and then he clarifies its specific character. He explains that the reason for the existence of pastoral missiology is the Great Missionary Ordinance of Christ (Mt 28:16-20). This ordinance was carried out by the preachers of the Good News sent to pagans by the Church. With time scientific reflection was established called missiology. The message of God is written into the realities of human culture, thus any missionary activity has an incultural character. This truth is especially taken into account by the Papal Missionary Deeds.Pozycja Problemy we współpracy duchowieństwa i laikatuLipiec, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2003)