Studia Ełckie, 2013, T. 15, nr 3
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Pozycja Wykaz publikacji ks. prof. dra hab. Wojciecha Guzewicza za lata 1993-2012Guzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)Publications of fr. prof. dr. hab. Wojciech Guzewicz, which are presented in this document, they come from the span of 1993-2012. In sum, the list contains 431 publications, which include 43 books, 88 journal articles, 13 books’ introductions and prefaces, over 160 popular-science articles, almost 40 scientific reviews, few reports, over 40 translations into German, and 75 poems, which appeared in, among others, three volumes of poetry.Pozycja „Wspólne Dziedzictwo” jako kronika środowiska polskiego w KrzemieńcuGołota, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)The article analyzes the content of the Polish journal Common Heritage („Wspolne Dziedzictwo”) published in Krzemieniec (Ukraine) in 2001-2004. The considerations are divided into four subject fields: the presentation of the journal, the religious life of the Polish Catholic community, the Polish historical and cultural past, and the daily life of Krzemieniec and its inhabitants. The main part of texts traces and searches for a place of the Polish community of 220 persons in the town of 22,000 inhabitants, and refers to issues which bring together or differ from each other the Polish and Ukrainian nations, even the veiled case of the Wolyn slaughter which is usually eliminated from every day conversations.Pozycja O sprytnych sposobach wypatrywania ducha. Przyczynek do ikonografii płynnościCichoń, Krzysztof (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)Answering the question whether it is possible to respect the spiritual, intelligible, and rational while describing only what is visible, the author says yes, but only where both immaterial and material sides of the reality are objectified. One can use the intuition which once made J. W. Goethe admit in his Faust to be a “Peer of the spirit that you comprehend.” To be a peer of looks like to identify with. Identity, however, seems to be very airy. Almost like a ghost. The author then tries to “entangle” identity in matter by undertaking an attempt of liquefying it. He notes that in culture the border between the spiritual and the liquid is leaky like a sieve due to linguistic metaphors. His proposal then is to archeologize the human language in order to find out arguments for human intrinsic needs of imagining, speaking, and ruling over the whole which is in movement.Pozycja Troska o czystość wiary w rodzinie i we wspólnotach eklezjalnych Kapadocji według św. Grzegorza z NyssyStrękowski, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)St. Gregory of Nyssa came from a numerous family which, having already been Christian for few generations, gave few saints to the Church. The care for the purity of faith manifested itself in different ways. First, it appeared as a careful upbringing in a family environment, which was established by all family members, namely parents and elder children who assisted in educating younger siblings, and which became visible in the transfer of faith from oldest generations to youngest ones by creating some tradition. The second area in ecclesial circles was the care for the orthodoxy. A fragment of the letter of St. Basil the Great to the eldest of Neocezarea can be an example of the care for the purity of the deposit of the faith, which is strongly against heterodox teaching propagated in some ambiences. For the Cappadocian fathers heterodox sciences referring to the deity of the Son, the Holy Spirit and the appropriate understanding of the Holy Trinity, were a big challenge. St. Gregory of Nyssa appeared against different manifestations of the heterodoxy (such as Arians, eunomians, macedonians etc.) in a deliberate and determined way. Parallel to the theological reflection he progressed the realization of commandments and evangelical advices through establishing the care for needs of the poor and the elderly, and advanced attempts for strengthening faith instilled with baptism and for showing the prospect of participation in the life of God.Pozycja Związki bpa Edwarda Samsela z Kościołem na terenach obecnej BiałorusiGuzewicz, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)Pozycja Świętego Tomasza z Akwinu możliwy dialog z „nowym ateizmem”Pałubicki, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)The author considers a possible dialogue between Saint Thomas Aquinas and representatives of the New Atheism. His interest focuses on the controversy about the existence of God. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first part the author presents main claims of the doctrine of the New Atheism. In the second he shows different conceptions of mind (reason) and rationality. In the last he presents Saint Thomas’ conception of rationality based on his metaphysical system. Undertaken considerations lead to a conclusion that the correct conception of mind (reason) is a possible starting point in possible discussion with the New Atheism.Pozycja Gemeindeleitung durch Laien? Internationale Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse, red. Michael Böhnke, Thomas Schüller, Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet, 2011, ss. 355.Lipiec, Dariusz (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)Pozycja Kierunki i formy działania społeczności wiejskiej na przykładzie wniosków składanych do lokalnej grupy działania „Lider w EGO”Skawiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)In the Warmia and Mazury region there are actually 15 local action groups (LAG) of different territorial and population potential. By their activity they cover the whole territory of the WarmiaMazury voivodeship, while in the Elk subregion is embraced especially by 4 LAG: “Stronger Together,” “Mazurian Sea,” the Union of Associations for the Communal Development of the Northern Area of the Great Mazurian Lakes, and “Leader in EGO.” The article concentrates on the activity of “Leader in EGO” LAG, where “EGO” is an acronym which stands for the names of three small subregions: Elk, Goldap, and Olecko. The author delivers analyses of the results of the “Leader in EGO” LAG participation in such social development programs as: “Small Projects,” “The Renovation and Development of Village,” “The Diversification in Non-Agricultural Activity,” and “The Creation and Development of Micro-Entrepreneurship.”Pozycja Dzieje katolickiej placówki duszpasterskiej w Gołdapi w XIX i pierwszej połowie XX wiekuJodkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)In the XIX. and the first half of the XX. century Gołdap belonged to those towns where the Catholic diaspora was surrounded by a substantial majority of Evangelicals. Masses have been celebrated there since 1884. In 1892 Catholic efforts were started to create an independent pastoral institution. For that purpose, a plot of land was bought where a church was to be built. The construction plans were prepared by Jobsky, a master bricklayer from Gołdap. By December 1893, the church was constructed in a rough state. The investment was supported by Catholics from Warmia and other dioceses, as well as by some organizations, particularly the Boniface Association in Paderborn. On 16. August 1894, Eduard Lilienweiß was appointed as the first priest of Gołdap and the church was consecrated on 9. September 1894. Its dedication, led by the Bishop of Warmia Andreas Thiel, was held on 25. June 1895. The church was dedicated to Saint Leo the Great and Saint Boniface. Catholic services were delivered by the priest from Gołdap to other places, including Darkiejmy (currently Oziorsk) and Węgorzewo (since 1900). In 1890 738 Catholics were covered by the Gołdap pastoral service, and in 1938 there was 650 of them. The authorities of the diocese and church organizations (like the Boniface and Adalbert Association in Frombork) participated in financing priests in Gołdap.Pozycja Inspiracje tradycji chrześcijańskiej duchowości w praktyce kierownictwa duchowego wolontariuszaSawicki, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum, 2013)The leading purpose of the spiritual guidance is to deliver a necessary assistance in achieving the sainthood which means the perfection of love. The role of a spiritual director (guide) can be summarized as helping Holy Spirit to form Christ within each member of “Caritas” groups. A spiritual threat, which all volunteers of “Caritas” are exposed to, is an excessive activism which often makes volunteers forget to pray and proceed their spiritual lives. A spiritual director is supposed to control the activeness of a volunteer and make sure that an appropriate balance is maintained. To do volunteering is a chance for the youth to live their lives in a truly Christian way, full of love and care for others. The vocation and mission of volunteers, imbued with the spirit of the Gospel of love, play a special role in building the civilization of love in the modern world.