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Pozycja Osobowościowe uwarunkowania poczucia własnej godności osób w okresie późnej dorosłości. Analiza badań własnychBrudek, Paweł; Steuden, Stanisława (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)The aim of research. The results of the research carried out by the Author were presented in this article. People (N=315) in late adulthood (60-75 years old) took part in the research. Its primary goal was to identify the personal predictors of sense of self-dignity. Methods. Two psychological methods were applied in the discussed project, such as: (l) Questionnaire of Sense of Self-Dignity (QSSD-3); (2) NEO-Five Factor Inventory. Results. The analyzes revealed that among the distinguished psychological variables, the role of the predictor of sense of self-dignity in late adulthood is fulfilled by the Agreeableness, Conscientiousness and Extraversion. Conclusions. The findings obtained in the research may be a significant back-up for psychologists and social workers while defining ways of aid efforts taken towards elderly people having problems with the overall and adequate sense of self-dignity assessment.Pozycja Dasein – in Beziehung treten – Gott zur Sprache bringen. Seelsorge im Senioren- und Pflegeheim Haus St. Josef am Inn, InnsbruckGeisler, Andreas (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)The dignity of human beings in old age determines pastoral care in retirem ent homes. Christian pastoral care considers men and women in their relationship to God, to their fellow human beings, to their environment and to themselves. In these relationships dignity is unconditionally attributed to every person. It is therefore fundamental for every pastor and pastoral caregiver to be rooted in this faith and to experience it in concrete practice as a meaningful and reliable foundation. Pastoral care in a retirement home is a healing one and puts the whole person at the centre. The pastoral caregivers at the retirement home “St. Josef am Inn” in Innsbruck, Austria, understand themselves as bridge builders between the elderly home residents, their relatives, and the staff of the home. They emphasize the concrete moment of authentic encounter and offer themselves as conversation partners. It is important to appreciate each individual’s life-story, avoiding premature judgements. Furthermore, they look at spiritual sources together with the elderly people. Their spiritual needs are taken seriously and spiritual accompaniment is offered in form of conversation, prayer, divine services, sacraments, and consoling rites. Pastoral care as integral accompaniment means also to assist a person at the end of their life. Elderly home residents should feel protected, carried, and loved in the process of dying. Pastoral care in retirement homes, finally, has to take care also of the different professional groups who work there, always considering joys and distress, needs and possible overload of the employees. Summarizing, pastoral care in retirement homes stands up for friendly atmosphere, Christians values and good interpersonal relationships. It is an indispensable contributor to a high quality of care in senior-citizens homes.Pozycja Działalność księdza Wacława Blizińskiego na rzecz rodziny i kobietMarszałek-Trzebińska, Żaneta (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Ksiądz Wacław Bliziński, proboszcz z Liskowa, poprzez podejmowane różnorodne inicjatywy stworzył wzorowy model wsi polskiej początku XX wieku. Uczestniczył on w wielu ważnych wydarzeniach lokalnych, krajowych i międzynarodowych. Celem nadrzędnym było dla niego dobro drugiego człowieka, w tym troska o godne życie rodzin i kobiet. W artykule wskazane zostały przykłady podejmowanych przez niego inicjatyw: etapy budowania więzi z rodzinami w parafii, działalność oświatowa na rzecz rozwoju rodzin wiejskich, inicjatywy społeczne na rzecz rodzin i kobiet oraz działalność polityczna.Pozycja Review: Vancáková Soňa, You drive me crazy! Parents and raising children with ADHDŠul’ová, Michaela (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Pozycja Konieczność czy wybór – w stronę edukacyjnego społeczeństwa osób starszychDuda, Małgorzata (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Starzejące się społeczeństwa krajów wysokorozwiniętych stanowią dla polityk państwowych nie lada wyzwanie. Jednocześnie, przy spadającej liczbie urodzeń wzrosło zagrożenie ujemnego przyrostu naturalnego. Pojawiają się trudności braku siły roboczej na rynku pracy. Te i inne wskaźniki pozwalają stwierdzić, iż społeczeństwo będzie potrzebowało swoich seniorów w przestrzeni publicznej. Wydłużający się wiek życia zmienia sposób postrzegania osób starszych jako niezastąpiony rezerwuar zasobów doświadczonych fachowców. Nakłada to na społeczeństwo obowiązek prowadzenia działań promocyjnych w kierunku polityki rodzinnej, w tym senioralnej. Jednocześnie same osoby starsze potrzebują, dostosowanej do ich potrzeb, przestrzeni permanentnej edukacji. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia sytuację osób starszych, zwłaszcza ich możliwości w przestrzeni aktywności edukacyjnej w sytuacji przejścia na emeryturę. Próbuje pokazać, w jaki sposób wymóg edukacji nieformalnej i pozaformalnej staje się obowiązkiem, a jak dalece jest postrzegany przez osoby starsze jako przym us zewnętrzny.Pozycja Pedagogika i duchowość starszego wiekuKochel, Jan (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)The article is an attempt to organically grasp gerontological pedagogy and spirituality - upbringing in the perspective of old age. Pedagogy of the last part of human life is one of the youngest disciplines of general pedagogy. We are currently witnessing its dynamic growth connected with global demographic changes, the development of medicine and constant extension of life-span, a result of which is the positive perception of the issue of old age and an urgent need for professional medical care but also appropriate organic gerontology. This is because what determines the value of life is not one’s age but rather whether it was well lived and developed wisely and beautifully. What is crucial is the final result (aim/end) of a complex process of teaching and upbringing of a human being. The declaration of Christian upbringing sees a man not only in the social-cultural but also in the transcendent perspective (Declaration on Christian Education l). The text points out the ancient and biblical sources of pedagogy and spirituality of “the autumn of life”, targets and tasks of this type of education, especially in the perspective of the final destination and present gerontogogical propositions.Pozycja Teacher of Education for Family Life as an innovator in the reformed systemZellma, Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)The analyses performed for this paper focused – among other things – on legal regulations concerning creative activities of a teacher-innovator and on various solutions in the area of curricula, methodology and organisational matters in regard to teaching, education and care at the new school. Pedagogical innovations implemented in everyday educational work involve, for example, replacing one methodological or organisational solution with another, expanding syllabuses and methodological solutions and enhancing the effectiveness of teaching and educational activities. These innovations help a teacher of education for family life to reinforce student creativity, develop an active attitude in students and prepare them for responsible participation in social life. Teachers’ of education for family life commitment, their creativity in thinking and actions and their thoughtfulness and professionalism are of great importance.Pozycja Altern und SinnsucheGeiszelhardt, Sára; Kovács, Gusztáv (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Ageing and death manifest themselves in contemporary culture as part of negative side of life. Despite all attempts to dissolve them they appear as inevitable and fateful. What can we do with ageing when it is part of our fate? Is it possible to integrate the knowledge and experience of ageing and death in our lives, even if they turn out to be alienating and remind us constantly of the finiteness of life? What position should we take in relation to the fact of our inevitable death if we want nevertheless say yes to life (Frankl)? The article finds the answer in the concept of ataraxia, a virtue which needs to be nurtured all through our lives.Pozycja Social death in seniorsHoranska, Valeria; Lizakova, Lubomira (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Dying and death are parts of the life and are unique and personal to everyone. People are afraid of death, often due the fear of the unknown, suffering and loss of the quality of life. Death as such is affecting seniors most, which is, of course; relating to the life cycle. With ageing people are clearly aware of the irreversibility of this cycle and especially in cases, when decreasing of quality of their lives is linked with hospitalization or other forms of social care, which are requiring them to leave their home and social environment. Palliative care is applied in the terminal stages of the disease in present time and the process of dying is an integral part of nursing care. Seniors assess life via the quality of life. This quality of life is judged on its own values, which are in different order for everyone: health, social networking, free time activities or financial situation. Hospitalization of the senior often leads to social isolation, which in m any cases ends with social death, and it usually comes much earlier than biological death. The aim of the paper is to draw the attention of the professional and general public to the phenomenon of social isolation and social death of seniors, which in our society, and not only in Slovakia, is beginning to emerge as a more and more current issue.Pozycja Gedanken zur Säkularisierung und Rechristianisierung eines Altenwohnheimes. Ein Erfahrungsbericht unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung des Stellenwerts der SeelsorgeJuranek, Christian (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Pozycja „Die Zeit unseres Lebens währt siebzig Jahre, wenn es hochkommt, achtzig. Das beste daran ist nur Mühsal und Verhängnis“ (Ps 90,10). Das Alter in der Bibel – Segen oder Fluch?Fistill, Ulrich (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Since the Bible is not a systematical work, it is not easy to answer the question of how ageing is viewed by biblical texts unambiguously. One of the reasons is the perception of ageing in biblical times. Generally old people were appreciated for their life experience and wisdom; they should be respected accordingly. Old age was also seen as a reward for a godly life. This also explains why particularly important figures in the history of salvation and models of faith were “awarded” with old age. However, the Bible also knows the grievances and the burdens of old age, so that old people are dependent on the help of others. Nevertheless, the Bible never views ageing as a “curse”. Rather, the Bible seems to put more emphasis on those exemplary and, in this sense, (probably idealized) cases in which age is accentuated as the grace of God.Pozycja Diskriminierung von Senioren – Fakten über und Wege für das würdige alternMorciniec, Piotr (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Current century is often presented as the age of aging. Disproportionate increase in the group of old people, to almost a quarter of the population, carries with it not only the pride of the achievements of medicine prolonging life, but also the negative social trends. Progressing processes, which have already been identified as „intergenerational desolidarisation”, are also reflected in very negative phenomena, among which the discrimination against elderly people becomes more important. The negative attitudes based on stereotypes and prejudices towards the oldest part of society arouse anxiety and demand the search for ways out. In this study, based on the analysis of Polish-language professional literature, attempts were made to sort out the reasons and contexts of such negative references to seniors, highlighting the most important discriminatory areas, and finally trying to find the possible ways out from the situation of social inequity experienced by elderly people. The message of the text remains positive, since there is a need to look for new ways of solidarity and intergenerational dialogue, bearing in mind that the priority task is to strengthen a strong family, which remains the most proven support for the dignity of the most vulnerable people to whom seniors undoubtedly belong.Pozycja Best practice in caring for dementia patients, in an institutional setting, with a family therapy approachSzücs, Attila András; Németh, Orsolya (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Pozycja Pastoral guidance for cohabiting couples – suggestions for the current Polish contextUkleja, Agnieszka Anna (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Premarital cohabitation in Poland, although still not as widespread and common as in many western countries, is becoming an attractive form of being in an intimate relationship for a growing number of young adults. This state of things – in spite of the recent, more welcoming attitude towards cohabiting couples introduced by Francis – is not fully recognised by the Polish Episcopate. The Church in Poland had to wait over two years to receive a general guideline for the application of Amoris Laetitia. Also, until now the Polish bishops have not been able to propose any systematic marriage preparation program (MP) or working document – which would offer principles on how to deal pastorally with cohabiting couples. In this article I specifically concentrate on the newest empirical research regarding the quality of cohabiting unions (prior to and after they transit to marriages) as well as on the new orientation towards those living in irregular situations introduced by Francis. Based on these two perspectives, I make several suggestions on how to deal with the Polish cohabiting couples in the context of marriage preparation in a pastorally sensitive and at the same time effective and realistic manner.Pozycja Faza pustego gniazda jako wyzwanie dla duszpasterstwa rodzinGajda, Tomasz (Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2018)Pope Francis, writing in the post-synod exhortation Amoris Laetitia on the subject of family difficulties, saw as one of the most important tasks for the Church to accompany spouses in crises, including those who experience the phase of an empty nest (Francis 2016, 235). This stage, distinguished by E. Duvall and other psychologists as a stage in the development of family life, starts at the moment when children leave the family home and undergo the process of separation from parents and full self-empowerment. The stage of an empty nest can be a difficult challenge for the marital relationship and individual well-being of the spouses. This involves a dramatic change in the role of parents and the reorganization of married life. Couples must at this stage learn a new style of living together, sharing and cooperating and rediscover each other. Therefore, it is also a considerable challenge and mission for the pastoral care of the Church towards marriages that are experiencing this stage. Accompanying the ecclesial community, which takes place through the pastoral care of the bond, cannot omit such an important space of family life. Therefore, the article aims to characterize the empty nest phase, highlight the most important factors supporting and hindering the experience of this stage, and attempt to formulate tasks for the pastoral care of families in the context of the papal document on family love Amoris Laetitia.