Roczniki Teologiczne, 2020, T. 67, nr 9
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Przeglądaj Roczniki Teologiczne, 2020, T. 67, nr 9 wg Temat "beginnings of the Church"
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Pozycja Reinterpretacja integralnego powstawania i rozwoju Kościoła. Niektóre aspekty trynitarnej i antropologicznej eklezjogenezyNapiórkowski, Andrzej A. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2020)By advocating a dynamic concept of the Church, the author deviates from the position that Jesus directly and openly founded the Church. He even puts forward a thesis: this was not the main motive of His earthly activity. In his argumentation, he presents the divine-human community, whose shape depends both, on God's mercy, as well as on human freedom. Jesus, in fact, does not so much establish the institutional and charismatic community but, above all, does the will of his Father “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me” (Jn 4:34). The departure from christomonism in ecclesiology results in the appreciation of trinitology, eschatology, pneumatology, anthropology, mariology and the intensification of missionary and ecumenical aspirations.