Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2024, R. 32, Nr 1
Stały URI dla kolekcjihttps://theo-logos.pl/handle/123456789/24717
Przeglądaj Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2024, R. 32, Nr 1 wg Temat "Biblia"
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Pozycja Benedict XVI’s Legacy to YouthBerry, John Anthony (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)This article aims to explore the enduring legacy of Pope Benedict XVI in the context of World Youth Days through an analysis of five profound “invitations” he extended to young people. This article begins with an examination of how the Pontiff recognized the Church’s genuine “aliveness” and “youthfulness” in the Lord. It then looks at how he implored young individuals to manifest God’s presence, particularly in challenging circumstances or in places where faith might appear to be absent. The article goes on to discuss how the Pope encouraged the youth to respond to this call by opening their hearts to Christ, dispelling fear, and embracing Christian hope. In essence, young people were motivated to engage in active listening, prioritize moments of silence, make courageous resolute decisions, experience joy, and maintain trust. This article concludes with a demonstration of how these five “invitations” continue to serve as a perpetual reminder for younger generations to immerse themselves in the Word of God, seek contemplative moments, be willing to take calculated risks, nurture enduring happiness, and live with hope. Pope Benedict XVI’s legacy remains a poignant reminder and challenge for the youth as they strive to attain authenticity in their identity and professed faith. Though the Pontiff passed away in 2022, his teachings persist in inspiring and guiding young individuals as they cultivate a hopeful faith and find unwavering support within the Church to become joyful witnesses to Christ in the world. The author intends to shed light on the enduring significance of these teachings and their continued impact on the younger generations.Pozycja Credo in Patrem: Paterological Elements in the Teaching of Benedict XVISosnowski, Aleksander (Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu, 2024)The aim of this article is to present the paterological elements in the teaching of Benedict XVI. These elements appear as relevant when the Pope discusses other truths of faith. Thus, the papal teaching on God the Father presents Him in nexus mysteriorum of the truths of faith. The article consists of three parts, which correspond to the historical periods in which the truth about God the Father was gradually revealed. The first part discusses the concept of God’s “fatherhood,” which, based on human experience, recognises God as the origin and source of all existence. Additionally, the care and goodness of God towards human beings in the Old Testament proves God’s qualities of a father, and thus the universal brotherhood of all human beings and the necessity of caring for creation as a gift originating in God’s love. The second part of the article reveals the fullness of the revelation about God the Father made in his Son, Jesus Christ. God not only can be called Father, but is indeed Father. The life and teaching of the incarnate Son remained in constant reference to the Father, a fulfilment of his will, and the particular event that revealed this truth to the apostles was the prayer of Jesus. Christology, then, as the Pope makes clear, is the necessary hermeneutical key to paterology. The last part of the article discusses the sanctification of people in baptism. Through this sacrament, people become sons and daughters of the Father in the only-begotten Son and, like Jesus, can address God with the word “Abba.” The mystery of God the Father impels us to discover the other as a brother and to take concrete actions through which, already here on earth, the brotherhood of Christians is made a reality.